my predictions for the rest of the year....


New Member
I actually liked the share a dream come true parade. Now, tapestry of nations or dreams or whatever is pretty boring. The puppets are very cool, but it is the same float and puppets over and over and over...

all of your other predictions are right on!


SykedOwt is right....early entry was one of the best perks for people staying in the park.....That hour made all the MK,we could do Space twice, and still beat the crowds to the other side of the park when they droped the ropes by the Colombia House.


Ohh, i hope Tapestry stays. It would be better as Tapestry of Nations then Tapestry of Dreams, but if it stays as tapestry of dreams I'll still be happy.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mktiggerman
4-Wide World of Sports is still a waste of space
5-Pop Century FAILS

Didn't I read - somewhere - that Wide World of Sports would be closed because it was losing money? Something about how it could not be expanded to profitability. I'm not sure about the accuracy of that report, however.

As for Pop Century, Disney should be able to fill those rooms in the $70-$99 price range by drawing guests who would otherwise stay off-property (not that this will actually happen). Granted, one risk is PC instead taking customers away from Disney's deluxe or moderate resorts, but who gets hurt by opening these almost 6,000 rooms should be the chains along I-Drive and Hwy 192.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mktiggerman
Rest of the world
5-Pop Century FAILS
6-AK Lodge doesn't fail

I'll agree with you for sure on the AK Lodge... it really is a wonderfully themed resort, and I've heard nothing but great things from guests I've talked to who are staying there.

As for Pop Century... I will agree that it's not for everyone. However, I have a strong feeling that a lot of kids, as well as "grown-up kids" will get a kick out of the decorations, and pop icons, and other props they have around. Personally, I got a big kick out of the '57 Chevy styled pargo (golf cart) that they will use to drive around the resort.

I will say this, though... I do personally think they made it a bit too big... so I think for that reason alone, it might not be as sucessful as they might have hoped.


Well-Known Member
I think your predictions are right on. My fear is that WDW will over saturate (if you will) themselves with hotel rooms. I hope this is the last of the massive resorts built for a long time. Staying on property had alot of panache when there were a few resorts and you had to make reservations one year in advance.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Re: Re: my predictions for the rest of the year....

Originally posted by CDavid

Didn't I read - somewhere - that Wide World of Sports would be closed because it was losing money? Something about how it could not be expanded to profitability. I'm not sure about the accuracy of that report, however.

As for Pop Century, Disney should be able to fill those rooms in the $70-$99 price range by drawing guests who would otherwise stay off-property (not that this will actually happen). Granted, one risk is PC instead taking customers away from Disney's deluxe or moderate resorts, but who gets hurt by opening these almost 6,000 rooms should be the chains along I-Drive and Hwy 192.

There is no intention what so ever of Disney closing WWOS. Believe it or not that place makes plenty of money because of groups always going there for competition (competitors means sponsors). They are even making the resort area where Pop Century is Disney's WWOS resort area, which means that we will probably see a lot more expansion in that area (theme park, water park, more resorts).

As for Pop Century it will do great. The value resorts are filled at 75-80% capacity almost year round. So as for them failing...I doubt it.

Also ToD won't stop running until the celeration is over. It is one of publicized events for the 100 YOM it will stick around.


Active Member
I hope we see the Electric Umbrella go back to those THIN Chicken strips that looked like brown French Fries and they kinda tasted like Burger King tenders.

It was the only place I found that had different Chicken Strips. A little variety was nice.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Testtrack321

You won't want to sleep now... :mad:

What evidence do you have of this?

Its a prediction..doesnt mean its true..but i also think its going to go bye bye...


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Testtrack321
What evidence do you have of this?

they're PREDICTIONS. A prediction is a foretelling based on feeling and not on fact. However, I have access to several resources, some if which may or may not have influenced this foretelling. to soothe you, lets get a second opinion.

let's all see what has to say about that...

pre·dic·tion Pronunciation Key (prI-dIk-shun)
The act of predicting.
Something foretold or predicted; a prophecy.

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.



\Pre*dic"tion\, n. [L. praedictio: cf. F. pr['e]diction.] The act of foretelling; also, that which is foretold; prophecy.

