myhappyplace's trip report: Zac's 2nd trip, and Dad's First!

Hi all! I thought I'd get started on our Trip Report from 1/22 through 1/29, 2011.

Other than a one day visit to Epcot as an excursion on a non-Disney cruise I took in November of 2010, I hadn't had a week's stay in Disney since October of 2008 :eek: Not okay at all!

I had been wanting to get my little brother, Zac, back to the World, and so asked at the beginning of the year at his school what his teachers and TSS thought about missing a week (Zac has a TSS for ADHD and Asperger's). He has been doing wonderfully well at school this year, and they said they thought it would be excellent if he went! So plans were made in August. If you want a refresher, here is my trip report from his first visit:

Zac's First Trip

Now, I have gone 8 other times to Disney, and always planned things myself. However this time I spoke to Tammy (Disneyfalcon) and used her services at Kingdom Konsultants (BEST THING EVER!!!!). I can't thank her enough for making everything so simple!! Kudos to you Tammy! :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:

Our party this trip consisted of:
Me (Amber), 32
Little Brother (Zac), 7
Mom (Bonnie), 60
Dad (Bob), 63
Sister (Chrissy), 30
Brother-in-Law (Duane), 36
Baby Nephew (Devin), 6 months

So obviously this was the first trip for Devin, but it was also the first time for my Dad. He agreed to go only because I planned it so that it wasn't hot and/or too crowded. He grew up in the golden era of Davy Crockett, and really wanted to see Frontierland.

Stay tuned, more posts to follow!


Crazy Cat Lady
Original Poster
Saturday, January 22

Our trip officially started on this day, however we had spent the last two days worrying and wondering if we should head to Pittsburgh (where we were flying out of) early and get a room, then use hotel transport to the airport because of a possible snowstorm. And that's even if hotel rooms were available...there was a little game being played at Heinz Field that weekend (WOOOOOT STEELERS!!! :D) Turns out, it did snow, but on Thursday, so roads were just fine as we left early early Saturday morning, at 3am. We took Zac out of bed, bundled him up (temps at our home in Central PA were 7...this would be the highest temp we'd see until reaching Florida) and off we went. We left at this time because we thought Zac would sleep, but no. He woke up, too excited, and because he doesn't get his meds for his ADHD until he has eaten, at around 7am, THAT was a fun trip :lookaroun:ROFLOL: Oh well, it wasn't like I could blame him; I was practically giddy myself. As we drove toward Pittsburgh (about 3 hours from our home) the temps dropped to MINUS 8 :eek:. So we told ourselves that no matter the temp in Florida, it would be better than here!!

Duane, Chrissy, and Devin had a different flight but at a similar time, so they were about a half hour ahead of us in the driving.

Just a little illustration of the workings of my family: As we were leaving the house, we told Dad to grab the coffees for himself and Mom, and my tea. He took them to the car but got them all mixed up as to who they belonged to. So as I'm driving, he hands me my tea. I took a drink and practically spat it was coffee!! So I said "Dad, this is yours!" so he hands me the other cup and I take a drink....IT was coffee! So he hands me the third cup. So then Dad hands Mom one of the coffees. Only trouble is, he takes his with cream and sugar, Mom takes hers black. You guessed it...Dad took a sip of the wrong one too! It was like Musical Cups...we were laughing so hard. No wonder Zac couldn't sleep!

Upon arriving at the Pittsburgh International Airport (where it was FREEZING!!) we caught the shuttle not a minute too soon before we got unbearably cold, and were whisked away into heat. We ate some breakfast at McD's so that Zac could (thankfully) get his meds into his system, and off to our gate we went.

Now, when we got on the plane, we discovered our seats were the very last row, no windows. I didn't think it was a big deal when I booked; turns out this is a very big NO-NO in Zac's world (remember he has Asperger's). He kept shouting "it's too close, people are too close!!" because he couldn't see out of the plane. Point taken and remembered for next flight. Luckily the aisle was the next best thing, and he calmed himself immediately and had a very very pleasant flight. Oh yeah, but mom spilled her drink on herself during the flight.

And here are Zac and I heading down to Magical Express upon landing in MCO:

On Magical Express:


We arrived at our resort, called Chrissy and Duane, who were already in their room, and went speedily through the Online Check-in queue. Our room was ready, successfully adjoined with Chrissy's and Duane's. So we took our carry-ons to our our room, then went to the food court to eat and see how the Dining Plan worked (our first time-loved it!!), then all departed for our first day! I had decided that before we go to a park, I wanted to show Dad and Mom the monorail resorts, so we took the bus to the MK, then boarded the resort monorail, which I think they enjoyed. At home, I always say the "por favor mantengense..." line to Zac, so he liked hearing it in person again.

