"New Horizons" at Epcot


Active Member
MJL said:
WOL I believe is finally down for the count.

What better way to have Epcot reborn than to bring back Horizons in the WOL space !!

Disney could call it "New Horizons" (reminiscent of the 1939 Worlds fair pavillion) and use the same story line as the old Horizons, just updated in technology.

Does anything think their is a more "missed" attraction at WDW than Horizons? I dont think so personally.

Bring back Epcot to its former glory. I understand the need for attractions that give people a quick fix/instant gratification like TT, Soarin, and MS. I have no problem with keep those in tact, but why not bring back a little bit of what inspired Epcot in the first place??? Right now the park has very little in the way of a theme .. the theme is all over the place. What is still "Future" about future world other than SSE and maybe the Land?

Shouldn't this be in the Imagineering section? :veryconfu

Anyways, I think that as much as we all want Horizons back, it isn't happening in any form more than a tribute in the middle of Mission:Space (Already happened).


jedimaster1227 said:
Anyways, I think that as much as we all want Horizons back, it isn't happening in any form more than a tribute in the middle of Mission:Space (Already happened).
Which I love seeing every time.


Well-Known Member
jedimaster1227 said:
Anyways, I think that as much as we all want Horizons back

Wow, speak for yourself and a few crazy others... Not all of us want Horizons back... Don't speak ex cathedra out of your belly-button, you, and the folks who want Dreamfinder/Horizons/World of Motion/Mr. Toads/Old Enchanted Tiki Room back do not represent even a tiny fraction of the guests that visit Walt Disney World...
And to top it all off, new guests want new experiences, Disney has to appeal to people who are on the fence about whether or not to make that first magical trip to Walt Disney World, not to the disgruntled person who has been there so often they don't realize the happiness all around them...
Not only are folks like you a lost cause(sorry to say, your disgruntledness comes from the jealousy revolving around, and the plain and simple fact that you do not run the place), but nothing Disney will ever do will ever make you happy again, because you have to find it in yourself.
Hoo-ray for Disney for trying to bring new people to its parks. Hoo-ray for having the foresight to realize that change is not only good, but necessary. Hoo-ray for not pandering to the whims of nuts who would turn places of innovation for the masses into museums for personal enjoyment.
Sorry to reveal this little tidbit of information to you, but perspective is needed. Find your happiness in the parks, bitterness and jealousy are unbecoming. Realize that Disney is a business, and their product is magic. Disney appeals to me, because it makes me happy... Not only because I experience the magic for myself, but because every time I go there I see thousands of smiling faces, who are not wondering where a creepy bearded guy is, who are not wondering whether or not the Carousel or Progress will be there next year, who are not hindered by the nostalgic, gold-trimmed memories of an attraction far past its prime... Instead, they see new discoveries, the world around them, and enter a place of yesterday, tomorrow, and fantasy.


New Member
jedimaster1227 said:
Anyways, I think that as much as we all want Horizons back, it isn't happening in any form more than a tribute in the middle of Mission:Space (Already happened).

I've ridden m:s many time and have never seen the tribute. can u tell me were it is?

Crazy Harry

Active Member
Pongo said:
They closed it for a reason.

Ironic how people want a ride based on progress to be recreated because it has such a "great" message.

Yeah. That's progress, alright :rolleyes:

So you think a ride that breaks down 3-4 times a day and emulates driving of all things is progress, or the 100 million dollar spinny ride that kills people and is essentially a walk on, or a ride that is called imagination although lacks it.

People like to pick on the traditionalists but fail to remember that new is not nessisarily better, it's just new.

I've seen Pirates on busy days with no line, let's tear that down and put something more thrilling


New Member
Crazy Harry said:
or the 100 million dollar spinny ride that kills people...

wow. can of worms, pandoras box, just opened.

youre living up to your name there, harry.

im sure someone else will destroy you for such an awful and simply false statement, so i will leave you alone....



