There is no need for the gondola lift to be that high or use that many towers so close to each other. The gondolas do not need to be any higher than the current monorail.
Besides, Paris is likely getting a lift system soon.
I'm not sure what exact model Martin had in mind. It could be a smaller model of the one posted, or, one with less occupancy because they don't have middle benches so as to accommodate personal vehicles.
It's unlikely a lightning strike would take out a gondola lift except temporarily. The system is very mechanical. If the electronic controls are fried, then the back up generators can be fired up and the system goes on manual control until everyone is off.
Part of the permit which spilled the beans includes a gravel roadway through the swamp/wetland right underneath the path of the gondolas. This would allow an evac vehicle to get underneath any stranded gondola. The height of the gondola doesn't have to be any higher than the monorail. There is no need for any special evac vehicle other than the ones they already have.
There's a video in this thread of someone in a wheelchair easily entering a gondola.
ECVs, wheelchairs, and strollers are a non-issue.