New Concept Art


Premium Member
New renderings are up on Save Pleasure Island:

I cannot put into words how much I hate the architectural style of this place. It looks generic and cheap. Part mediterranean/part spanish/part California. Whatever look they are going for, it just does't work at all IMO.

One of these is Disney Springs, can you tell the difference? ;)




Well-Known Member
One of these is Disney Springs, can you tell the difference? ;)


cant wait till that canal gets cut for fear that people will fall into it while texting. just like the elevator got canceled for fear people would fall or drop things on people

this area looks way too much mall, and not very "townish" considering this area is suppose to be called "the town center"


Well-Known Member
One of these is Disney Springs, can you tell the difference? ;)



One of the illustrations, with the fountains/pools, palm trees and notably lackng the "street" appearance, very much resembles just another (outdoor) shopping mall. The other has an operating trolley car along a realistic street - one of those thematic touches that only Disney would do for a mere shopping complex.

Oh, wait... :facepalm:


Well-Known Member
I get it but everywhere else is fairly well themed. The intent is a mall. Maybe it will look better in person. I'm not saying I like the look either but it doesn't seem like that big of a deal. I guess I'm "settling" for lesser quality (which I'm not but again, it's a shopping mall). I guess I'm missing why it's so awful. I had zero expectations for what it would look like so when I saw the concept art it wasn't at all thrilling but it doesn't surprise me. I mean, they do a decent job on the parking garage but it's still not enough either. It's not a theme park, it's a shopping plaza. Downtown Disney in Anaheim isn't exactly that thrilling either (which is what I thought of when I saw the "art")


Well-Known Member
I get it but everywhere else is fairly well themed.

That's the big reason why the look of this latest concept art is so disappointing. If most everything else is well themed (for what it is, at least) then we naturally expect something better from the Town Center. This just looks too much like a run-of-the-mill shopping mall (without a roof); There is nothing special or out of the ordinary about it. The Landing and Marketplace are also just part of a shopping complex, but offer far more pleasant surroundings which are generally less typical of a shopping mall.

I mean, they do a decent job on the parking garage but it's still not enough either.

The parking garages are enough; They serve the purpose for which they were intended and aren't aesthetically eyesores or completely utilitarian. But we expect better than "adequate" from Disney, and again if you are going the extra mile with much of the rest of the development, then the garages (and Town Center) should receive the same treatment.

I guess I'm missing why it's so awful.

It is not awful. In fact, the concept art looks very nice and illustrates an appealing shopping environment - but one which is not fundamentally different or superior to those found in most major metropolitan areas around the nation. I've been rather pleased - and praised - most of what we've seen from Disney Springs so far. The garages could potentially have been more, arguably, but these illustrations of the Town Center section are potentially the first disappointment.


Well-Known Member
You explained that well and I totally see where you're coming from. In a way I suppose I contradicted myself when comparing it to the rest of Disney Springs I can see why it's a disappointment in the grand scheme of the project. I guess I just wasn't surprised it was nothing but a basic strip mall (which maybe I guess in that regard I should have expected more). Wasn't trying to jump on anyone but sometimes certain complaining comes off as complaining to complain (not saying you CDavid).

And they could have released some better concept "art". The art itself looks like anyone can do that in a computer program so it makes it even less impressive when looking at it. I just feel like the expectations were maybe too high for this. They WANT it to be a strip mall. If they wanted it themed and amazing I'm sure it would be. And that's not "rah rah Disney" or excusing them possibly taking an easier way out in terms of theming, but the goal was to do a strip mall LIKE the Outlets to keep the shoppers there. How many out of the US visitors do you read trip reports on who go to the outlets? Could they have made it "more impressive"? Sure I suppose. But it's a mall. Maybe the finished product will come off better looking. I've been more impressed with the rest of Disney Springs then I thought I would be so I'm hopeful that this looks better when done but I'm not that upset over what they're doing though.


Well-Known Member
In the past it would have been fully within Disney's abilities to build a mall that didn't look like a mall if they really wanted to. Main Street in MK is basically a mall, but it doesn't look like one. the past they built the Village Market, which looks like a mall from the 70s (and still does). Brown buildings, with shingle roofs. Rather uninspired if you ask me.

I find it a bit unfair to judge the project based off of very low quality computer graphics. Of course it looks cheap, there is no depth, no character to the drawing.


Well-Known Member
My issue is that it looks no different than any other outside shopping/entertainment venue. I used to go to DD to eat at RC - but once I went there last month and saw the updated menu - they removed wings and fajitas and the prices are ridiculous - I am good on eating there. And while World of Disney is nice - I can use my discount at the parks and get the same merchandise.

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