Nervous about trip during free dining week..


New Member
Original Poster
I was just kind of thinking about this today.
I read on here a few weeks back that MK actually closed to full capacity.
Does anyone think this will happen during that week?
We're going August 15th - 23rd
I mean, I expect it to be PACKED, but idk.
Its my 9th time going, but my girlfriend's (who has been hardcore Disney her whole life) 1st time.
I'm just curious as to what I should expect with waiting times and such.
It seems dumb to ask, seeing as how many times I've been, but I just don't know. haha.
Also, we're planning on waking up to get the reservations (hopefully) all squared away.
I'm sure that will be fun. -_-

thanks. :wave:
It shouldnt be packed. This is a slow time for Disney. And the free dinning is for alot longer than a week. It would be hell if that was the only week that had it. I am going that week too!


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Free dining doesn't significantly increase the number of guests in the parks, it mostly draws guests from non-Disney hotels into Disney hotels. I've been twice now and although it's crowded, it's not anywhere near phased-closing crowded. It is hot though, so the BO might make it seem more crowded than it is... :hurl:


New Member
We've gone every year for free dinning since they started offering it. THe crowds have never been a problems. ADRs can be though so make sure you book something for each day just to be safe.

Mickey Mad!!!

New Member
We had 3 weeks in August 2008 and the crowds were no problem at all. However it became very hot in the middle of the day so our tip would be to get to the parks early, cool off at your hotel in the afternoon and go out again in evening.


Well-Known Member
The crowds wont be too bad its just getting your reservations for dinner is the issue. The restaurants are much busier and you can end up waiting a bit longer to sit.


New Member
We went last year during that week and are returning again the same week. Crowds were not too bad but of course Tropical Storm Fay may have had something to do with that. As far as reservations go I would book them as soon as possible. Today is my 90 day mark and I was on the phone at 7am exactly and still didn't get 2 of the places I was hoping for, 1 being because of a mistake the CM made but that ok :). We also have 7 people so that probably didn't help either but still if I were you even if it's just you and your girlfriend I would call ahead.


Naturally Grumpy
The only times that the park is known to close for capacity is Christmas and Easter. You don't have that to worry about.

With that said, I encourage you to plan on getting to the parks first thing (prior to opening) You will have a few hours with very moderate attendance where you can hit all your must do's and get FP's for later. Then you can take a break in the heat of the afternoon to go for a swim, relax or whatever.

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