My most embarrassing moment at Disney, Share yours!

Black Pearl

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Recently, I was married at the Walt Disney World resort and had a great time. We chose the Boardwalk and had a fantastic experience with the ceremony, cake cutting, and photography.

To be honest, most everything was great except for one moment that was very awkward.... The after-after moments of our wedding... allow me to explain.

Staying at the AKL, we were transported back via limo to our honeymoon room where we were going to change, and also "change" into our evening attire for the dinner that we had arranged for our wedding guests. Being the groom, and not in the wedding gown being swooned over by other guests, decided to double check the room and make sure it was all good before my bride entered (even though I had already been checked in etc). This was a good idea as that very day was, unbeknownst to me, the day that new mattresses were being installed in the rooms.

Upon entering the room, which was opened already, I was met by a woman that looked to be from mouse keeping. I said hello politely and asked how long they would be, because I was just married and my new wife and I would like the room. She didn't appear to speak the best English, and so I tried my best to communicate with her. After a few minutes, she went and got the crew of men handling the mattresses, and they swapped them out.

No harm, no foul, and I think everything is good when they leave the room.


Going back to find my wife, whose being photographed, etc., We enter the room together and I decided to lock BOTH locks on the door. Normally I would just do the bolt, but this time I instinctually did the manual "chain/hook" lock as well. This later proved to be smart.

After awhile, my new wife and I were "changing" and the door suddenly starts to make clicking noises! Eyes wide, we wonder what in the world is that, thinking maybe its just an excited child going to the wrong room. NOPE. The door clicks again and this time UNLOCKS AND OPENS UP, getting caught by the manual "chain/hook" lock at the top that I used.

Disney mouse keeping / service essentially had just entered WITHOUT KNOCKING on my door, directly after my wedding. Completely flabbergasted at the idea, I was shocked at the unlocking clicks, and relieved when I realized that the "BANG" of the door being caught on the "chain/hook" didn't allow them to actually enter.

In summery, my wedding night nearly turned into a exhibition.

I really haven't figured out how to tell Disney about this concern without making it more embarrassing, and as time goes on I wonder if it is too late.

Anyway, what's your moment of embarrassment at The WDW?

Black Pearl

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
well i would have talked to management as soon as i was done "changing"and told them that mouse keeping tried to enter without knocking
Yes I thought about that, but I wondered after the consideration if that was how I wanted to kick off our time before greeting our guests at dinner and our honeymoon. I guess either way, the moment left an impression on us, but I didn't want to get even more awkward or heated with someone and remember that about our wedding.


Well-Known Member
While this is not even remotely nearly on the embarassing scale as someone almost walking in while a couple is "changing"...when I was a teenager, our youth choir at church used to go to a thing called SonPower every other year. We would practice music in the mornings and evenings and in the afternoon we would go roam around Orlando and surrounding areas. Our music minister would order us the most hideous neon colored shirts imaginable for the purpose of spotting all of us. Being 14 and in a eye-blaring bright shirt was horrid. That's not the embarrassing part, though. We were strolling down Main Street during one afternoon, and one of my friends, who decided to talk with an Australian accent all summer (we weren't close friends), started going off on a loud, accented rant about how miserable Disney was, how he was not having any fun, and he wanted to leave. After we all ducked into stores to get away from him, he pouted and left the park. Ahh teenagers.


Well-Known Member
We had a cast member at the Crystal Palace physically block us from the lunch buffet because we had been scheduled for breakfast. It was an hour past our ressie and lunch was already being served, we'd sat outside in 90 degree temps with starving toddlers so we were pretty unhappy but then her behavior was just the last straw. The manager had already been to see us, apologized and said breakfast is over so please enjoy lunch only to have a cast member standing there with her arms and legs akimbo demanding we get away from lunch. We've never gone back to CP and we laugh about how naive we were back then but it was very embarassing to be shooed away like that, we just tucked our tails between our legs and went and ate Dole Whips (and yes, we paid the high cost of the buffet for our toddlers to each eat one Mickey Waffle).


