My most " Embarassing" moment in Disney.....Bout Yours?


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We (DH, me, DS 7, DD 6, DD 3, and DS18m) ran through a rain storm in DHS to get to 50's Prim Time for our ADR's. Once there we all were seated, very quickly, and began to dry off. After we ordered my Daughter, then 6, asked to go to the restroom. Once we winded our way through the restaurant and got to the shared bathrooms with Hollywood and Vine we found a cleaning crew were just reopening the bathrooms, the floors were almost done being mopped and two stalls were closed for further cleaning, but they allowed us in the restroom. As my DD went into her stall I noticed, SHE DIDN'T HAVE ANY SHOES ON! Gross, ewwww, yuck and what the heck was she thinking!?! Once she was done I washed her feet off in the sink and carriered her back to the table! I must have set her down pretty hard and was radiating anger, so much so DH was wondering WTH happened? As I told him my voice grew loudered and everyone in that section of the restaurant was starring at us. I calmed down and calmly spoke to our DD who told me her feet were wet from the rainy run acroos the park and that was why her shoes were! I wanted to crawl under the table and hide, so many judgemental eyes on us...


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At our family’s grand gathering my DW’s niece’s 4 year old daughter, not sure what the relationship is, got so excited at seeing Winnie the Pooh at the Crystal Palace she pee’ed her pants. Her mother was beside herself and didn’t know what to do, she just sat there. My DW, smart woman that she is, took the little one and wrapped her in a napkin and took her to the ladies room to clean her up. As she did she instructed me to run over to the Emporium and purchase a replacement outfit. I did, handed it to my wife’s niece who brought to the ladies room and in about 15 minutes the little one was back, clean and dry and taking pictures with Piglet. The little girl, who is now a teenager, HATES this story and turns beet red whenever anyone mentions it.


Well-Known Member
Lets see, my 2 worst other than the hubby's meltdowns...

Our youngest son has been this crazy dinosaur & reptile lover. He knew all about dinosaurs when he was a squirt. Soooo, I took him into Ellen's Energy Adventure/Universe of Energy on one of our first trips thinking he would enjoy seeing the dinosaurs. I guess he was maybe 6? We sat thru the pre-show then proceeded into the ride portion. Juuuust as the ride vehicle doors shut he says, "I have to go pee." Crap. We just went before coming into this attraction. Kinda stuck now. So we were sitting in the front row against the right side of the vehicle. As we rounded a corner there was some bushes rustling nearby with growling and the story was that raptors were stalking us. Remember, the kid knoooows what a velociraptor was. His face was sheer terror. His eyes were wide open. He never said a word. He slowly but deliberately laid his head down on my lap. Um, okay? I thought he'd enjoy the dinosaurs but impromptu naps were okay, too. So we're walking off the ride and he's happy as a lark (that it was over?). I asked did he still need to potty and he smiles..."Nope. I already went." What?!?! I ran him straight to the restroom, checked, and sure 'nuff. He went just a teensy bit, enough to wet his drawers but not his jeans. We took the drawers off, threw 'em away, and the kid went commando for a few hours. I asked why he didn't hold it because accidents were never really a problem after potty training at the normal age for that. We were a couple years beyond that. He said, "The raptors, Mom. They were too close." Poor kid! Never heard of anyone wetting themselves from fear on UoE! LOL!

Also, same kid, first trip when he was 6... You know how freakin' hard the ice cream bars from the carts are. They're hard-frozen! So we stop for an ice cream right there by BTMRR & Splash. The kid takes 1 bite and starts screeching like death is upon him. The bloody gums & absence of a tooth told us what was up. Just when we got him to quiet down he spotted the blood on the napkins we were dabbing his mouth with then he really went bananas. Screeching, screaming, trying to get away from us. Think cat-on-a-leash. We're teamed-up hanging onto him and trying to stop the bleeding. He's choking, hysterical, croaking, randomly getting out the words "NOOOOOOO" and "STOOOOOP". That's when I realized the crowd of people around looking at us like "What are you doing to that poor little boy???" Oh geez. I wanted to just walk away. Eventually he chilled out. I'm sure it wasn't more than 2 minutes but at the time it felt more like 30 minutes. Everything's good, he's now kinda happy to have lost a "Disney tooth", so we hand him back his Mickey Premium. He looked at that ice cream like it was an object of evil. "I'm not eating THAT." LOL!


Well-Known Member
Tell us the story, but say it happened to your sister!!
I honestly couldn't tell the story here. Not just because it is so horribly, ridiculously embarrassing, but it also is not the kind of thing for a nice forum like this. It would get deleted as fast as it took people to read it and hit "Report"!!

It's that bad.


Well-Known Member
Um, well, I would tell you, but there are too many men here (including the original poster). Let's just say I learned a lesson about white shorts on travel days.

