Narnia Attraction


New Member
Narnia rides

a narnia ride at AK would fit in a little better than at MGM now that i think about it. theyve got talking animals in it, which to me qualifies it for a spot in AK! i dont think it would work with BK above and beyond the fact that BK is and always has been a rumor. how about this: stick it in next to EE so there will be two mountains, and the ride will be inbetween them - just like the queens castle in the books!


New Member
Not sure how many of you are aware of this but there is an "attraction" at MGM. It is almost like a very long trailor but you go into the sound stage where Haunted Mansion used to be and you get to go through the wardrobe and into Narnia then there is the long trailor and the white witch is there as well. It is nice and although I have not seen the movie yet at least its something. Just thought you all would like to know


New Member
The attraction is great, definately more enjoyable once you have seen the movie and then see the props. Also if you go on the Backlot Tour they have the costume from the fight scene and the chariot and weapons inside. Very cool, we got some pictures of all the items.


Well-Known Member
ms7479a said:
Looking at this map of Magic Kingdom, it seems as though there is nothing behind Fantasyland, a Narnia-themed land would work well there as it is a good segway from Fantasyland but I still think that the land could flow over onto the current Tom Sawyer Island.

That's Exactly what Disney wants you to think! There IS TONS of Room at the MK.:D However, that couldn't be further from the truth.

As previouly stated Tom Sawyer Island would not fit was never ment to have an attraction, so it will not. The Utilidor & disposal system does not access the island as previously stated.

Connor002 said:
Well, where to start?

The maps are NOT to scale.
The maps do not include the showbuildings or ultility buildings.

Google Earth will give you a good idea, I'd post my screenshot of the MK, but I Haven't read if it's within the Google Earth Terms and Conditions.


New Member
Fantasmc said:
Not sure how many of you are aware of this but there is an "attraction" at MGM. It is almost like a very long trailor but you go into the sound stage where Haunted Mansion used to be and you get to go through the wardrobe and into Narnia then there is the long trailor and the white witch is there as well. It is nice and although I have not seen the movie yet at least its something. Just thought you all would like to know

I know of that "attraction", but the kind of thing I am hoping for would be more of a ride. Maybe they could do a kind of ride where they start you off in the house and then you get to go through the wardrobe and you get to see narnia up close, and then, naturally, the white witch spots you and chases you...

i guess i just described EE, didnt i. either way, it would be cool to have a narnia ride, in addition to the walkthrough.


Active Member
Having just come back from seeing Narnia, I'd actually like to throw my .02 in. I think a Narnia attraction would be great and a welcomed addition to Animal Kingdom NOT Magic Kingdom. With all the actual animals mixed with the mythical animals and the fantasy of it all it fits in AK. It would seem too forced in MK. If they wanted a ride it wouldn't have to be directly tied into the film, you could have Aslan guide you around Narnia or something like Soarin' it could be done.


New Member
Okay, time to jump on the bandwagon, having just seen Narnia myself. I think Narnia could fit in well as part of Beastly Kingdom. It's populated entirely by mythical and real animals and the storyline could involve us (being human) attempting to save Narnia from the White Witch in some form or another. And if you think about it, not all attractions at AK are about conserving/protecting animals (Chester and Hester's Dino-Rama anyone?), and, when looked at in a different light, Dinosaur could really be about disobeying your superiors and endangering the lives of guests!

Another location could be (and heaven help me from the people who may jump all over me on this:fork: ), as a replacement for the Great Movie Ride. You could keep the existing ride system, or, at great expense, build a system similar to the Spider-man attraction at IOA.


I agree-it could go in the Beastly Kingdom. I do not think it should go in place of Tom Sawyer Island. That would be weird floating around in the riverboat around Narnia, I think. Plus, Tom Sawyer Island is a very relaxing spot, even if you are watching from the boat. There are usually several people on the dock over there (where Aunt Polly's Dockside Inn used to be), just relaxing. It is one of the quietest (sp?) spots in the park.

Maybe they are using the Narnia soundstage attraction as a trial to judge interest?

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Very possible..but i think it was set up mainly as a on-site promotional tool to get Guests aware of the film and spark their interest. How they planned on doing this with the attraction they currently have there at MGM i don't know, as most folks' reviews i've read here have said it's a bit pointless. I have'nt seen it yet ( would very much like to though!) so i can't pass judgements really..

I have seen the film twice now and love it. I think it's very well done and i can really get into the characters and fantasy creatures in particular. I would enjoy seeing some sort of "real" attraction at the Parks based on this film. I can see it at MGM really better then any other park only because of the fact that it's a movie product in the general publics eyes. I can see though why many feel AK is a more appropriate place but to me it seems MGM is the best place for it.

Either place is fine as long as we see a nice attraction based on it! I'd love to be able to visit and do a Meet n' Greet with Mr. Tumnus. :p


New Member
I would love a 'real' attraction to go with this. It was amazing. Hiding away the costumes and props, just to rot or be lost forever would be a shame.

I do wish they would have had better lighting on it all. Brighter and cleaner. Though it could just be an attempt to make it harder to take photos of the props. (I had to use a tripod and do long exposure, while trying to avoid a CM kicking me out due to the time)



Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
WOW....thanks for posting the great photos! I'd enjoy seeing more if you have any from this display!

I think a proper attraction would be great and very popular. Even those folks who know nothing about the world of Narnia would find it interesting and entertaining. Good fantasy never goes out of style as we all know....:animwink:

Part of the appeal is all the fantastic many kids ( and big kids like us! :p ) would love it! Who would'nt want to "visit" a unicorn or meet a faun? The film seems to be very successful and no doubt will spawn sequels....i would enjoy seeing some sort of "real" attraction for this at either MGM or AK.

Bring it on!


New Member
The 2 pics that my husband posted are actually part of the Villian display at the end of the Backlot tour at MGM. We have other pics from the actual display of Narnia. You can click on the link in my signature under '05*PC and see the pics from our recent trip to WDW.

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