Well-Known Member
Ok so even though I'm not competing I thought I might lend a hand to anyone who might be struggling to find that right balance between stepping into the movies without leaving the studio (If that's what you are trying to do).

Anyone ever played Pixar Rush? It's a kinect game made by Disney where you basically run around in Pixar movies, but that's not the point. The main area in this game is Pixar Park, this kid's park where you can go to areas based on Cars, UP, Ratatouille, Toy Story and The Incredibles. They pretty much captured the feeling perfectly by having that Emeryville setting but breaking away from that in mini areas that have major props that are recognisable from the movie. So you never really break away from that studio, you just can recognize the world you are about to enter.

You can see it in this video from about 5:00 - 5:40

Might not be everyone's cup of tea but this is what I would love to see as a Pixar area.


Well-Known Member
I just have two things to say.

1) Fix up your links bro, most of them lead to the wrong place :P

2) If I'm not mistaken, you're New Pizza Planet is sitting on the Toy Story Mania ride building.
Pizza Planet and the expanded queue are both using the space of the empty soundstage next to toy story FYI


Well-Known Member
Guys, i need your advice. I have 2 different ideas that I may submit. One is a studio theme, but the other is immersing yourself into the movies. Which should I do?


Well-Known Member
OK so everyone My Idea is a little different so try and take everything in and really think about it!....Atleast its different to me because It breaks the Fourth wall in interacting with the characters of Pixar and also learning about the FILM process and keeping the pixar studios feel very much alive.

What I am trying to achieve in this idea is to make it so that the Pixar Studios Uses its movies in relation to different film aspects. Some of them being Sound, Story Telling, Design, Sets, Costumes, Casting, Stunts, and Music. My Pixar Place will contain Four of Pixars films. Those being Toy Story, Monsters Inc, The Incredibles , and A Bugs Life. Each will have its own mini area to really capture the feel of that Area. Each area will contain a set Design Infront of the Building depicting that certain Film. So for example Infront of the Toy Story Building might be a bunch of Toy Story stuff, Like Buzz Lightyears Box he came in, Or the Pizza Planet truck and maybe some toy soldiers!? idk whatever you want it to be it can be.

The Pixar Studios is almost like the real Pixar studios but its a hands on type of experience (much like some paviliions at epcot) and the Pixar Characters are your guides!

So lets get started!!!!

There are 3 Entrances to Pixar Studios. You can enter through the Bugslife area which will be where the Honey I shrunk the Kids area is now, or where TSM is now which is the entrance by now WED99's hyperion avenue!? I think. And there is one above where Lights motor action is now that takes you into the Incredibles area. I dont have a map of the area but if you read this and look at a map Its kind of clear how much room this land takes up.

I want to first start out by changing the TSM area and theme. I think TSM is a great ride...really it is. BUT I find a hard time seeing how its Fits within the Working Studio theme. NOW if the park was to change its look and just go for a movie adventure Park then YES! the ride works and is awesome. BUT I felt the past challenges had us trying to revive and keep the working and real environmental aspect to it, So I dont want to stray too far from that. There will be certain times The rides will take you into other worlds, But it will be done in context to what Is going on.

TSM is going to get a new face lift and Be a story about how pixar develops its storys that delight each and everyone of us! The rides queue will begin in a Pixar studios gallery of different Toy Story characters and Feauture some High end AA figures of Slinky, Mr. Potato Head, Rex, Ham and Buzz Lightyear. These characters are feautured here because they are not included in the ride experience. NOW I KNOW you are all probably like "Is this Guy nuts!?" and Yes I am! but Its a cool Idea just wait. Throughout the line of the studios the characters explain and demonstrate the spark of the Story and explain you are going to be involved in a real StoryBoard for a new Toy Story Film coming out based on WoodysRoundup and all those characters.

The ride starts out by Your ride Vehicle (Much Like TSM) traveling through Art Drawings that Eventually come to life before your eyes and you are part of the Journey. During the ride (which is a mix of AA's and 3D screens) you enter the world Of Woodys Roundup. Woody and Jessie take you on a thrilling journey to save the town from SOme bandits who have taken many of the Critters and wealth of the town. Its your Job to make it through the new story and complete it by Helping Woody, jessie and Bullseye and Capture the Bandits. (using the same shooting device as in TSM)

Essentiallly its the SAME ride system and concept, But used in a way that shows the story process and INcludes and actual story and not a random carnival in the studios! ALso Pizza Planet will be located right next door to fit in the mini themed area.

