Negative trip report threads

Okay, I've gotten all my fire gear on and ready to be flamed if need be, so here it goes. I have really taken notice lately to a lot of the most recent trip reports and how negative they all are. Is it me or does it seem like everyone who is taking trips to WDW is doing so just to report back how terrible their trip was due to something that was well beyond their control so many little things that it is too many to list.
We have be visiting WDW since 2003 and yes, we have had some not too happy experiences between other guest and CM's but when it has occurred we just move on unless it affected our trip to the point we would need to contact WDW about it which we never had to do and when we did contact WDW it was about a lost item of our sons which was a very personal item and it was located and returned to us.
My point is we are making another trip to WDW in 2014 and we are going to enjoy WDW I am not going with the intent of seeing what I can find wrong will there be trash on the ground, yes there will and with thousands of people in the parks CM's can only do so much. Will there be long lines, yes there will, but I will be enjoying the smiles on my children's faces when we board the ride.
We go to WDW to enjoy the atmosphere that WDW offers us, we go to see how happy our children are when we are there. We go to WDW to escape our real world problems just for a few days. I go enjoying the moments away from what I see on my job and to relax I go to WDW to have the moments I miss with my wife, the walk down Main St. holding hands, buying her something special just because.
So, if you go to WDW and find you have a not so happy experience think about what has happened if it didn't affect you personally move on if it has, don't whine about it here go right to the source and let WDW know abiut it.
Finally, our family goes to WDW to make memories to last forever and ever. Isn't that what Walt wanted to do??


Well-Known Member
Ironically I was just about to link to that thread as well as it has some great conversation along the same lines. I have to admit I am in the same boat as the OP as well as folks like @DVCOwner. I try to look past the things I know need work and focus on the things I feel are still the reason I am willing spend thousands of dollars on a trip to WDW every year. I have no problem being "negative" when it's truly warranted but if I focused on all the little things that I'm not happy about, I'd lose site of the ton of huge things I'm thrilled with.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
OP, this is a discussion board about WDW. I'm sorry if you don't want to read negative or disappointing things about WDW, but people have a right to post such things, and I hope people continue to "whine."

Walt Disney wanted people to have fun, yes, but he was VERY keen on keeping Disneyland up to par, something the company doesn't seem to care about. That's the frustrating part.

Is it just me, or has this site yet to see a thread with "doom and gloomers" complaining about "pixie smokers" continuing to visit the parks without noticing problems? It's always the opposite way around. For those of you who continue to go to the parks and have a great time, why do you care about those who have negative things to say and create threads about it and tell others to stop complaining? It's an honest question. You rarely, if never, see people here creating threads and asking people to stop going to the parks.
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Well-Known Member
Okay, I've gotten all my fire gear on and ready to be flamed if need be, so here it goes. I have really taken notice lately to a lot of the most recent trip reports and how negative they all are. Is it me or does it seem like everyone who is taking trips to WDW is doing so just to report back how terrible their trip was due to something that was well beyond their control so many little things that it is too many to list.
We have be visiting WDW since 2003 and yes, we have had some not too happy experiences between other guest and CM's but when it has occurred we just move on unless it affected our trip to the point we would need to contact WDW about it which we never had to do and when we did contact WDW it was about a lost item of our sons which was a very personal item and it was located and returned to us.
My point is we are making another trip to WDW in 2014 and we are going to enjoy WDW I am not going with the intent of seeing what I can find wrong will there be trash on the ground, yes there will and with thousands of people in the parks CM's can only do so much. Will there be long lines, yes there will, but I will be enjoying the smiles on my children's faces when we board the ride.
We go to WDW to enjoy the atmosphere that WDW offers us, we go to see how happy our children are when we are there. We go to WDW to escape our real world problems just for a few days. I go enjoying the moments away from what I see on my job and to relax I go to WDW to have the moments I miss with my wife, the walk down Main St. holding hands, buying her something special just because.
So, if you go to WDW and find you have a not so happy experience think about what has happened if it didn't affect you personally move on if it has, don't whine about it here go right to the source and let WDW know abiut it.
Finally, our family goes to WDW to make memories to last forever and ever. Isn't that what Walt wanted to do??
Don't mean to call you out, but YOU started the thread. You have been going to "The World" for 10 years. And little has changed in those 10 years (big part of the problem). It is just a little dirtier and more beat up (words NEVER uttered in The World" prior to 2000). Nothing a line or 2 of Pixie Dust won't fix. I have been going since the MK was 2 months old. A lot has changed in 42 years. And there is not enough Pixie Dust on the planet to fog over the Wall Streetization of a once truly magical place. So complain all you want about the complainers, but we are your only hope at getting any of that magic back. Thee was "Once Upon A Time" when "Magical" wasn't a marketing phrase.


