Negative trip report threads

Okay, I've gotten all my fire gear on and ready to be flamed if need be, so here it goes. I have really taken notice lately to a lot of the most recent trip reports and how negative they all are. Is it me or does it seem like everyone who is taking trips to WDW is doing so just to report back how terrible their trip was due to something that was well beyond their control so many little things that it is too many to list.
We have be visiting WDW since 2003 and yes, we have had some not too happy experiences between other guest and CM's but when it has occurred we just move on unless it affected our trip to the point we would need to contact WDW about it which we never had to do and when we did contact WDW it was about a lost item of our sons which was a very personal item and it was located and returned to us.
My point is we are making another trip to WDW in 2014 and we are going to enjoy WDW I am not going with the intent of seeing what I can find wrong will there be trash on the ground, yes there will and with thousands of people in the parks CM's can only do so much. Will there be long lines, yes there will, but I will be enjoying the smiles on my children's faces when we board the ride.
We go to WDW to enjoy the atmosphere that WDW offers us, we go to see how happy our children are when we are there. We go to WDW to escape our real world problems just for a few days. I go enjoying the moments away from what I see on my job and to relax I go to WDW to have the moments I miss with my wife, the walk down Main St. holding hands, buying her something special just because.
So, if you go to WDW and find you have a not so happy experience think about what has happened if it didn't affect you personally move on if it has, don't whine about it here go right to the source and let WDW know abiut it.
Finally, our family goes to WDW to make memories to last forever and ever. Isn't that what Walt wanted to do??


Well-Known Member
Okay, I've gotten all my fire gear on and ready to be flamed if need be, so here it goes. I have really taken notice lately to a lot of the most recent trip reports and how negative they all are. Is it me or does it seem like everyone who is taking trips to WDW is doing so just to report back how terrible their trip was due to something that was well beyond their control so many little things that it is too many to list.
We have be visiting WDW since 2003 and yes, we have had some not too happy experiences between other guest and CM's but when it has occurred we just move on unless it affected our trip to the point we would need to contact WDW about it which we never had to do and when we did contact WDW it was about a lost item of our sons which was a very personal item and it was located and returned to us.
My point is we are making another trip to WDW in 2014 and we are going to enjoy WDW I am not going with the intent of seeing what I can find wrong will there be trash on the ground, yes there will and with thousands of people in the parks CM's can only do so much. Will there be long lines, yes there will, but I will be enjoying the smiles on my children's faces when we board the ride.
We go to WDW to enjoy the atmosphere that WDW offers us, we go to see how happy our children are when we are there. We go to WDW to escape our real world problems just for a few days. I go enjoying the moments away from what I see on my job and to relax I go to WDW to have the moments I miss with my wife, the walk down Main St. holding hands, buying her something special just because.
So, if you go to WDW and find you have a not so happy experience think about what has happened if it didn't affect you personally move on if it has, don't whine about it here go right to the source and let WDW know abiut it.
Finally, our family goes to WDW to make memories to last forever and ever. Isn't that what Walt wanted to do??
See my Sept. TR for a little different perspective. We actually had a good time, but do things a little differently while there.


Well-Known Member
Okay, I've gotten all my fire gear on and ready to be flamed if need be, so here it goes. I have really taken notice lately to a lot of the most recent trip reports and how negative they all are. Is it me or does it seem like everyone who is taking trips to WDW is doing so just to report back how terrible their trip was due to something that was well beyond their control so many little things that it is too many to list.
We have be visiting WDW since 2003 and yes, we have had some not too happy experiences between other guest and CM's but when it has occurred we just move on unless it affected our trip to the point we would need to contact WDW about it which we never had to do and when we did contact WDW it was about a lost item of our sons which was a very personal item and it was located and returned to us.
My point is we are making another trip to WDW in 2014 and we are going to enjoy WDW I am not going with the intent of seeing what I can find wrong will there be trash on the ground, yes there will and with thousands of people in the parks CM's can only do so much. Will there be long lines, yes there will, but I will be enjoying the smiles on my children's faces when we board the ride.
We go to WDW to enjoy the atmosphere that WDW offers us, we go to see how happy our children are when we are there. We go to WDW to escape our real world problems just for a few days. I go enjoying the moments away from what I see on my job and to relax I go to WDW to have the moments I miss with my wife, the walk down Main St. holding hands, buying her something special just because.
So, if you go to WDW and find you have a not so happy experience think about what has happened if it didn't affect you personally move on if it has, don't whine about it here go right to the source and let WDW know abiut it.
Finally, our family goes to WDW to make memories to last forever and ever. Isn't that what Walt wanted to do??
I don't read the trip reports very often, but when I do read them...No, they don't seem too focused on the negative aspects of the trips.

