Need Help With ToT Convincing


Well-Known Member
MissM said:
You know, this kind of attitude always really offends me. Why not just leave your friend be? She doesn't have to do anything. And if she doesn't like things that fall, then don't pressure her. Not everyone enjoys that kind of thing. Not everyone is just waiting to be nagged, mocked and badgered into riding. Be her true friend and respect her wishes.

Trust me, the whole, oh you just HAVE to try it once! thing is insensitive and quite frankly, mean.
:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

It's nice to know somebody feels the same way I do about this type of behavior..... This coming from many years of my sister treating me the same way.:cry:


New Member
Sledge said:
Then there is no point in buying that picture so I'd be a horrible person and make you ride it again against your will thus torturing you and potentially scaring you for life where you might have to have serious therapy and possibly lead to a lawsuit and when I die I'd burn in the deepest pits of hell. :lookaroun

Sarcasm? :lol:

Or not...:lookaroun

I love that last line...oh wait its only one line. darn hahha


Well-Known Member
Try it once, if you don't like it then you don't have to do it again. But it is a great ride. If this helps, when we first took our DD to WDW she was 5. Just so all the judgers(is that a word?:lookaroun ) out there know, she was tall enough and she WANTED to ride. She had a blast, her and I did it about 20 times in a row. My DH quit after the first time(he likes it now) and went to RnRC which I won't ride. I did once and it scared the crap out of me.:eek:


Well-Known Member
July 2003: Wanting to conquer my fears of height/drops, I tackled the enormous challenge of "dropping in" to the Hollywood Tower Hotel. At first, I was completely scared (my family is a bunch of chickens, so I went alone...). Once I found out how awesome the floating sensations were, it occure to me that it was almost nithing like a drop at all. It was just... floating.

That being said, the only reason the Tower is scary is the intimidating setting (which definitely works to scare the pants off you even before you ride :lol: ). Angela, it really is one of Disney's most spectacular rides. Don't judge before you've had the experience. :wave:

(And if you end up loving it as much as I do, I highly recommend stealing your family's tickets for a few minutes, and getting 4 Fastpasses for yourself. :lookaroun)

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