Well-Known Member
For those of you who continue to go to the parks and have a great time, why do you care about those who have negative things to say and create threads about it and tell others to stop complaining? It's an honest question. You rarely, if never, see people here creating threads and asking people to stop going to the parks.
From my point of view, I've never suggested folks stop complaining. In fact quite the opposite. The one thread I created on a similar topic was specifically because I wanted to understand "the other half" of that coin.

That said however, it seems every thread posted lately gets responses that are negative, even on topics that seem so simple. If you're the OP, and posting something positive, it kind of kills the mood. It's kind of like thinking you're baby is absolutely gorgeous and having everyone who looks at her tell you she's horribly ugly. For lack of a better way of putting it... it hurts.

It seems of late, those of us who come here to discuss something we absolutely love can't enter into any conversation without our "pixie dust snorting" opinion being shot down. Sure there may not be threads created to do it, but it's happening in nearly every thread on these boards. The key is, if you want to say something negative, go for it! Just, don't do it at the expense of someone else's opinion. Just because you disagree with their point of view doesn't mean you can't respect their opinion on the topic. And of course that's true for both sides of the coin. That's where the line is drawn at least for me. :)


Well-Known Member
We had a great time on our last trip ( 3 months ago ); maybe the best time we ever had of our 5 trips as a family. That being said, WDW is not for everyone. It's a big world out there and if you are no longer enjoying going to Disney World then try something else.
Best advice ever. I let my AP expire in 2010. I like world class, state of the art, theme park experiences. And that isn't WDW!

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
From my point of view, I've never suggested folks stop complaining. In fact quite the opposite. The one thread I created on a similar topic was specifically because I wanted to understand "the other half" of that coin.

That said however, it seems every thread posted lately gets responses that are negative, even on topics that seem so simple. If you're the OP, and posting something positive, it kind of kills the mood. It's kind of like thinking you're baby is absolutely gorgeous and having everyone who looks at her tell you she's horribly ugly. For lack of a better way of putting it... it hurts.

It seems of late, those of us who come here to discuss something we absolutely love can't enter into any conversation without our "pixie dust snorting" opinion being shot down. Sure there may not be threads created to do it, but it's happening in nearly every thread on these boards. The key is, if you want to say something negative, go for it! Just, don't do it at the expense of someone else's opinion. Just because you disagree with their point of view doesn't mean you can't respect their opinion on the topic. And of course that's true for both sides of the coin. That's where the line is drawn at least for me. :)

I can understand those cases.


Well-Known Member
Being an old school WDW fan is like being the parent of a former 4.0+ student that has discovered weed and is now failing. So, she's still kinda pretty in a slacker sort of way, but excelling she is not! And the fact that the neighbors kid is getting all the awards after 20 years of "not being your AMAZING kid" is salt in the wound.


Resident Curmudgeon
Being an old school WDW fan is like being the parent of a former 4.0+ student that has discovered weed and is now failing. So, she's still kinda pretty in a slacker sort of way, but excelling she is not! And the fact that the neighbors kid is getting all the awards after 20 years of "not being your AMAZING kid" is salt in the wound.

