Nemo Musical first show review


New Member
Caught one of yesterday's preview performances, and it was great. The sets and costumes are very well done, the puppetry is fantastic, and all of the performers were incredible. The entire cast was VERY strong, all of the vocals were terrific, there really wasn't one weak point in the entire show. From beginning to end, just a great time all-around.

The only bad thing about the entire experience had nothing to do with the actual show, it was the crowd. Here you have what is essentially a professional broadway-style theatre production..... being performed for a theme park audience.

Seated directly behind me was a woman with a SCREAMING child who was terrified of everything taking place in the theater, but mom refused to leave despite all the looks from the people infront of her, to her side, even her husband gave a few. It was one of those times that you really just need to leave the theater (for the sake of everyone else around you) and wait for the rest of your party outside... But she didn't.

Also, at one point towards the end of the show, the entire theater was filled with bubbles. Neat effect, but... You'd swear these people had NEVER seen bubbles before in their entire life. They (Adults and children alike) were simply too busy (literally) jumping out and around of their seats to try and catch bubbles instead of watching what was going on on-stage.

The one part that really got to me was that bubbles were going off during part of the curtain calls. Instead of giving the cast the recognition they deserved, everyone around me was too busy playing with bubbles.

I know we have a few Cast Members from the show, so my only suggestions for you are these two things:

1.) Make sure the bubbles are completely gone by the time the curtain call starts. You guys definitely deserve the full attention of the audience at that point! You really did an awesome job, keep up the great work- I can't wait to see it again some time.

2.) On the big numbers, where you have a lot of cast members on stage and singing... (namely, big blue world and the reprise at the end) Make sure your sound techs aren't afraid to really pump up the volume of everybody's mics during those. They seem like they're supposed to be really "big" songs, and that effect wasn't really there when I saw it. It seemed more like Marlin, Dory, and Nemo, with some really faint background vocals instead of a BIG ensemble number.

Again, besides those minor details... Two thumbs way WAY up. Guests are going to love this show, I know I did.


I saw the Nemo 'musical' yesterday for the first time. The setting, the costumes, the puppets, the projections. All were top notch. I must say I am shocked that no one on here has commented how really poor the MUSIC is. By music, I mean the tunes. There are no catchy tunes in the whole show. The singers have great voices, the orchestration was excellent. But the music itself had to be the worst music I have ever heard! It is so bad that it hurts even to call it music. The scoring is stilted and erratic, almost Bartok-like. There are a few times that the actors actually sound like they are singing off key untill you realize that those are the notes written!

One would have to be stone deaf to compare FOTLK to FNTM. Visually they are both stunners, but the music falls absolutely flat on this new incarnation.


Well-Known Member
I saw the Nemo 'musical' yesterday for the first time. The setting, the costumes, the puppets, the projections. All were top notch. I must say I am shocked that no one on here has commented how really poor the MUSIC is. By music, I mean the tunes. There are no catchy tunes in the whole show. The singers have great voices, the orchestration was excellent. But the music itself had to be the worst music I have ever heard! It is so bad that it hurts even to call it music. The scoring is stilted and erratic, almost Bartok-like. There are a few times that the actors actually sound like they are singing off key untill you realize that those are the notes written!

One would have to be stone deaf to compare FOTLK to FNTM. Visually they are both stunners, but the music falls absolutely flat on this new incarnation.
I couldn't disagree more, the music was fun, upbeat and catchy.:wave:

As for the bubbles, it's a great effect, but it's distracting no matter where you put it to many audience members.


Well-Known Member
I have seen the show 5 times already and I absolutely love it. I went to the 3pm show yesterday and I have to say I was a little bummed that my favorite part was removed. At the very end when Marlin says "Bye Son" and Nemo says "Bye Dad", the performers dropped the puppets to their side and it was just the performers speaking to one another. During the show yesterday, they kept the puppets up and just held a hand out to one another. Still a powerful scene, but I liked it much better the way it was.

And are you kidding?! I haven't been able to get Just Keep Swimming out of my head since the first show I saw.

Can't wait for the album!

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
I enjoyed it, but wasn't blown away by it.

I actually wasn't terribly impressed with the visuals, because so much of what they did was lifted from their production of The Lion King (the full stage show- not any theme park incarnation). Don't get me wrong, it was nice and neat to see, but it didn't "wow" me.

I did enjoy it, and recommend it, by I am not as wild about it as some in this thread.

I do, however, want to single out the actress playing Dory, who does a wonderful job. I was fully expecting an Ellen imitation, and that's not what I got. Nicely done, whoever you are (I wish they would post a cast list outside the theater or something- it would be nice to know who these performers are).

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