I do notice that we have had a LOT of threads full of complaining, like this one. Complaining about complainers seems like the thing to do lately.

We need a sticky for people who want to complain about complainers, lol.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Okay, I've gotten all my fire gear on and ready to be flamed if need be, so here it goes. I have really taken notice lately to a lot of the most recent trip reports and how negative they all are. Is it me or does it seem like everyone who is taking trips to WDW is doing so just to report back how terrible their trip was due to something that was well beyond their control so many little things that it is too many to list.
We have be visiting WDW since 2003 and yes, we have had some not too happy experiences between other guest and CM's but when it has occurred we just move on unless it affected our trip to the point we would need to contact WDW about it which we never had to do and when we did contact WDW it was about a lost item of our sons which was a very personal item and it was located and returned to us.
My point is we are making another trip to WDW in 2014 and we are going to enjoy WDW I am not going with the intent of seeing what I can find wrong will there be trash on the ground, yes there will and with thousands of people in the parks CM's can only do so much. Will there be long lines, yes there will, but I will be enjoying the smiles on my children's faces when we board the ride.
We go to WDW to enjoy the atmosphere that WDW offers us, we go to see how happy our children are when we are there. We go to WDW to escape our real world problems just for a few days. I go enjoying the moments away from what I see on my job and to relax I go to WDW to have the moments I miss with my wife, the walk down Main St. holding hands, buying her something special just because.
So, if you go to WDW and find you have a not so happy experience think about what has happened if it didn't affect you personally move on if it has, don't whine about it here go right to the source and let WDW know abiut it.
Finally, our family goes to WDW to make memories to last forever and ever. Isn't that what Walt wanted to do??


Well-Known Member
I don't read the trip reports very often, but when I do read them...No, they don't seem too focused on the negative aspects of the trips.

I do notice that we have had a LOT of threads full of complaining, like this one. Complaining about complainers seems like the thing to do lately.

We need a sticky for people who want to complain about complainers, lol.
Got a good laugh with this one.
Please don't be offended but I could not help wondering about a sticky for me - people who complain about people who want to complain about people who want to complain about complainers.
Maybe I'm overthinking it, or it is just early. :)

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
I don't read the trip reports very often, but when I do read them...No, they don't seem too focused on the negative aspects of the trips.

I do notice that we have had a LOT of threads full of complaining, like this one. Complaining about complainers seems like the thing to do lately.

We need a sticky for people who want to complain about complainers, lol.
I hate people complaining about other people complaining about complainers. :D


Well-Known Member
Gee, what this thread needs is some pixie dust.



Park History nut
Premium Member
Truth hurts.

Burnt out bulbs happen. So what?

Lacklustre, budget engineered expansions, broken effects that remain broken, less food for more cost, more expensive tickets, cost cutting across the board for minimal investment shouldn't happen.


You don't need to go looking for that.


Resident Curmudgeon
Truth hurts.

Burnt out bulbs happen. So what?

Lacklustre, budget engineered expansions, broken effects that remain broken, less food for more cost, more expensive tickets, cost cutting across the board for minimal investment shouldn't happen.


You don't need to go looking for that.

It's the bad SHOW.

What we complain about is not that a bulb fails, they will all fail sometime its that they are not REPLACED for years leading to the nightime ugliness that is the GF and parts of Main St, During the 9 Old Men and Eisner era's bulbs were replaced BEFORE they failed. Now whole strings are out for years at a time and no one cares.


Well-Known Member
Truth hurts.

Burnt out bulbs happen. So what?

