The omnimover concept basically consists of
- linked 'trucks' in a continuous loop
- the 'seat' can be pivoted by the track to control line of sight and maintain its position over inclines/declines
- driven by the shared drive system
- the automated restraints
- automated loading
Is the first one "linked 'trucks' in a continuous loop" how they all work?
I always thought there was some chain drive mechanism underneath that all the ride vehicles were connected to. I wouldn't have thought that they were all strong enough to push/pull on each other directly. I guess you learn something new everyday after all.
The rest could be argued are true for a gondola.
- the gondola rotates through the station (in the sense that it changes orientation, the whole thing moves not just part of it, perhaps a stretch).
- the bull wheel drives the entire system, completely shared. I forget if in this implementation the station drive wheels are driven from the main line or are independent electric. That would make a difference for the sharing. They're clearly still coupled in operation, since one can't move without the other or issues occur.
- the door restrains you from getting out, and they are automated for open can close.
- Is automated loading, just loading while it's moving or something else?
Not on this list is that all vehicles move at once in unison or none move at all. While definitely true for an omnimovier, it's only mostly true for the gondola. In practical consideration, either the gondola and station cars all move in unison or not at all, but technically, if the line stops at the exact moment a car is detaching or reattaching, it would finish it's run from wire to station wheel or station to wire before stopping, not instant. It'll also be easier to remove and replace a single gondola than a single car on an omnimover (probably because of the way the trucks are linked).