The predictions of cold and long winters. --Bacon.

Syn: Prophecy; prognostication; foreboding; augury; divination; soothsaying; vaticination.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.



n 1: reasoning about the future [syn: anticipation, foresight] 2: a statement about the future [syn: foretelling, forecasting]
Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University

nowhere there does it base anything on fact... I rest my case.


New Member
I'm confused again???

Once again, I'm in a confused state. First off, the Share a Dream Come True parade at the MK has ALREADY gone in for rehab once? Why? What was changed? Also, is ToD really that bad? When I saw it as ToN there were always a bunch of people lined up to see it. Has it really changed that much, as well as the crowds to view it?

General Grizz

New Member
Here are my "predictions"...I must admit I have been "helped out", but I can't say how and from whom or what... ;)

1) Country Bear Jamboree gets the Vacation Show for several months
2) Peter Pan's Flight gets rehab
3) Carousel of Progress refurbished; closed for seasonal months
4) Timekeeper bites the dust

1) Various Innoventions rehabs
2) Mission Space delayed, and if open, having to close again for updates (somewhat like Alien Encounter)
3) Wonders of Life closed for rehab
4) JII with Figment opens, What If labs stay downstairs, the ride is very similar to JIYI
5) O, Canada! Film taken down for a new film...


Well-Known Member
a.) I'm good in English, so I know what predictions are
b.) sometimes predictions are influenced by things, and since you work for Disney, mabey you heard somethings.
c.) You won't hear the helecopters at night, they will be on silent mode....:drevil:


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Original Poster
Re: I'm confused again???

Originally posted by AdLibSean
Once again, I'm in a confused state. First off, the Share a Dream Come True parade at the MK has ALREADY gone in for rehab once? Why? What was changed? Also, is ToD really that bad? When I saw it as ToN there were always a bunch of people lined up to see it. Has it really changed that much, as well as the crowds to view it?

ToD is not the most popular parade, as the numbers indicate. The rankings right now put is at #3, and since they spent little $ on it, it won't be a big fiscal loss for them to ditch it.

the rankings are as follows

1- jammin jungle
2-stars and cars
4-Share a Dream.

Share a dream already had the speeches from the characters in the show stops cut down to shorter ones. Since that did nothing to help it, I have a feeling it will be rehabbed again, since Disney spent a considerable amount on it.


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: I'm confused again???

Originally posted by mktiggerman
Share a dream already had the speeches from the characters in the show stops cut down to shorter ones. Since that did nothing to help it, I have a feeling it will be rehabbed again, since Disney spent a considerable amount on it.

Tig, I know this gonna be really off-topic here, but is it really that bad? I saw pics of it, and I have the song on MP3, and I really liked it, specially the whole Peter Pan and Tink thing, and the fact that the characters seem to speak to the crowd more directly now.


Well-Known Member
Here are my predictions:

-CoP is done for good
-Timekeeper, used seasonaly, but it's end will come soon
-20K will rot, flood the Utiladoors, and a huge media frenzy of theme park safty will happen (imagine seeing all this water just *dissappear)
-Splash will close, just like DL, and a restraint will be installed

-Esiner will put his face on Spaceship Earth
-The USSR pavilion will be built
-M:S will open it's preview this summer, but the ride will open in March
-ToD will stay untill October 2003, then Tapestry of Pressler, a huge procession of everyones favorite pacifist and conservative. There will be nothing bu cheep recycled music and floats that you could walk onto and buy stuff.

-Nothing will happen here, the ToT rehab will fall, just like ________ Traceys CRIMESTOPPERS

-BK won't be built, a newer, cheeper land will be.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Original Poster
Re: Re: Re: I'm confused again???

Originally posted by MKCustodial

Tig, I know this gonna be really off-topic here, but is it really that bad? I saw pics of it, and I have the song on MP3, and I really liked it, specially the whole Peter Pan and Tink thing, and the fact that the characters seem to speak to the crowd more directly now.

the new shorter speeches are full of it. They don't make sense anymore. They made a potentially good parade into a boring load of crap

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