My Favourite scene from FANTASMIC! is...


Well-Known Member
no contest...when the dragon comes out! if it was DL's dragon it would be better but AWESOME is it to see a villain come to life like that? I still get wided eyes and get chills when the dragon comes out...

its my favorite show!!!!!


Well-Known Member
The Peter Pan pirate ship scene!!!

OK so that's DL's Fant! But it's my fave of all the Fant! scenes. :D

I was just about to type the same thing!

I first saw Fantasmic at DL...and the scene with Peter Pan and the ship makes me cry every time.

As for the WDW Fantasmic...I really dig Jafar, so the snake is pretty cool to me...but the dragon transformation is pretty exrtraordinary too.


Active Member
My favorite Fantasmic moments are all from the DL version. I don't care much for the WDW version, honestly.

I love the Peter Pan scene, especially when the cannon fires and the Columbia appears, and when the Mark Twain first appears. The pathetic cardboard-looking, poor excuse for a boat that's in the WDW version doesn't even come close! Most of all I LOVE Murphy, the new dragon. I've only seen it on video so far, but even then it looks AMAZING.


For me it's really two scenes, the one with Sorcerer Mickey on top of the mountain with sparkles coming out of his hands/fingers and the steamboat scene with all the characters in it. This one always gives me the chills.


The opening of it always gives me chills, I just love it from the womans voice at the beginning to where you first see Mickey. I'm off to youtube to watch fantasmic now!


New Member
Fantasmic! is my favorite thing to do at Disney World. Period. I have waited 5 hours in the pouring rain just to see it before!

My favorite scenes are the "jungle" scene when the snake comes out, the dragon, but most of all the finale with the boat and Sorcerer Mickey on top of the mountain. Every time Mickey appears there I get chills and teary eyed!

I can't even begin to tell yall how much I love this show!!!!! I watch the finale on youtube almost everyday, and I have the soundtrack on my iPod!! :D

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