Ok so down the street you will see the Monsters Inc. Casting Agency! This area will show the Process of Casting and Its importance in making animated film. WELL the Monsters have a different casting call open all day. Inside the Building is more of a pavillion like area with the Monsters Incorporated Building replicated. There are several things to do i the area. In the Middle you can make an appointment with the Celia to see one of the monsters and audition for a spot on the Laugh Floor. (Kind of like the American Idol Process, BUT with AA monsters from the Movie and funny version of it) If you make it through you get to be chosen to be in the laugh floor. First you have to go through the simulation room for Practice( just like in the movie) Ross is in charge of the Simulation room and the 10 finalists every hour get a chance to go and make the kid in the room laugh! ad this can all be viewed through a window and seen. Ross will interact with the kidss on there performance

The Next step in the building is the Laugh Floor (which is the show from MK moved here).I felt the show has a more Studio feel to it and does not belong in MK. SO the change up here is the kid or adult chosen each get to tell a joke. The rest of the show will be the same and Be Even funnier.

Along with those things to do you can also Meet mike and Sulley here now and Eat at the Sushi resteraunt in the Film.

Moving along too your Left from that area is the Bugs Life Area. This area Will show the Process of Set Design. The whole land i probably the smallest. The land will takeover the cateing company area now and much around it. Its will be all connected to the Bugs Life Playground. The Playground will geta facelift to look more like BUgs Life and the Catering Company will be changed to Hoppers Sombrero Stop, A new quick service meal area to enjoy some great mexican themed food will unique bug pun names.

In the actual Playset further in with the remodel, Will be Fliks Great Adventure- The ride will be a new dark ride on the studios and feature Fliks story . You ride in one of flicks new Flying Inventions and its a birds Eye view ride (like peterpan) mixed with regular view. It will feauture AA figures and great twists in the plot.

Moving out of there and Back onto the main road which now is goig to turn left, we come to PIXAR PLAZA. Pixar Plaza is a new courtyard that will feature fountain of Great Pixar Characters and still give you studios backlot architecture. There will be statues of some main characters from Disneys Shorts here like the Jackalope, For the birds bird, The tin Toy, The snowman in the globe, and many more! These statues will lead to the Pixar Cafe- Just a simple resteraunt paying tribute to ALL pixar characters with themed sections of the different shorts.

Once Leaving the Plaza You come to the Incredibles Land. This Land will be solely based on Costume Design, Action FIlms, and Acting in general. For the Main building it still has the outside theme of a pixar studio feel but OUtside is a Monrorail Like transportation system coming in and out of the building, But with the vehicle themed like the round trams in the movie. The inside is High Tech super herro headquarters themed. Its Main attraction held here is the Incredibles Adventure: Syndromes Return. This ride will take you through the Paces of Whats its like to be a super and have your own Powers. This ride is all a simulation though and is explained to be on by the Incredibles themselves.

You first enter the Super Gallery and view Old SUpers clips of Dynaguy, Strato Gal, Thunder Head, Meta Man, Apogee, Gazeerbeam and many more. Its like reliving the glory days and learing there powers. You then enter a room with the incredibls explaing the dangers of acton movies and how its important to practce before going out there and really performing the roll. So they have created a simulation ride where you will create your own super name and give yourself a super name. The technology is Very hig end and is something not used very much. You each enter a scan and come out and test your powers through a mirror that reflects back whic power was given to you. Then mcuh like TT 2.0 you get a card with that on it and you program your super name on it.