New Member
I still think WOL is a good theme for Epcot. I am particularly fond of Cranium Command. I just believe Disney should help whatever company wants to sponsor a rehab because they let the pavilion slide. :( Maybe Disney can do one new show or C ride w/o charge and let the new sponsor do the rest.


Well-Known Member
Crazy Harry said:
So you think a ride that breaks down 3-4 times a day and emulates driving of all things is progress, or the 100 million dollar spinny ride that kills people and is essentially a walk on, or a ride that is called imagination although lacks it.

People like to pick on the traditionalists but fail to remember that new is not nessisarily better, it's just new.

I've seen Pirates on busy days with no line, let's tear that down and put something more thrilling

I couldn't agree with you more. Though there's alot of great new stuff, it's possible to have better old stuff.

and to Enderikari, I'm able to walk into WDW every year with a smile on my face, but that doesn't mean i don't want a favorite(COP) to close. No one does. I just don't understand why they don't move COP to Epcot. It would make more sense there.


New Member
Crazy Harry said:
So you think a ride that breaks down 3-4 times a day and emulates driving of all things is progress, or the 100 million dollar spinny ride that kills people and is essentially a walk on, or a ride that is called imagination although lacks it.

Test Track is progress. The ride technology was extremely innovative for its time. It is that extremely innovative technology that CAUSES the breakdowns. Again, Mission: Space was an innovative ride with brand new technology, which is why it cost 100 million dollars. It is also about the progress of the human race into regions we have never reached before (Mars), much like Horizons was (with the different places to live: space, sea, etc.). The reason for IMAG's re-imagineering in the late 90's has been discussed in NUMEROUS threads. Bringing it up adds nothing to your argument since it has nothing to do with progress or a lack thereof.

Also bringing up the deaths on M:S was not only uncalled for, but extremely disrespectful.

Crazy Harry said:
People like to pick on the traditionalists but fail to remember that new is not nessisarily better, it's just new.

You're right there, but new usually means innovative. You're saying that TT and M:S were new but not better, however, the technology for both was innovative, which is better in my book.

Not to mention that both helped to revive a dying EPCOT Center and bring into the successful EPCOT of today. Remember when everyone thought Epcot was "boring"? Yeah, guess why.

Crazy Harry said:
I've seen Pirates on busy days with no line, let's tear that down and put something more thrilling

Have you been living under a rock for the last five months? They JUST added new effects to make it a more appealing ride. And guess what? It worked.


Well-Known Member
Scar Junior said:
- Semantics... They closed it, it closed = same thing. I don't think we know whether or not they wanted to close it. And who 'they' are.

"They" are Disney...

And I'm not an EPCOT old schooler, i was just bringing up how the idea of a "new horizons" was KIND OF realistic. EPCOT is my favorite park now, and it has been for the past 6 or 7 years. Not 10 years ago, when they had Horizons and WoM, so I'm totally for the new rides and technology. You misunderstood my post above, Scar Junior. It's all good though, no worries.

Hakuna Matata :wave:


Well-Known Member
Enderikari said:
Sorry to reveal this little tidbit of information to you, but perspective is needed. Find your happiness in the parks, bitterness and jealousy are unbecoming. Realize that Disney is a business, and their product is magic. Disney appeals to me, because it makes me happy... Not only because I experience the magic for myself, but because every time I go there I see thousands of smiling faces, who are not wondering where a creepy bearded guy is, who are not wondering whether or not the Carousel or Progress will be there next year, who are not hindered by the nostalgic, gold-trimmed memories of an attraction far past its prime... Instead, they see new discoveries, the world around them, and enter a place of yesterday, tomorrow, and fantasy.

I couldn't agree more with your post and the quoted section above is exactly on point. I think some need to realize the truth in your post and understand that the parks are not just about their view of the past. It's about a bright future and that requires continually striving to build new and exciting attractions for everyone.