Well-Known Member
I have posted this several times, but here we we go again; One day walking through the Grand Floridian my son who was about 9 at the time and dressed in his Tom Brady football shirt and cargo shorts with his crew cut hair looking every inch the Pop Warner football player he was declared that he was hungry and asked for a snack. When I said yes he said "I think we can get something here" and walked into "my Disney Girls Perfect Princess Tea." The hostess look at me started shacking her head as if to say no you don't want to be here and covered her mouth to keep from laughing her eyes big as saucers. All talking stopped in the tea and a few lttle princesses said "look" and pointed. One little princess battered her eyes at him I'm sure of it. He didn't say a word but turned beet red and did a parade ground about face walking out with his fists clinched. I followed him outside were he was muttering about stupid girls. He's a teenager now and hates to stay at the Grand Floridian and when we walk through the lobby he says "Dad please not again."

Black Pearl

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
We had a cast member at the Crystal Palace physically block us from the lunch buffet because we had been scheduled for breakfast. It was an hour past our ressie and lunch was already being served, we'd sat outside in 90 degree temps with starving toddlers so we were pretty unhappy but then her behavior was just the last straw. The manager had already been to see us, apologized and said breakfast is over so please enjoy lunch only to have a cast member standing there with her arms and legs akimbo demanding we get away from lunch. We've never gone back to CP and we laugh about how naive we were back then but it was very embarassing to be shooed away like that, we just tucked our tails between our legs and went and ate Dole Whips (and yes, we paid the high cost of the buffet for our toddlers to each eat one Mickey Waffle).

That's a crazy over reaction on that CM's part for sure. I understand politely informing guests about the change over to lunch, etc. but it sounds like that went a little beyond that without asking questions first.


Well-Known Member
That's a crazy over reaction on that CM's part for sure. I understand politely informing guests about the change over to lunch, etc. but it sounds like that went a little beyond that without asking questions first.
No worries! We were weak and learned a lot from the situtation, were that to happen again the outcome would be totally the opposite. I think my infantry soldier just having returned from a 15 month deployment to Iraq during the war and my joy to just have him home safe made me not sweat the small stuff and believe me, having suffered a few hours of discomfort and paying a bunch of money for nothing had been the least of our worries for awhile...the rest of our trip was wonderful as well as all the ones that have followed, we have been truly blessed!

Black Pearl

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
No worries! We were weak and learned a lot from the situtation, were that to happen again the outcome would be totally the opposite. I think my infantry soldier just having returned from a 15 month deployment to Iraq during the war and my joy to just have him home safe made me not sweat the small stuff and believe me, having suffered a few hours of discomfort and paying a bunch of money for nothing had been the least of our worries for awhile...the rest of our trip was wonderful as well as all the ones that have followed, we have been truly blessed!

Good outlook!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, this is somewhat embarrassing now, but when I was little (4-5), the family went to the 1900 Park Fare for dinner, with the Cinderella characters coming around every now and then. So when Prince Charming came over to the table, he said "Hello, young princess." and he kissed my hand.
Now, if he would've done that now, or (hopefully) in September when we go, I would've fainted.
But being the little weirdo I was, I said, very loudly after he left, "MOM, GET THE ANTIBACTERIAL SOAP!" and the next time he came around, my hand was firmly wrapped in the napkin. I just smirked. I'm still teased about it now, but oh well. :p


Well-Known Member
I have two which are pretty equal on the redfaced scale. When my DD was almost three and still in her lightweight stroller we went to MK for the morning EMH. While waiting with a small group on the Liberty Square walkway waiting for that land to open I noticed my shoe was untied. Being shoe tying challenged (I have to sit down, I don't know why) I decided I would just tuck the lace in my shoe for the time being. I leaned against the walkway railing...which wasn't a railing...but an unsecured gate. I fell flat on my back! Failing to remember I was still holding onto the stroller handle I ended up accidently spinning my daughter around almost 360*. I jumped up so fast but before I could brush myself off my DD throws her hands in the air and yells "Yay mommy!" and starts clapping...very loud and enthusiastically...then everyone around us starts clapping...very loud and enthusiastically...I remember this every time I walk past that darn fence...I mean gate...thing.:)


Well-Known Member
My second embarrassing experience was this last winter when I wore my "comfort" jeans on our flight to Orlando. (The jeans you've had for a long time but won't get rid of because they're so comfortable.) We went through DME and were first of about a dozen people in line for Pop Century. Being first on the bus my DD sat in the seat right behind the driver then at the last second decided she wanted the aisle instead of window. We hurried up and switched before everyone else got on board BUT...I got the pocket to my jeans caught on the arm rest...and split my jeans and ripped the pocket off!:oops: I sat straight down mortified, lol. I hadn't packed extra clothes in our carry on so that wasn't an option.