Waiting for the monorail:


And Duane with all his friends on the monorail:


Crazy Cat Lady
Original Poster
We didn't get out at the Contemporary, but did at the Polynesian and Grand Floridian.


Zac making a candy tube at the gift shop:

I also thought ahead to buy a spinny light thing here (no character or anything, just plain) for a few bucks, to avoid having to buy a Buzz Lightyear one at later evening parades.

As we walked around the Grand Floridian, as much as I was trying to deny it, it was SO COLD!! The wind is what really did it. So we decided to get Zac to the Magic Kingdom to get a couple of rides in and then call it a day, hoping it would warm up the next day a bit.

Zac loved that he "and the guys" could go through the No-bag entrance, and my dad even joked that "his bag" went through the line on her own (my mother). Thus is my dad.


I actually liked the display at the front of the MK...

This was just about 4:45 or so, as they were preventing people from walking by the flagpole, because the Flag Retreat Ceremony was about to happen. I hadn't ever seen it, and I thought my dad would really like it, being a veteran, so we hung out there. I took Zac over to the Fire Station, as we were doing pressed pennies this week for him, and he pressed his first of the trip here:





Very touching, simple ceremony, and I saw a little tear in my Dad's eye.


Crazy Cat Lady
Original Poster
My sister, brother-in-law, the baby, and Dad decided to head back to the resort at this time, as they were chilly, plus tired from the big travel day. Mom, Zac and I stayed.

The park was rather busy this day, and I chalked it up to being a Saturday, as well as the last day that the MK was open until 11pm. Right away, Zac wanted to ride Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin (for what would be the first of probably 15 times). We ended up having to Fast Pass it, so while we waited for the time to come around, we rode the TTC, then headed across the hub toward Liberty Square. But first we watched Move It, Shake It, Celebrate It! which we had fun dancing along to.






This would be Zac, erm...shakin' it:


Crazy Cat Lady
Original Poster
I knew the MSEP ran twice this day, but was hoping the first wouldn't be too crowded, as I didn't think Mom would make it until the second. So we looked around Liberty Square, and went and had a meal at Columbia Harbor House. It tasted so good; I do love that place. We then were able to find spots for the parade right by the shackles or whatever they're called. I had never seen the MSEP, so was anxious about how it would stack up to Spectromagic for me...turns out I loved it! Very catchy music (which I'm familiar with because I have it on cd) and Zac and Mom liked it as well.




Sigh...Prince Charming..


We worked our way toward the Hub for the Castle Light show, and Wishes. I LOVED the Castle Lights!! So touching, and AMAZING!! The way the castle looked like it was rippling! I couldn't get over it, and Wishes is always beautiful.

Then it was straight over to Buzz, even though we overshot our return time, we were allowed in, thankfully.

We successfully defeated the Evil Emperor Zurg, yet again! Zac is so cute...he really does think we are saving batteries so that the MK has power.

That's the end of the first day! I will continue more soon, thanks for reading!


Well-Known Member
Looks like you all had a great time:). Can't wait to read about the rest of your trip and see all your photos.


New Member
I am looking forward to reading the rest of your trip report. my nephew is autistic and he has the same problem with people being to close to him in small spaces. He loves Disney World and is alot more at ease there then he is other places.


Well-Known Member
Woot woot! A trip report from Amber!

It was my pleasure booking your trip, Amber! I'm so glad you had fun! It looks great so far!:sohappy:


Crazy Cat Lady
Original Poster
I am looking forward to reading the rest of your trip report. my nephew is autistic and he has the same problem with people being to close to him in small spaces. He loves Disney World and is alot more at ease there then he is other places.

My brother actually does so well, that my mom commented along the lines of "you'd think he'd hate this place", what with the lines, crowds, noise, lights...but he does so well. It's amazing. He's pretty functional, so it isn't as severe anyway as some others, but still.

Looks like you all had a great time:). Can't wait to read about the rest of your trip and see all your photos.

Thanks! More should be coming this week, but as I'm housesitting, and they have a really old computer it might not be as fast as I'd like.

Woot woot! A trip report from Amber!

It was my pleasure booking your trip, Amber! I'm so glad you had fun! It looks great so far!:sohappy:

Yes!! And it was so fun!! :)


Well-Known Member
Loving it so far, Amber. Can't wait to read more. We saw the flag retreat for the first time on our last trip and thought it was very moving as well.

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