Well put - That's exactly how WDW 'feels' these days, The next couple of trips will decide if we let our Premier passes expire next august.


Well-Known Member
I like world class theme parks as well, but I also like traveling! I'm going to New York this winter and I couldn't be more excited. Instead of buying another AP, I'm saving that money for the trip.
In the recent past, I have taken my kids to Times Square/Broadway, Snorkeling in Keys, Yellowstone, The Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Washington DC, Colonial Williamsburg, The Smokeys, The Everglades, White Water Rafting on The Gauley, Aspen, Vail, The Tetons, Whale Watching off of Dana Point, oh, and The DLR and Universal Orlando Resort. We have stayed at The Hotel Del (inspiration for The Grand Flo), Old Faithful Inn (Inspiration for The Wilderness Lodge), The Ahwahnee@Yosemite (inspiration for The Grand Cali), The Grand Californian, Disneyland Hotel, The Marriott Marquis (Times Square AND Atlanta), The Inn at Key West (inspiration for OKW) and Portofino Bay Resort at UOR. I without my kids have been to Warsaw, Auschwitz, Prague, Vienna, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Fairbanks, Anchorage and The Lake of The Ozarks.

My kids have been to WDW, DLR, UOR, UniHollywood, Knott's, 6 Flags Elitch Gardens, Lakeside Park Denver, SeaWorld Orlando, Busch Gardens Williamsburg and Tampa, Dollywood, Carowinds, Kings Island, Kings Dominion, Cedar Point and Kennywood.

Traveling is what Disneyheads do best. And I should add that i make about $40K/year. needless to say, I have NO retirement. I plan on dropping dead on a thrilling amusement park ride.
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Well-Known Member
Trip reports should NOT be written for the reader. An honest telling of a tale will highlight every aspect, good or bad. If the OP thinks TRs are negative and it bothers him/her, simple solution is not to read them. They aren't supposed to be fiction or highly-edited on a slant in any direction good or bad. A TR is someone sharing what they experienced on their trip. Every person is different and will have a different experience even if they do the exact same thing as another person step-for-step. That's human nature. Conversely, people read TRs for different reasons as well. Their perceptions of what they read will be different even if 2 people read the exact same thing. I used to read TRs for the warm-n-fuzzy. Now I read TRs because I'm familiar with the author and enjoy their writing style or I'm looking for specific information for myself. Sometimes I like to switch my brain off and dig thru a TR from a person who I know will have really interesting or mind-blowing pictures.

If we're sharing why we write what we write, you don't see much of the WDW 4-parks in my catalog over the past 2+ years. You see 5? parks vacation reports. ((Sept 2011 was WDW with our first cruise sandwiched in.)) Before I started writing I'd done 6 family trips in the previous 5 years plus I grew up in Central Florida. I couldn't tell you how many times I went when I was a kid. More than I can wrap my brain around, really. I'll be honest, I got bored with WDWs 4-parks. I switched gears. Nothing wrong in that. Right now I'm feeling a bit burnt on any and all travel. There is a point where it can be overdone. I suppose that threshold is different for everyone. Do I miss the 4-parks of WDW? Sometimes but not enough to make me want to go back there before I tackle the list of other things I want to see and do. I keep in touch with the 4-parks and many friends via TRs. Again, it's in what you look for in the reports and what you take from each.

Personally, my continued effort no matter where I go and what I do focuses on honesty in my writing. If I can't be honest in what I write then I don't want to do it at all. I do think I need to make more efforts in balancing my views of everything with more positive perspective which is something I'm working on. My big test shall be week we leave on a cruise vacation we are commited to with extended family even tho I crave home over going. And it's not Disney. Even now it'd be soooooo easy for me to rip the pre-cruise planning to shreds but I will not go there. Not in my mind or moving forward. I'm looking to balance the hiccups with the positives. And there ARE positives. Folks will have to see how successful I am at keeping my Mickey love in-check as I venture out with....**gasp**.....Shrek, Fiona, and those crazy adorable Penguins of Madagascar. Yep, I'll be writing it somewhere. Promise.


