Well-Known Member
My take on this is slightly different. To me, WDW obviously does not want people standing in line for 60, 90 and 120 minutes etc., for one main reason: guest spending.
This, and Soarin', and wherever else they may be trying this, is all related to guests and their money. Why would Iger want guests standing in line for 1 to 2 hours for popular attractions when they could be out spending money in shops or a snack stand. And the more times that this occurs, the more it doesn't surprise me that these are popping up after MDE and FP+ has been implemented. Five hours in line for Anna and Elsa M&G? Silly! Why have them do that? You could hit several shops and have a high-priced meal in that time. Hell, you could even rent wave-racers in the lake and take a carriage ride at Fort Wilderness in that time. We now have these handy-dandy magic bands that help us spend in a more mindless fashion.
I can't argue that that is probably their thinking, but I imagine this will backfire spectacularly. The last thing I'd expect people will want to do is give Disney more money when they're refused the opportunity to line up for meals/attractions/whatever. It also doesn't help that virtually every store stocks the same merchandise. Having an extra hour or so to look in the stores doesn't matter when people have seen the same stuff time and again. I understand why they're doing this, but I don't think they've really thought it out all that well or that the folks pushing this are, in any way, aware of what it's like to be a regular person in the parks.