Well-Known Member
I wish the CDS (cast deployment system--computer program that distributes breaks and assignments automatically) worked like that.:lol:
Sure enough if you love the princess room and hate the Judge's Tent, you will end up in the Judge's Tent. And if you hate the princess room and love the Pal's room, you will end up with the Princesses. At least it seems that way.:brick:
Yeah, I know what you mean. I always seemed to get Pooh's Playground and Toontown, and hardly anything at MGM.
I dont know. But she said that this year was her first year using the "new" computer system and it required more typing and if there was a long akward pause that that's what she was doing. I've heard this "notes" thing from both the recruiter, interviewer and campus rep...? In fact tonight the recruiter gave me her card and said once I get my letter, if its transportation, to email her and she'd see that it I get put into Monorail. I'm not saying its 100% but I've definitely made some good connections with the people who seem to have a say in where people go.
That's great!