Well-Known Member
In the recent past, I have taken my kids to Times Square/Broadway, Snorkeling in Keys, Yellowstone, The Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Washington DC, Colonial Williamsburg, The Smokeys, The Everglades, White Water Rafting on The Gauley, Aspen, Vail, The Tetons, Whale Watching off of Dana Point, oh, and The DLR and Universal Orlando Resort. We have stayed at The Hotel Del (inspiration for The Grand Flo), Old Faithful Inn (Inspiration for The Wilderness Lodge), The Ahwahnee@Yosemite (inspiration for The Grand Cali), The Grand Californian, Disneyland Hotel, The Marriott Marquis (Times Square AND Atlanta), The Inn at Key West (inspiration for OKW) and Portofino Bay Resort at UOR. I without my kids have been to Warsaw, Auschwitz, Prague, Vienna, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Fairbanks, Anchorage and The Lake of The Ozarks.

Traveling is what Disneyheads do best.

I'm available for adoption. I do dishes and laundry like a champ. And I'm affectionate. :inlove::inlove::inlove:


Well-Known Member
I get constructive criticism, but some posters seem to adhere to "misery loves company." Some admit that they haven't been to the parks in years but still continue to frequent a fan site dedicated to WDW. If you no longer appreciate the parks, that's fine, but many others do as the parks are full.

I think for many if you no longer feel the magic, then maybe it's time to explore other interests and come back to WDW when you feel you're missing it again. I view WDW like watching a magician, the first time, I'm blown away. However, after each successive time, he's less amazing to me. Now he really has to step up his game, as it will take more than a rabbit out of his hat to impress me. He's no less of a magician, I am just figuring out all his tricks.

I go to WDW just enough each year to really miss the sights and sounds. Too much and I might get sick of it. Does WDW still amaze me? At times, but not as much, however it does my kids and I like seeing that. There are other places I like to vacation (highly suggest our National Parks). WDW will always be there, if and when you want to feel the magic again.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
In the recent past, I have taken my kids to Times Square/Broadway, Snorkeling in Keys, Yellowstone, The Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Washington DC, Colonial Williamsburg, The Smokeys, The Everglades, White Water Rafting on The Gauley, Aspen, Vail, The Tetons, Whale Watching off of Dana Point, oh, and The DLR and Universal Orlando Resort. We have stayed at The Hotel Del (inspiration for The Grand Flo), Old Faithful Inn (Inspiration for The Wilderness Lodge), The Ahwahnee@Yosemite (inspiration for The Grand Cali), The Grand Californian, Disneyland Hotel, The Marriott Marquis (Times Square AND Atlanta), The Inn at Key West (inspiration for OKW) and Portofino Bay Resort at UOR. I without my kids have been to Warsaw, Auschwitz, Prague, Vienna, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Fairbanks, Anchorage and The Lake of The Ozarks.

My kids have been to WDW, DLR, UOR, UniHollywood, Knott's, 6 Flags Elitch Gardens, Lakeside Park Denver, SeaWorld Orlando, Busch Gardens Williamsburg and Tampa, Dollywood, Carowinds, Kings Island, Kings Dominion, Cedar Point and Kennywood.

Traveling is what Disneyheads do best. And I should add that i make about $40K/year. needless to say, I have NO retirement. I plan on dropping dead on a thrilling amusement park ride.

I wish you were my dad.


Well-Known Member
I love Disney like any other WDW Crazy person on here, however, I don't think because of the nolstalgia and good past feelings, we have to turn our cheek at the price raising and lack of quality being brought to our beloved parks.

EPCOT needs attention so bad, I envision "caution" tape around everything in future world because there is so much wasted space it makes me sad. They take 6 years to finalize a land, and watching a new change every week from UNI down the road with more and more progress on their hotel and london expansion, it makes you sad to see the same looking pictures from snow white without any notice of REAL progress.