I decided before we got to our resort I would tie my coat around my waist. As we were pulling out of MCO, but before the WDW program started playing (you know that nice quiet time), my DD starts singing Spongebob's "Ripped Pants" song! Everyone close to us was laughing so that made me more paranoid. Thank gosh the program started. We got to our resort and were lucky to be the last people on the bus. I tied my coat on but it was too short so I retrieved my carry on and put it around my shoulder and behind me hoping no one would notice my "ripped pants". I checked in online and being later in the evening I figured easy-peasy, get our key card and go straight to the misplaced my packet...:mad:. I stood there for ten minutes while they tried to figure out what happened. I was so irritated by the time everything was resolved I didn't care who saw my bright pink undies, lol. We got to our room and called home to check in and the first words out of my DD's mouth was "Hi Gramma. Mommy ripped her pants." Man I miss those jeans.


Active Member
My most embarrassing moment was on the ToT when it first opened. It was my first time and being in construction and a firefighter I new elevator aren't suppose to travel across the room. Needless to say when we reached the drop shaft and it started the descent, I grabbed another guests arm. Thankfully he assured me it would be alright. Just a bit embarrassed to say the least.


Active Member
First time we took our kids to Disney 2003 ...My oldest son was 9 (he also has Aspergers) . He loved dinosaurs and basically anything nature and science. I asked before we got on the ride what the attraction was like. CM told us its a bumpy ride in the dark I said ok I started to walk away and he yells after us . You might see a dinosaur here and there . I said ok thanks ! Lets just say by the end of the ride my son was in hysterics and the lady that was on the ride in front us turned around to tell me what I horrible mother I was for subjecting my son to this ride. Needless to say Disney security was called and we were taken to a location to talk things out . This woman was a MINISTER no less . She apologized and apologized again. I think I was probably a topic for one of her sermons.


Smitty Werben JagerManJensen
I've told this story a few times before, but our DD2 gave my wife and I the red face a couple of times during our last trip. She was very fascinated by overweight people for some reason, and lets just say her filter wasn't fully developed. On one occasion, we were in the elevator at AKL when a lady stepped in with us. My DD excitedly shouts "look at that fat boy!!" and points to the poor lady. Longest elevator ride ever.

The Mighty Tim

Well-Known Member
My second embarrassing experience was this last winter when I wore my "comfort" jeans on our flight to Orlando. (The jeans you've had for a long time but won't get rid of because they're so comfortable.) We went through DME and were first of about a dozen people in line for Pop Century. Being first on the bus my DD sat in the seat right behind the driver then at the last second decided she wanted the aisle instead of window. We hurried up and switched before everyone else got on board BUT...I got the pocket to my jeans caught on the arm rest...and split my jeans and ripped the pocket off!:oops: I sat straight down mortified, lol. I hadn't packed extra clothes in our carry on so that wasn't an option.

I decided before we got to our resort I would tie my coat around my waist. As we were pulling out of MCO, but before the WDW program started playing (you know that nice quiet time), my DD starts singing Spongebob's "Ripped Pants" song! Everyone close to us was laughing so that made me more paranoid. Thank gosh the program started. We got to our resort and were lucky to be the last people on the bus. I tied my coat on but it was too short so I retrieved my carry on and put it around my shoulder and behind me hoping no one would notice my "ripped pants". I checked in online and being later in the evening I figured easy-peasy, get our key card and go straight to the misplaced my packet...:mad:. I stood there for ten minutes while they tried to figure out what happened. I was so irritated by the time everything was resolved I didn't care who saw my bright pink undies, lol. We got to our room and called home to check in and the first words out of my DD's mouth was "Hi Gramma. Mommy ripped her pants." Man I miss those jeans.

I had a similar incident with trousers losing their structural integrity. Unfortunately, I only noticed after clearing the TSA line at MCO on the way back to London. So this meant I had a 90 minute wait in the departure lounge, followed by a 9 hour flight, then it took six hours to get home from Gatwick because of lousy public transport - all with trousers literally being held by a thread. How they survived until I got home I will never know!

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