
Active Member
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ok, my dad is 71 years old and gets motion sick just watching a boat on water.......let alone getting on one! He wants to take the cruise, but is TERRIFIED of being sea sick the entire time! I mean..he gets sick BAD! even some of the tamest of rides get sister and i both are DYING to take the cruise and want him to go with the family as he would be missing out on a great time! NONE of us have been able to convince him by talking to people who HAVE cruised but he doesnt "buy" that they say they NEVER knew unless they were on deck...HOW BAD IS IT???? CAN YOU EVEN TELL IF YOU ARE MOVING?? I know that there is bad weather at times at sea, and it can't be helped, but seriously want him to go with us!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well I don't get sick just watching a boat on water, but I do get motion sickness and have been violently ill on smaller boats. I take a non drowsy Dramamine every morning and I feel great on a cruise ship. I've been in a couple of big storms where I had to lay down until we got to calmer waters, but that's it. NOTHING like the small boats.
Yes, you can tell you are moving on most days, though not all. But with Dramamine it doesn't bother me at all. :)


Well-Known Member
It's a tough call if he as motion-sickness prone as you describe him.

My suggestion, if he decides to go, is book a shorter cruise (3 or 4 days). That way, worst case if he does have a hard time with the motion, it isn't a week long ordeal. Stick with a larger/newer ship, as they will have the least amount of motion possible. Get a cabin mid ship (front to back) and mid level or lower (top to bottom).

Hope he gets to go and has a good time!

Pooh Lover

Well-Known Member
The motion you have on a modern, larger cruise ship is nothing like the typical motion that causes sea sickness on a smaller vessel. I get sea sick, car sick...the whole deal, but have never been sea sick on a cruise ship in the last 20 years. On our first cruise over 20 years ago, my husband had a little nausea from a couple different things....he put on the Sea Bands given to us by my Mother and felt better almost immediately. I guess my point to him would be that sea sickness is no reason not to take a cruise today. Good luck and you never know, he could be a real fan after his first cruise. We were! ;)


Well-Known Member
Didn't read all the responses you a hurry, really....but these are the tricks I know or suggestions I would make:

1. Book a room as close to center of the ship as possible. Think front/back as well as up/down. Get midship on a middle deck. This puts your stateroom at the best possible location for movement as fas as the axis in both directions.

2. Use the Sea Bands.

3. Take ginger supplements. That's odd, I know, but think about it. When you're sick to your stomach it's an old-school remedy to drink gingerale to settle it. Ginger is the secret. It keeps the belly settled. Take ginger!

4. Get a prescription for the Scopal patch. I have the patches and have taken them on both cruises we've done. We've never used them, tho. I always have them just in case. My in-laws used them in halves. My father-in-law is very prone to motion sickness, used these, and never had an issue.

5. Meclazine (Bonine is a name brand). It's like Dramamine but less-drowsy than the less-drowsy Dramamine. The less-drowsy Dramamine still makes me into a walking zombie. I can do meclazine. Ask your pharmacist about it and he/she can show it to you.

6. Don't go into the cruise thinking you're gonna get sick. A well-armed person who has planned and worked out their prevention should be juuuust fine. Have fun! Don't psyche yourself out before you get there because if you board the ship convinced you're going to be a puking mess chances are you will be.


Well-Known Member
6. Don't go into the cruise thinking you're gonna get sick. A well-armed person who has planned and worked out their prevention should be juuuust fine. Have fun! Don't psyche yourself out before you get there because if you board the ship convinced you're going to be a puking mess chances are you will be.

Very true! I get motion sickness and even I know there's a psychological aspect to it.


Well-Known Member
I would recommend dramamine. One of my close friends is also motion sickness prone and has never had a problem on a large cruise ship.


Well-Known Member
Whatever your dad decides to try, give it a trial run at home ahead of time. That way if something makes him drowsy he'll know before the cruise so he doesn't waste precious time sleeping off the meds.


