I just wanted to take this opportunity to comment that I absolutely *despise* some of the rudeness I see everywhere these days, but especially at WDW.
The sheer amount of people I see littering in WDW alone is bad enough (considering that there are what, like 9 billion trashcans in WDW?), and it's even worse when it's in the middle of an attraction (like one of the last times I rode Splash and here were numerous empty plastic soda bottles floating on the water - it is called a TRASH CAN people, and they are EVERYWHERE.) I once stood up in one of the theatres after a show (Muppets or Philharmagic, I think) and the people that had sat next to me stood up and abandoned ALL of their trash right there on the floor. I mean, I know there are CMs that are supposed to clean WDW, but COME ON. That is ridiculous!
The standing-up-on-rides is one of the worst, and even though I've seen people in all age groups doing it it's usually a teenager in a group of kids (and I say this as someone who was a teen not very long ago, so it's not like I'm so out of touch.) I just don't understand why anyone would want to potentially blow their entire park day, which they just spent like $60 admission on, just to *stand up during a ride*.
In any case, I'm glad/sad to see that WDW has taken more steps to keep people from doing such foolish stuff in the parks. I can only hope that people will get a little bit more respect and common sense in the future!
Sorry about venting, it's just a pet peeve of mine! Carry on, everyone!