New Executive Structure?


Well-Known Member
Come guys, it sounds like he's 12.

"There is an Easter Bunny, too! And that's final!"

Well he's certainly certain of the things he says:

That's just cruel and pushing it.

And they are not selling off the parks and that's final!
No way! The Bay Lake Tower is awesome!

And it does not clash with the classic Contemporary building.
Because it's not happening, that's why.

I'm guessing Black & White are popular colors in that household. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I hope no one finds this XS-ive... ;)


Profit is simply a byproduct we've learned to live with.

You see...there was once an amazing attraction called "The ExtraTerrorestrial Alien Encounter"...:D

Amazing may be a bit generous... substantially better than it's replacement - of course.


Well-Known Member
Has anybody else heard any other rumblings? I haven't heard a peep anywhere.

Well, you probably haven't heard a peep for a reason. Over at micechat, some people have learned from their insiders that the sale rumor is bogus. So, more than likely it is a rumor that just caught on. Given everything that seemed to happen at once though, you can see how it would. Between Iger (and apparently the Board) being at WDW, the new executive structuring, etc., you can see how a rumor like this could take off and appear to have legs...


Well-Known Member
Nah...I'll stick with amazing. And I'll add unique, original and sorely missed.

I loved Alien Encounter. Far more creative and agressive then most everything that came after. It was a victim of the cattle. It was unlike anything else and the dumb herd mentaility of the typical guest caused it to be scoffed and hated. Complaints rolled in because 5' tall warning signs just weren't enough.

In the end it was a victim of being in the wrong park. MK requires family oriented watered down attractions. If it was built in hollywood studios over by Star Tours I believe it would still be there today.

Few attractions can match the scene writing that AE had. One of the most clever and quoteable preshows along with compelling unique characters.

I think Tomorrowland was far more interesting in 1995 and I miss that attraction.


New Member
Nah...I'll stick with amazing. And I'll add unique, original and sorely missed.

AE was truly amazing. I'll never forget when the lights went out and the alien began breathing down our necks and ate the woman to my left. She screamed right on cue, and I was sold.

Captain Neo

Well-Known Member
Did you hear this news on late night AM radio?

no i dont mean like a conspiracy im talking about the building itself. From what I understand at one point the japenese owned the building and were leasing it out. I think it was during the 90s recession. I'm trying to find evidence of this but its hard. If I find something i will post it.

edit: hmm I guess not. I must be thinking of another big landmark


Well-Known Member
I have heard that if the buyout does go through that there would be no more WDI. My question is why? I mean, I know it's too early to tell but wouldn't any new company need people to be able to generate ideas and create stuff too?
I doubt it would be entirely dissolved, just shrunk down to a few project managers that would hire outside firms like the way Universal Creative operates. This is an idea that has been seriously considered a few times in the past. A lot more of Shanghai Disney Resort is being outsourced and while the official line is that it is due to the distance to Shanghai from the traditional themed entertainment hubs, many fear it is a real world test of the Universal Creative model. Shanghai just hosted a World Expo in which many from the themed entertainment industry were involved.

Why get rid of the traditional model of Walt Disney Imagineering? Because that would be cheaper and Universal Creative has shown it can work.

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