New Member
Original Poster
Enderikari said:
Wow, speak for yourself and a few crazy others... Not all of us want Horizons back... Don't speak ex cathedra out of your belly-button, you, and the folks who want Dreamfinder/Horizons/World of Motion/Mr. Toads/Old Enchanted Tiki Room back do not represent even a tiny fraction of the guests that visit Walt Disney World...
And to top it all off, new guests want new experiences, Disney has to appeal to people who are on the fence about whether or not to make that first magical trip to Walt Disney World, not to the disgruntled person who has been there so often they don't realize the happiness all around them...
Not only are folks like you a lost cause(sorry to say, your disgruntledness comes from the jealousy revolving around, and the plain and simple fact that you do not run the place), but nothing Disney will ever do will ever make you happy again, because you have to find it in yourself.
Hoo-ray for Disney for trying to bring new people to its parks. Hoo-ray for having the foresight to realize that change is not only good, but necessary. Hoo-ray for not pandering to the whims of nuts who would turn places of innovation for the masses into museums for personal enjoyment.
Sorry to reveal this little tidbit of information to you, but perspective is needed. Find your happiness in the parks, bitterness and jealousy are unbecoming. Realize that Disney is a business, and their product is magic. Disney appeals to me, because it makes me happy... Not only because I experience the magic for myself, but because every time I go there I see thousands of smiling faces, who are not wondering where a creepy bearded guy is, who are not wondering whether or not the Carousel or Progress will be there next year, who are not hindered by the nostalgic, gold-trimmed memories of an attraction far past its prime... Instead, they see new discoveries, the world around them, and enter a place of yesterday, tomorrow, and fantasy.

Wow ... after reading this post I might be the one to call you bitter and disgruntled.

The attraction may have been far past it prime, but the point of the OP was to update the attraction with new technology and experience while keeping the overall message.

If you would rather do "twirlies" on Mission Space no one can fault you for what turns you on. But the fact is that Epcot has been "dumbed down"; the means that may have inspired people of all ages to pursue building a better and inspired future have been stripped out. Unless your idea of inspiration is Test Track to inspire you to be a test dummy, or going on Mission Space inspiring you to be an astronaut because you get to feel G forces.

Heck , the technology of those rides are AWESOME .. .just a shame they couldnt think of something to inspire people to take those experiences and inspire them to do something. Thats the whole point of the "Worlds fair" theme that Epcot had when first built.


Active Member
Enderikari said:
Wow, speak for yourself and a few crazy others... Not all of us want Horizons back... Don't speak ex cathedra out of your belly-button, you, and the folks who want Dreamfinder/Horizons/World of Motion/Mr. Toads/Old Enchanted Tiki Room back do not represent even a tiny fraction of the guests that visit Walt Disney World...
And to top it all off, new guests want new experiences, Disney has to appeal to people who are on the fence about whether or not to make that first magical trip to Walt Disney World, not to the disgruntled person who has been there so often they don't realize the happiness all around them...
Not only are folks like you a lost cause(sorry to say, your disgruntledness comes from the jealousy revolving around, and the plain and simple fact that you do not run the place), but nothing Disney will ever do will ever make you happy again, because you have to find it in yourself.
Hoo-ray for Disney for trying to bring new people to its parks. Hoo-ray for having the foresight to realize that change is not only good, but necessary. Hoo-ray for not pandering to the whims of nuts who would turn places of innovation for the masses into museums for personal enjoyment.
Sorry to reveal this little tidbit of information to you, but perspective is needed. Find your happiness in the parks, bitterness and jealousy are unbecoming. Realize that Disney is a business, and their product is magic. Disney appeals to me, because it makes me happy... Not only because I experience the magic for myself, but because every time I go there I see thousands of smiling faces, who are not wondering where a creepy bearded guy is, who are not wondering whether or not the Carousel or Progress will be there next year, who are not hindered by the nostalgic, gold-trimmed memories of an attraction far past its prime... Instead, they see new discoveries, the world around them, and enter a place of yesterday, tomorrow, and fantasy.