Each vehicle fits 4 guest and is a new type of ride system. Its a EMV that can go up and down, turn around completely and split down the middle. The ride uses 3D to make the ffects of you using your powers vivid and really seem like your fighting the bad guys and saving the day. The ride will take place on an island where syndromes base is. The ride will mainly be like this video clip in terms of action and fast paced motion

During the ride the ride vehicle will split, Making it a new adventure everytime depending on where you sit and what powers you have. The vehicle will be programmed with the ride and cards you use to determine what scenes you will go through. It wil have AA incredibled halping you along the way and also Digital ones. The end result...A BLAST!!!!!!!!...( this ride I could really go into detail, but I just wat to gie you a small glimpse of the idea)

Lastly i Ednas Design Studio. This will take you past her view on Fashion andhow the design prcess in terms of Costumes comes to be. The ride system uses the round tram from themovies and goes through different rooms and takes you past all of her work and future work and ideas. At the end Edna invites you to come make your own design for a super suit. Like design a tee but much much better!

Well THATS MY IDEA! I know Its a little sloppy grammar wise but I am in a rush this week. I HAVE A LOT TO DO! I hope you enjoy and feel free to critique at any of it! thanks!


Well-Known Member
Guys, i need your advice. I have 2 different ideas that I may submit. One is a studio theme, but the other is immersing yourself into the movies. Which should I do?
Go with the movies theme! because mine is a studio theme. But do whatever you prefer! Both could be awesome!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just saying I love the studio theme! For my own redo of the park, I have the main Emeryville Studios area (TSM,ABL,MI) and then I have a Pixar Backlot area where 'Pixar's biggest stars film the movies you all know and love!"


Well-Known Member
OK so everyone My Idea is a little different so try and take everything in and really think about it!....Atleast its different to me because It breaks the Fourth wall in interacting with the characters of Pixar and also learning about the FILM process and keeping the pixar studios feel very much alive.

What I am trying to achieve in this idea is to make it so that the Pixar Studios Uses its movies in relation to different film aspects. Some of them being Sound, Story Telling, Design, Sets, Costumes, Casting, Stunts, and Music. My Pixar Place will contain Four of Pixars films. Those being Toy Story, Monsters Inc, The Incredibles , and A Bugs Life. Each will have its own mini area to really capture the feel of that Area. Each area will contain a set Design Infront of the Building depicting that certain Film. So for example Infront of the Toy Story Building might be a bunch of Toy Story stuff, Like Buzz Lightyears Box he came in, Or the Pizza Planet truck and maybe some toy soldiers!? idk whatever you want it to be it can be.

The Pixar Studios is almost like the real Pixar studios but its a hands on type of experience (much like some paviliions at epcot) and the Pixar Characters are your guides!

So lets get started!!!!

There are 3 Entrances to Pixar Studios. You can enter through the Bugslife area which will be where the Honey I shrunk the Kids area is now, or where TSM is now which is the entrance by now WED99's hyperion avenue!? I think. And there is one above where Lights motor action is now that takes you into the Incredibles area. I dont have a map of the area but if you read this and look at a map Its kind of clear how much room this land takes up.

I want to first start out by changing the TSM area and theme. I think TSM is a great ride...really it is. BUT I find a hard time seeing how its Fits within the Working Studio theme. NOW if the park was to change its look and just go for a movie adventure Park then YES! the ride works and is awesome. BUT I felt the past challenges had us trying to revive and keep the working and real environmental aspect to it, So I dont want to stray too far from that. There will be certain times The rides will take you into other worlds, But it will be done in context to what Is going on.

TSM is going to get a new face lift and Be a story about how pixar develops its storys that delight each and everyone of us! The rides queue will begin in a Pixar studios gallery of different Toy Story characters and Feauture some High end AA figures of Slinky, Mr. Potato Head, Rex, Ham and Buzz Lightyear. These characters are feautured here because they are not included in the ride experience. NOW I KNOW you are all probably like "Is this Guy nuts!?" and Yes I am! but Its a cool Idea just wait. Throughout the line of the studios the characters explain and demonstrate the spark of the Story and explain you are going to be involved in a real StoryBoard for a new Toy Story Film coming out based on WoodysRoundup and all those characters.

The ride starts out by Your ride Vehicle (Much Like TSM) traveling through Art Drawings that Eventually come to life before your eyes and you are part of the Journey. During the ride (which is a mix of AA's and 3D screens) you enter the world Of Woodys Roundup. Woody and Jessie take you on a thrilling journey to save the town from SOme bandits who have taken many of the Critters and wealth of the town. Its your Job to make it through the new story and complete it by Helping Woody, jessie and Bullseye and Capture the Bandits. (using the same shooting device as in TSM)

Essentiallly its the SAME ride system and concept, But used in a way that shows the story process and INcludes and actual story and not a random carnival in the studios! ALso Pizza Planet will be located right next door to fit in the mini themed area.

