I'm with Tim Tracker on this one (although granted, I'm in no position to judge the size of the buildings; maybe they're just too big!?) -- but especially if there's a similar structure to the side... they would seem to have the right footprint for Hagrid's hut. Obviously they'd have to add to or modify the existing structure to get the right roof line... and of course, for us uber-nerds, that places the timeline of the ride in or after the third film, because Hagrid's hut design and location changed after the first couple of movies, when filming of the hut took place on location in Scotland rather than on a soundstage... (Appropos of nothing, I did a tour with my family of Scotland last year, and we got to see -- or rather, look out our bus window at -- the exact location where the hut scenes were filmed, not far from Glencoe. It was really cool!)