I love the parks too, the memories, walking down main street, loving the food and the little things.....but I also hate seeing the park I love so tattered and the big wigs not seeming to give a hoot while counting stacks of fat cash.

I really really hope UNI's and Comcasts steady improvement and park progress brings Disney from a hibernation and lights a fire.....We'll see.


Well-Known Member
I get constructive criticism, but some posters seem to adhere to "misery loves company." Some admit that they haven't been to the parks in years but still continue to frequent a fan site dedicated to WDW. If you no longer appreciate the parks, that's fine, but many others do as the parks are full.

I think for many if you no longer feel the magic, then maybe it's time to explore other interests and come back to WDW when you feel you're missing it again. I view WDW like watching a magician, the first time, I'm blown away. However, after each successive time, he's less amazing to me. Now he really has to step up his game, as it will take more than a rabbit out of his hat to impress me. He's no less of a magician, I am just figuring out all his tricks.

I go to WDW just enough each year to really miss the sights and sounds. Too much and I might get sick of it. Does WDW still amaze me? At times, but not as much, however it does my kids and I like seeing that. There are other places I like to vacation (highly suggest our National Parks). WDW will always be there, if and when you want to feel the magic again.
Our point is the magic has been value engineered. So when and if we want to feel the magic and we go back to WDW we just get ed off. Believe me, in 41 years I have taken "breaks". In my personal opinion, WDW is the worst that it has EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! been.


Liker of Things
Premium Member
If I may interject, without going into my complex views on the state of the World (which are indeed mixed, but Snow White no longer scares the crap out of me like she did in 1972 when I was 3), the thing that makes this website the best is the varied opinions. Many moons ago when I discovered that there was a lot of Disney stuff on the interwebz, I did some reading and research and this site was BY FAR the most interesting in large part because there are so many different, well thought out, well defended perspectives and thoughts.
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Well-Known Member
I love Disney like any other WDW Crazy person on here, however, I don't think because of the nolstalgia and good past feelings, we have to turn our cheek at the price raising and lack of quality being brought to our beloved parks.

EPCOT needs attention so bad, I envision "caution" tape around everything in future world because there is so much wasted space it makes me sad. They take 6 years to finalize a land, and watching a new change every week from UNI down the road with more and more progress on their hotel and london expansion, it makes you sad to see the same looking pictures from snow white without any notice of REAL progress.

I love the parks too, the memories, walking down main street, loving the food and the little things.....but I also hate seeing the park I love so tattered and the big wigs not seeming to give a hoot while counting stacks of fat cash.

I really really hope UNI's and Comcasts steady improvement and park progress brings Disney from a hibernation and lights a fire.....We'll see.
I have more than made my point, but the thing you said about "Big Wigs not seeming to give a hoot while counting stacks of fat cash" REALLY drives the point home. The Execs at TDO have been making more in Christmas Bonuses than I make a year and they are LITERALLY (yes, I know the definition) raping (Def. 3- Plunder and pillage) the place.


Well-Known Member
Yes I've met those people, On this board there are a bunch of us who have been going to WDW since we were kids and now we take OUR families to WDW on a regular basis. My family goes 3-4 times a year we are DVC and over the past few years what we have experienced is a steady trend downward in quality at WDW along with a steady increase in cost.

Do we enjoy our trips yes we do, But you can only tolerate so much of chipped and peeling paint, non-functional AA's, shoddy generic merchandise, Golden Corral quality food at Ruth Chris prices. Personally we don't go to UNI but UNI is trying to upgrade experience where Disney is focused entirely on cost-cutting and it shows.

I am happy to see a DVC owner who sees it. Let me be clear that I AM NOT complaining about DVC owners as a gross generalization but rather just that I am surprised to see an owner who has not partaken of the magic cool-aid. I am always amazed that DVC owners are not among the more critical as they are the ones who actually made an investment beyond the daily park ticket and the ones who should demand more ROI than any of us itinerant occasional vacationers.

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