Anyway, I also lost my first tooth at Disney. I do not have it. The story is I lost in in pizza crust after eating at Pizzafari because that was more settling to me than what probably happened.


Well-Known Member
The only thing that is remotely embarrassing [if you feel so inclined to label it so] is going onto kid-centric rides such as Winnie the Pooh and Peter Pan and having to say 'One' when the CM asks, 'How many?'
Apparently I have no shame... I've never remotely been embarrassed by this. They may be more kid friendly but still, fun for adults too. I was alone for a good portion of the day before my mom came in the evenings in February and never experienced any of the judgemental glares some on here claim to get. The "negative" attention... Just always confused where that comes from. Think people see things that aren't there.


Well-Known Member
The clasp on my bikini broke when I was getting on the crush and gusher at typhoon lagoon. Luckily I was facing toward the slide and only my husband and the CM saw. I had to go buy a new bikini top in the gift shop.

The Mighty Tim

Well-Known Member
Not at Disney itself, but on the way home.

I had just passed the TSA checkpoint at MCO, put my shoes back on and put my passports, wallet and keys back in my pockets only to find a large rip in the side of my trousers. The only thing preventing total structural failure of my trousers was a small, flimsy piece of elastic. Unfortunately, I could not locate a safety pin or belt store in the airport's and I had a 9 hour flight home, then another 6 hours on top of that until I got home (stupid public transport!)

Somehow, it held together for the entire journey home! I don't know how but it did.


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A few years ago I was in the merchandise store at the Poly..I was at one end and my wife was at other. I was approached by 3 young ( had to be like 13,14) year old girls..looked brazilian..all 3 in skimpy bikinis.they said "excuse me can we ask a favor? Can you buy us some alcohol?" I told them they better move on before they got themselves in trouble. They then said " we would pay you but dont have the money, but we do have a room we all share and its available" YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!....I said again.." you girls better move on" they did but like seconds later I saw them approach another that point my wife had rejoined me and i told her what had happened...she did not hesitate and promptly went to mgr and told him what was going on and he quickly called security. They were there in like 2 min ..detained girls...called parents or whoever and questioned me and other guy....dont know what happened but......YES even at embarassing...Can you top that???


Well-Known Member
Apparently I have no shame... I've never remotely been embarrassed by this. They may be more kid friendly but still, fun for adults too. I was alone for a good portion of the day before my mom came in the evenings in February and never experienced any of the judgemental glares some on here claim to get. The "negative" attention... Just always confused where that comes from. Think people see things that aren't there.
Na...I've done the same thing. I was aware of being by myself and kinda figured that if every once in a while a said something to the group in front of me and the group behind me, they would each think I was with the other group. :D They ask me how many, I immediately, and with no concern, say one. I haven't encountered any negative comments or glances.


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DS was in one of those kid moods where nothing was good enough, he didn't want to hang out with his parents, all he wanted to do was go home and play MW3 on xbox. Anyway, ALL he talked about was this stupid video game- thru the parks, rides, dinner etc. Well finally on day 2, I totally lost my $h!t and was screaming at him that if I heard one more thing about the F*%@ing Xbox, I was going to drive home and smash it with a hammer then burn it! We were standing just inside DHS by the gas pump. EVERYONE was starting at me and some moms were kinda cheering me on. I was so embarrassed that I lost it in public :oops: . DH whispers to him "Dude- I don't think she wants to hear about the Xbox anymore". We all cracked up :D He doesn't dare talk about video games on vacation anymore :cool:


Well-Known Member
Last year my husband flew home a day early for work. The last day I was on my own with the girls. We went to the studios for morning EMH. While heading to Toy Story Mania a large group cut us off . The last guy was pulling this large Playmate cooler on wheels and I couldn't stop in time. I fell...HARD. I knew immediately that at least two toes were broken, somehow the camera didn't shatter but I let out a scream heard around the park. I was cut and bleeding, basically a big hot mess. A large crowd gathered round me and I just looked up and the girls, handed them the park passes, photopass and camera and said "JUST KEEP GOING"...everyone around us started to laugh, the girls looked around, grabbed the stuff and left me there on the ground. I went to get cleaned up before our flight home...limping back to the bus stop because I was too proud (stupid) to accept a wheelchair. Absolutely, hands down my most embarassing moment.


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Not particularly embarrassing, more funny but a few trips ago I went with my family and my aunt, uncle, and cousin. At the time of our trip we were celebrating my birthday, and both my parents and my cousin's parents anniversaries. My parents and my aunt and uncle got anniversary pins and wore them around the parks. My mom and aunt don't go on thrill rides, so my dad and my uncle went on BTMR with us. Well, in line the CM exclaims "OHHH CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR ANNIVERSARY!!" to my dad and uncle! They were dying and trying to explain that they were celebrating separate anniversaries! LOL.


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THIS :eek:

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