Well-Known Member
Didn't read all the responses you a hurry, really....but these are the tricks I know or suggestions I would make:

1. Book a room as close to center of the ship as possible. Think front/back as well as up/down. Get midship on a middle deck. This puts your stateroom at the best possible location for movement as fas as the axis in both directions.

2. Use the Sea Bands.

3. Take ginger supplements. That's odd, I know, but think about it. When you're sick to your stomach it's an old-school remedy to drink gingerale to settle it. Ginger is the secret. It keeps the belly settled. Take ginger!

4. Get a prescription for the Scopal patch. I have the patches and have taken them on both cruises we've done. We've never used them, tho. I always have them just in case. My in-laws used them in halves. My father-in-law is very prone to motion sickness, used these, and never had an issue.

5. Meclazine (Bonine is a name brand). It's like Dramamine but less-drowsy than the less-drowsy Dramamine. The less-drowsy Dramamine still makes me into a walking zombie. I can do meclazine. Ask your pharmacist about it and he/she can show it to you.

6. Don't go into the cruise thinking you're gonna get sick. A well-armed person who has planned and worked out their prevention should be juuuust fine. Have fun! Don't psyche yourself out before you get there because if you board the ship convinced you're going to be a puking mess chances are you will be.

Honestly...I'd say to him to "don't buy" that no one ever feels sick or that no one feels like they are moving on the trip. I'd say that's probably how it is for a lot of people but not for everyone. You will feel like you are moving slightly and obviously, if one is up on deck, it's pretty obvious you are moving. Definitely get as close to the middle if you can.

If your father gets a easily motion sick as you describe, then I would definitely definitely recommend he talk to his doctor about this. Scopal (actual drug is scopolamine) is specific for motion sickness though it, like all drugs, may have some side effects. But if it's as bad as you say it is, definitely at least encourage him to talk to his doctor. You don't want a miserable father on your trip.

Also, I think the idea of a short cruise is a really good idea. And ginger/ginger ale always works wonders for me (I tend to get severe car sickness and have used most of the remedies sweetpie listed). I've heard good things about the sea bands too.


New Member
Hi Pcarathers,
Been there & done that as my youngest daughter & myself suffer motion sickness too.
My daughter is way worse than I am & I was worried more for her than me.

As suggested we did a 3 night cruise into the Bahama's as our first test.
Yes you can feel the engine running & the boat move slightly, ever so slightly, but may I suggest that when walking around the ship take it easy, there is no need to rush. This helped me tremendously & we purchased when we got to the states & I think are the best things since sliced bread "CVS Pharmacy" "Once a day Motion Sickness Relief" tablets.
As it was mainly for my daughter as I really had no trouble as the Bahamian waters are very calm at most times, we got chewable raspberry flavored tablets.
Ingredients listed on pack, still have some, are "Meclizine Hydrochloride 25mg. Antiemetic."

Again get a cabin mid ship, mid deck. We chose deck 6 right in he middle & this was fantastic.

I was very nervous & very excited at the same time, but in the end I took it easy & both daughter & myself never had a problem.
I hope he chooses to travel & give it a go. He may end up doing what we want to do & start to book again as we can't wait.

All the best.


Active Member
Original Poster
Thanks for the info everyone! it is odd for my dad, who is a Master Scuba Diver to be sea sick so badly!!! we will be looking into all of the "treatments" and hopefully convince him to give it a try!!!! Either way, we are going to do it whether he goes or would just be more fun if he went!


Well-Known Member
I will echo what others have said (DH has motion issues) - we get a mid deck mid ship cabin and he starts taking the Bonine when we are driving to the port (we stop in Orlando the night before) and then takes a Bonine every morning when we wake up. He does say that he can feel the motion, but due to the drugs it doesn't bother him. He loves to cruise now that we got that first one out of the way. The pros far outweigh the cons!


Well-Known Member
I get motion sicknesss as well. Have been on several cruises. Some, I never felt movement at all, some just on some nights. Ive been very lucky with weather. I found Dramamine Less Drowsy Formula. Its one pill every 24 hours. I only take a half each day. I also take a half when I fly. I never feel a thing. Its great.

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