The biggest part of having an open mind that many people forget about is seeing a a situation from another persons point of view and understanding where they are coming from. You are completely welcome to your opinion. I understand why you have that particular opinion and applaud you for having convictions and sticking to them. However I am just as I am welcomed to disagree with it but I would never deny you to make up your own mind of what is right and wrong. What works for you might not work for me. You probably put ketchup on fries where as I can't stand ketchup. You view homosexuality as a choice and morally wrong and I see it as genetics and irrelevant to morality. Having different opinions, like and dislikes are what makes this world great. How boring would life be if we all thought alike?It would be nice if me and others of my worldview could have our convictions on the subject of homosexuality without being insulted for it.
It would seem that some people who pride themselves on having such an open mind, aren't so open minded when it comes to anyone who holds a different opinion than them.
If you want to rap drop me a PM so we don't hijack the thread anymore then we already have.