Wow! :eek: I thought by now you would have known me better. You took my message in the wrong way completely. I am not bitter or jealous in any way. Let me explain:

I am one of those people that visits Disney, enjoys the current offerings of the park and thinks about the old things that used to be there. I am one of those people that dreams of showing my kids the experiences that I had as a kid and being able to share from generation to generation. If that is a crime, then I guess I should be shot. :lol:

I've ridden m:s many time and have never seen the tribute. can u tell me were it is?

In the center of the gravity wheel in the queue of Mission:Space.

Also bringing up the deaths on M:S was not only uncalled for, but extremely disrespectful.

Agreed! Lets do the victims, the victims' families and the rest of the members on this board a favor by not mentioning this again.

I couldn't agree more with your post and the quoted section above is exactly on point. I think some need to realize the truth in your post and understand that the parks are not just about their view of the past. It's about a bright future and that requires continually striving to build new and exciting attractions for everyone.

Well, hello again Wannab@dis! :wave: I agree with you both on the idea that Horizons doesn't need to be brought back. It's time has come and passed. Horizons had become dated at the time of its end and that was fine. Mission:Space will be easy to be updated and that is fine. I admit, it isn't my favorite attraction, but it doesn't do Horizons any shame considering that it is once again, one of the most popular pavilions in Future World. Horizons can live on in our memories, just not in the form of a new ride.


Well-Known Member
Crazy Harry said:
So you think a ride that breaks down 3-4 times a day and emulates driving of all things is progress,

Test Track is not meant to emulate driving. If thats what you got out of the ride then you seriously need to ride it again.

Crazy Harry said:
or the 100 million dollar spinny ride that kills people and is essentially a walk on,

M:S has not killed a single person. You saying so is disrespectful, ignorant, and could be considered libel.

Crazy Harry said:
People like to pick on the traditionalists but fail to remember that new is not nessisarily better, it's just new.

Nobody said that new is always better.


Active Member
haveyoumetmark said:
They didn't want to close it, they needed to because:
If they needed to, especially under these conditions, you can be sure they wanted it gone. Remove the problem attraction, and you've removed the problem.

Makes sense to moi... et toi?


Active Member
MJL said:
What like spending $200 million on Mission Space?? Are you going to tell me this was a success??
Uh... yes. Not the massive success as planned... but for the most part, it's the best the could hope for, considering...
MJL said:
I think Epcot has come too far in departing from its original message ... if it means creating new experiences instead of rehashing old ones fine .. but keep the original goal - to educate, to entertain. And if they are gonna continue to call it Future World, make it Future World in theme....
Edutainment doesn't work... I think we learned that.
Most of the American general public is comprised of idiots!


Well-Known Member
Connor002 said:
If they needed to, especially under these conditions, you can be sure they wanted it gone. Remove the problem attraction, and you've removed the problem.

Makes sense to moi... et toi?

lol. Oui, tout à fait.


Active Member
Crazy Harry said:
So you think a ride that breaks down 3-4 times a day and emulates driving of all things is progress, or the 100 million dollar spinny ride that kills people and is essentially a walk on, or a ride that is called imagination although lacks it.
I don't consider it "emulating" driving... and even if it was, well, why argue with it? It's more successful that Horizons, Body Wars, or the past Living Seas ever were.

People like to pick on the traditionalists but fail to remember that new is not nessisarily better, it's just new.
And just so, not all that is old is better.
Attractions become outdated, and people move on.
Some need to accept the change and continue, hoping for the best.
I've seen Pirates on busy days with no line, let's tear that down and put something more thrilling
No, that logic is flawed.
I think most of us support the removal of an attraction when there are numerous (one at least one major) need that must be addressed.


Active Member
Connor002 said:
Edutainment doesn't work... I think we learned that.
Most of the American general public is comprised of idiots!

Edutainment has never worked (take Schoolhouse Rock as an example of that).

The American general public is comprised of idiots?!? :confused:

I'm not so sure on that one, considering that Walt Disney and almost all of the Disney management are American.

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