I read the "stuck for :45" post. A person who has height issues and prone to panic riding the gondola is asking for trouble. I would also go as far as they are putting other lives in danger as they are more likely to require the use of emergency services in a non emergency situation. Hitting the emergency button after a 5 minute stop is unacceptable. This is like going into the ocean when you can barely swim in a pool, and you know it. Then you put others at risk when you need to be saved. People who put themselves into this type of situation should not have pages of comments with sympathy and apologizes. You know you have issues, there were buses, Minnie vans, taxis, and cars to use instead of the skyline. I have been in more than a few very scary situations on and under the water, some were caused by people who do not follow the rules, read the signs, know they panic easily and still got in the water anyway. Then back on the boat, I have to explain, without using the word "stupid", just how stupid what they did was.
Getting on the gondola, when you know you have an issue, is stupid. It is not a mistake or a risk, the issue is known. If you have a mild seafood allergy, but still order the fish and get sick, you were stupid.