Lacklustre, budget engineered expansions, broken effects that remain broken, less food for more cost, more expensive tickets, cost cutting across the board for minimal investment shouldn't happen.


You don't need to go looking for that.
But you know that going in :D


A Long Time DVC Member
When I was in the military I ran into three groups of people. The first being that the best assignment they had was the last one they had, All they talked about was how great the last base they where assigned to was. The other group could only talk about the next assignment they where going to and how great it was going to be. The last group was those that made the best out of each assignment and enjoyed the base and the location they where assigned as much as they could.

I feel the same way about the people on this web site. There is a group that says that only Disney of years gone by and Universal only do it right. There is a group that says that Disney will get it right next time and than there is the group that makes the best of each opportunity to visit Walt Disney World. I have gone to Walt Disney World with my family, with large groups and even just my wife and I. Each time we find things that we enjoy and look back on the great time we had. Do I do the same things when it is just my wife and I vs. having the grandkids in toe, of course not. I just I guess I am just a sap when it comes to Disney Parks.


Well-Known Member
I try to report back both positively and negatively in my reports. If something negatively impacts my trip and I have the opportunity to warn others about it, why would I not not report it back? I'm not going to lie and say my trip was all sunshine and pixie dust if it wasn't. Some little negative things I do keep to myself but other things like bad food, bad service, bad CMs, if I notice more of something being done than normal (flash photos on rides, people talking loudly through shows, etc..) I will also make note of that. It's not just me being like "Disney is AWFUL!!" and "whining on here" as the OP stated. It's just a way for me to alert others as to what's going on there. I love Disney as much as the next person on this forum, but my 2 recent trips have made me decide Disney World just isn't for me anymore. Not until they get their act together. Did we have a great time on both trips? Absolutely because the positive far outweighed the negatives... but the negatives were there and much more obvious and frequent than previous trips. And will I alert Disney about the negatives? You bet. They need to know. Personally, I enjoy reading about the negative stuff. Makes me realize I'm not crazy and imagining this stuff in my head and that others are seeing it too!! :D


Well-Known Member
When I was in the military I ran into three groups of people. The first being that the best assignment they had was the last one they had, All they talked about was how great the last base they where assigned to was. The other group could only talk about the next assignment they where going to and how great it was going to be. The last group was those that made the best out of each assignment and enjoyed the base and the location they where assigned as much as they could.

I feel the same way about the people on this web site. There is a group that says that only Disney of years gone by and Universal only do it right. There is a group that says that Disney will get it right next time and than there is the group that makes the best of each opportunity to visit Walt Disney World. I have gone to Walt Disney World with my family, with large groups and even just my wife and I. Each time we find things that we enjoy and look back on the great time we had. Do I do the same things when it is just my wife and I vs. having the grandkids in toe, of course not. I just I guess I am just a sap when it comes to Disney Parks.
Love this : )


Resident Curmudgeon
When I was in the military I ran into three groups of people. The first being that the best assignment they had was the last one they had, All they talked about was how great the last base they where assigned to was. The other group could only talk about the next assignment they where going to and how great it was going to be. The last group was those that made the best out of each assignment and enjoyed the base and the location they where assigned as much as they could.

I feel the same way about the people on this web site. There is a group that says that only Disney of years gone by and Universal only do it right. There is a group that says that Disney will get it right next time and than there is the group that makes the best of each opportunity to visit Walt Disney World. I have gone to Walt Disney World with my family, with large groups and even just my wife and I. Each time we find things that we enjoy and look back on the great time we had. Do I do the same things when it is just my wife and I vs. having the grandkids in toe, of course not. I just I guess I am just a sap when it comes to Disney Parks.

Yes I've met those people, On this board there are a bunch of us who have been going to WDW since we were kids and now we take OUR families to WDW on a regular basis. My family goes 3-4 times a year we are DVC and over the past few years what we have experienced is a steady trend downward in quality at WDW along with a steady increase in cost.

Do we enjoy our trips yes we do, But you can only tolerate so much of chipped and peeling paint, non-functional AA's, shoddy generic merchandise, Golden Corral quality food at Ruth Chris prices. Personally we don't go to UNI but UNI is trying to upgrade experience where Disney is focused entirely on cost-cutting and it shows.

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