Never in July at AS Music

:mad: :brick: When I tell yoy vacation from H___ I mean it. We were awake every night all night. We had 641 kids from Brazil in our building. They played soccer all night down in front of Broadway. Skinny dipping, running through the food court knocking people down. Screaming and yelling when they came back from the parks and buying egga God only knows where and having egg fights. From the time we checked 7/13 till the day we left 7/22 it was constant. We called security on our cell phone because our phone never worked in our room the whole time. Called about that and they finally had a guy come the last day and he couldn't fix it. Finally to top everything one night our room keys didn't work. We were locked out 45 minutes until engineering showed up. I went to the front desk after enough is enough and complained and do you know they just wanted to give me fast passes to the park. We told them no and we should get something better than that. They finally gave us 2 nights back on my credit card. They knew this when we checked in because other people already had complained. Can anyone top this.:cry:


Wow. I cannot top that and would not want to top that.You have my sympathy and I'm glad you complained while you were there.

You paid your money just like all those brats:fork: and you should not have had to put up with any of that garbage. From the things that I have read on this board I think I would have complained a lot more and a lot sooner. You must have a very high tolerance level.

I think at some point I would have said forget the front desk and just called the police. That would have gotten their attention for sure.

I wish you a better next trip. :rolleyes: :wave:
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New Member
Your experience was completely unacceptable! How could management NOT notice egg fights, skinny dipping and such like WITHOUT getting any complaints? I would recommend that you send some kind of letter/correspondence to Guest Relations and make them aware of this. Furthermore, they should not allow those people to ever come back. So trifling and ridiculous!!
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Well-Known Member
Wow - now they're staying on property! It used to be bad enough when they all stayed off-site, but now they must be at EMH and everything! :eek:

I'm so glad we don't go in July anymore!
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Well-Known Member
I can completely sympathize. Last year they were at the All-Star Movies. It was HORRIBLE!!! They were loud, would knock on random doors in the middle of the night, scream at all hours of the morning, roam through the shrubbery stumbling drunk. I could go on, but it just makes me mad again. We didn't complain, but in hindsight we should have. We vowed then and there to NEVER stay at a Value again because that is apparently where they stay. Not going in the summer is not an option for my husband and me because we are teachers. I hear they are not there in June. Is this true?
On a side note - there were 3 times the amount of tour groups this year as there were last year. They were apparently staying at all four of the values because I heard various guests from different values complaining. They must have used the Disney transportation this year, too. I don't remember them using it last year.
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New Member
When I went in June we had problems with our room at the AS Sports. Not with the people just the room. We had a toliet that didn't work, a clock that didn't work, mousekeeping didn't make our beds the one day, just folded the comforters and left them there, the luggage storage broke my luggage, lol. I didn't complain when i was there (except the toliet) unfortunatly. When I got home I immediately sent a letter...all I got was a phone call apologizing
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Ella's Mommy

Active Member
That is exactly why we dont stay value:hurl: and dont go during the summer anymore. I would have screamed so loud at those kids their parents would have heard me back in Brazil. Disney is not cheap any way you slice it and to have a horrible vacation is not acceptable. I am glad you complained and were able to get some money back. Good for you.
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Well-Known Member
I'll never understand why Brazillian tour groups have to treat WDW as one giant soccer riot.
I don't understand why they're not kicked out. I mean really, they ban people from the parks for other reasons, perhaps if the people running those tours knew that they could be out of a job, their control of these kids might tighten up a little!
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New Member
I don't understand why they're not kicked out. I mean really, they ban people from the parks for other reasons, perhaps if the people running those tours knew that they could be out of a job, their control of these kids might tighten up a little!

That's so true. They have the name(s) of the people who booked the rooms - why can't the AS resorts just make them accountable?
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New Member
that is why I always figure it is well worth my money to stay at Port Orleans FQ. I feel for you that must have stunk, everybody I talk to says AS resorts are very crowded and loud. But I would say your story is the worst I have heard.
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I'm so sorry! All I hear is nothing but bad stories about them. I would of asked for more than 2 nights pay back. I would of asked to be moved to another resort. It seems like they were chaotic.
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Original Poster
You know we have stayed there before and never had any problem. We also stayed at POR and CB and we had problems with people having about 8 people in a room and when they came back from the parks they took over the pools. Believe me, we still feel we were not taken care of the right way. They didn't even offer us to change resorts. They knew my husband has a disability and they totally overlooked it. When he offered fastpasses I said my husband can't even go to the parks, you know we go almost every year since 2000 and never ever complained. We have children that range in ages from 33 to 13 and if my kids ever acted that way we would make sure some kind of something would be done. These kids from Brazil are rich spoiled rotten brats. The Monday night I think we were there they had a prom for them at DTD. They closed 8Traxs for them to 12 and then they came back and they closed the Food court from 12 to 3. Now you know when they returned to their rooms then they certainly weren't quiet like church mice. The one manger I talked to wasn't going to do anything. He blew it off. We were told by cm's that they are like ants they are everywhere. We heard they have been banned from other Orlando resorts in previous years. They stay for 15 days and get their package which includes park tickets, room, and meals and then on top of that 50 dollars a day spending money. This is why Disney wants them. We went over to The Beach Club on Thursday morning to Cape May for a character breakfast. When we got there they 101 of them there for breakfast. They were sleeping the booths or putting their heads on the table sleeping. It just wasn't one please it was everywhere. The sad part is my husband only gets that week every year for vacation, because the company he works for shuts down, believe me if could chang it we would.
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Jungle Skipper

New Member
Can't say I can top it, but I sympathize. Sounds like we both had awful trips this summer. Our room at the Poly was awful! I'm generally concerned with the way WDW seems to be slacking off in the guest service department.

::hugs:: sorry you had a bad trip.

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New Member
I personally have never had any problems with Brazilians at the resorts but thats because we stay at OKW every single time and they are never there. HOWEVER in the parks they have their group of 50 punk kids and ONE person waits in line then the other 49 cut in front of everybody all the way to the front or atleast thats what happens to me it all just drive me insane:mad: I'm not trying to sound prejudice nor do I think anybody here is. I have Brazilian neighbors and they are great,nice,courteous neighbors but I think alot of people here can agree that the Brazilian tour groups at WDW are quite rude and have no regard for the rules and in some cases especially cheezedoodle20's and others trips are ruined.
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