Need Help With ToT Convincing

While in queue for my 6th or 7th ride of ToT (Ha, I did it 9 times in a row; it was fabulous) there was a family in front of me with a little boy who was EXTREMELY upset about riding. He was crying, yelling, pounding his fists into the ground, the whole deal. He was a very freaked out little kid. So yeah, me and some fellow in-liners convinced the kid to ride, despite his intense fear....and after the ride, he was a completely diffrent child. Happy, grinning, asking to get in line again- this ride is NOT HORRIBLE! You should at least go on it once!


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
My DS is convinced he's too scared to ride ToT. He's 11 now and every time we go I manage to convince/cajole him into riding. Every time, he's nervous, uncomfortable and edgy as we go through the queue. And every time, he comes off the ride with a big smile and is excited to ride again. If I ask an hour later, he's too scared... [He secretly loves it, but his mother convinced him years ago that it was a scary ride :fork:]

The good news is you won't get hurt and the quick dips on BTMR are a lot more stomach-churning than the drops on ToT IMO. I would suggest that once you've "conquered" Splash [which I have no doubt you will], ToT is not going to be a problem. On both rides, the theming makes the ride what it is, not so much the "thrill" [there is a thrill aspect to both, but it isn't the major element of the ride].


Well-Known Member
You know, this kind of attitude always really offends me. Why not just leave your friend be? She doesn't have to do anything. And if she doesn't like things that fall, then don't pressure her. Not everyone enjoys that kind of thing. Not everyone is just waiting to be nagged, mocked and badgered into riding. Be her true friend and respect her wishes.

Trust me, the whole, oh you just HAVE to try it once! thing is insensitive and quite frankly, mean.


Well-Known Member
I disagree MissM. I don't think that is the intention here at all. It's not like the people on this board are going to be in the park with here adding pressure. I think we are simply suggesting that she should try this, especially since she has been on other rides that are much more intense.


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Original Poster
MissM said:
You know, this kind of attitude always really offends me. Why not just leave your friend be? She doesn't have to do anything. And if she doesn't like things that fall, then don't pressure her. Not everyone enjoys that kind of thing. Not everyone is just waiting to be nagged, mocked and badgered into riding. Be her true friend and respect her wishes.

Trust me, the whole, oh you just HAVE to try it once! thing is insensitive and quite frankly, mean.
Can you say "overreacting"? Because I can say "Um, yeah you are." :kiss: :animwink: It's not mean at all. The fact that she loves the other thrill rides that some would say are more intense makes me want to get her on it. I KNOW she'd love it and want her to see what she's been missing out on. There's a lot worse stuff to pressure her about.


Well-Known Member
My Love can ride any roller coaster out there, but if you put him on Dumbo, he'll puke. Does that mean I should force him to ride it because he can ride more intense rides then that? Should I discount his wishes just because I want to bully him into something he doesn't wish to do? To say that someone else has the right to decide what anyone can or can not handle is absurd. Instead of being happy she rides other "thrill" rides, you have to find one thing to nag her about. It's mean. Not to mention your reasoning behind badgering her to ride is selfish: "I don't wanna have to ride it alone."

Leave her be. A true friend would respect her wishes and her limits whether you agree with them or not.
MissM said:
My Love can ride any roller coaster out there, but if you put him on Dumbo, he'll puke. Does that mean I should force him to ride it because he can ride more intense rides then that? Should I discount his wishes just because I want to bully him into something he doesn't wish to do? To say that someone else has the right to decide what anyone can or can not handle is absurd. Instead of being happy she rides other "thrill" rides, you have to find one thing to nag her about. It's mean. Not to mention your reasoning behind badgering her to ride is selfish: "I don't wanna have to ride it alone."

Leave her be. A true friend would respect her wishes and her limits whether you agree with them or not.

I'm sorry, but you are maaaaajorly overreacting. The OP already said his friend has been able to handle more intense rides that have drops in them. And I think the whole "pressuring his friend into doing something" is between him and his friend. If you don't want to pressure anyone to ride Dumbo, fine, but don't freak out when other people try to convince their friends to ride one of the best themed rides ever...


Active Member
When I rode it for the first time, I had been so adamant about not riding it. I remember sitting on the bus to the Studios swearing up and down that I would not ride and no one could get me near it. My parents pleaded with me and I said no. So they decided to go on without me and said I could sit on the bench and wait. Alas, I decided I'd go with them and then chicken out at the last minute and wait for them as they got off the ride. But once I got inside the library, everything changed. That whole ambience of the queue and the pre-show is just too much, so I guess I was just too awestruck to chicken out and went on the ride. This was in 1995, since then it's the first ride I go on everytime I'm there. That ride is just great. It's not even like a freefall (or at least the ones I've been on where there's just a drop). It's not to be missed and as long as you don't have any pre-existing conditions, it's not gonna hurt you. It's just a lot of fun and missing it is a real crime. If you can take Rock N Roller Coaster and its takeoff, then there's no reason you can't take Tower of Terror. Let's face it, you know when the drop is gonna happen, but now it's just a matter of how many times it's gonna drop you. It's a great ride and can't be missed.


New Member
Now now, I don't feel like he's pressuring me at all. I'm pretty sure I could handle it...I just need to get over that whole childhood fear thing. :p

Puppy dog face Jason...that's all its gonna take lol :kiss:


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Original Poster
Valawen9 said:
Puppy dog face Jason...that's all its gonna take lol :kiss:
Good. Then I'll buy you a "I just crapped my pants on Tower of Terror." shirt. Haha. You'll live I promise.

I'll buy the picture of her riding it and post it here for everyone to laugh at! :lol:


New Member
dxwwf3 said:
Honest to God, my grandparents rode this back when they were able to go to WDW. ToT looks much worse than it is (even though I still think it's the 2nd best "thrill" at WDW behind the RNRC launch) and you should definitely give it a try.

I couldn't imagine anyone going to WDW and NOT riding ToT.
According to the bellhops the official record holder for most rides is an elderly lady.


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Original Poster
Valawen9 said:
I'll be sure to hide my face then...that way they won't see any weird looks. :p
Then there is no point in buying that picture so I'd be a horrible person and make you ride it again against your will thus torturing you and potentially scaring you for life where you might have to have serious therapy and possibly lead to a lawsuit and when I die I'd burn in the deepest pits of hell. :lookaroun


New Member
I say try it at least once! My first trip in '98, I was certain it would be my ONLY EVER trip to WDW, so I was determined to ride everything. I hate heights, so was terrified, and came off with my legs shaking from adrenaline, but I rode it (the photo, btw, hilarious: I've seized the people on either side of me by the arm, and have my face buried in my best friend's shoulder). My second trip ('02) I was also certain would be my last, so I did it again.

I won't say I like the ride, but I at least gave it a shot. You can do it! :sohappy:


New Member
Sledge said:
Then there is no point in buying that picture so I'd be a horrible person and make you ride it again against your will thus torturing you and potentially scaring you for life where you might have to have serious therapy and possibly lead to a lawsuit and when I die I'd burn in the deepest pits of hell. :lookaroun



Well-Known Member
At the December 2004 meet I rode ToT for the first time in years (I think there was a bribe involved in there somewhere), and there are witnesses to prove it!:drevil:

Needless to say, I still don't ride it.....:hurl:

Splash Mountain makes me sick too.:kiss:

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