Ok so down the street you will see the Monsters Inc. Casting Agency! This area will show the Process of Casting and Its importance in making animated film. WELL the Monsters have a different casting call open all day. Inside the Building is more of a pavillion like area with the Monsters Incorporated Building replicated. There are several things to do i the area. In the Middle you can make an appointment with the Celia to see one of the monsters and audition for a spot on the Laugh Floor. (Kind of like the American Idol Process, BUT with AA monsters from the Movie and funny version of it) If you make it through you get to be chosen to be in the laugh floor. First you have to go through the simulation room for Practice( just like in the movie) Ross is in charge of the Simulation room and the 10 finalists every hour get a chance to go and make the kid in the room laugh! ad this can all be viewed through a window and seen. Ross will interact with the kidss on there performance

The Next step in the building is the Laugh Floor (which is the show from MK moved here).I felt the show has a more Studio feel to it and does not belong in MK. SO the change up here is the kid or adult chosen each get to tell a joke. The rest of the show will be the same and Be Even funnier.

Along with those things to do you can also Meet mike and Sulley here now and Eat at the Sushi resteraunt in the Film.

Moving along too your Left from that area is the Bugs Life Area. This area Will show the Process of Set Design. The whole land i probably the smallest. The land will takeover the cateing company area now and much around it. Its will be all connected to the Bugs Life Playground. The Playground will geta facelift to look more like BUgs Life and the Catering Company will be changed to Hoppers Sombrero Stop, A new quick service meal area to enjoy some great mexican themed food will unique bug pun names.

In the actual Playset further in with the remodel, Will be Fliks Great Adventure- The ride will be a new dark ride on the studios and feature Fliks story . You ride in one of flicks new Flying Inventions and its a birds Eye view ride (like peterpan) mixed with regular view. It will feauture AA figures and great twists in the plot.

Moving out of there and Back onto the main road which now is goig to turn left, we come to PIXAR PLAZA. Pixar Plaza is a new courtyard that will feature fountain of Great Pixar Characters and still give you studios backlot architecture. There will be statues of some main characters from Disneys Shorts here like the Jackalope, For the birds bird, The tin Toy, The snowman in the globe, and many more! These statues will lead to the Pixar Cafe- Just a simple resteraunt paying tribute to ALL pixar characters with themed sections of the different shorts.

Once Leaving the Plaza You come to the Incredibles Land. This Land will be solely based on Costume Design, Action FIlms, and Acting in general. For the Main building it still has the outside theme of a pixar studio feel but OUtside is a Monrorail Like transportation system coming in and out of the building, But with the vehicle themed like the round trams in the movie. The inside is High Tech super herro headquarters themed. Its Main attraction held here is the Incredibles Adventure: Syndromes Return. This ride will take you through the Paces of Whats its like to be a super and have your own Powers. This ride is all a simulation though and is explained to be on by the Incredibles themselves.

You first enter the Super Gallery and view Old SUpers clips of Dynaguy, Strato Gal, Thunder Head, Meta Man, Apogee, Gazeerbeam and many more. Its like reliving the glory days and learing there powers. You then enter a room with the incredibls explaing the dangers of acton movies and how its important to practce before going out there and really performing the roll. So they have created a simulation ride where you will create your own super name and give yourself a super name. The technology is Very hig end and is something not used very much. You each enter a scan and come out and test your powers through a mirror that reflects back whic power was given to you. Then mcuh like TT 2.0 you get a card with that on it and you program your super name on it.

Each vehicle fits 4 guest and is a new type of ride system. Its a EMV that can go up and down, turn around completely and split down the middle. The ride uses 3D to make the ffects of you using your powers vivid and really seem like your fighting the bad guys and saving the day. The ride will take place on an island where syndromes base is. The ride will mainly be like this video clip in terms of action and fast paced motion

During the ride the ride vehicle will split, Making it a new adventure everytime depending on where you sit and what powers you have. The vehicle will be programmed with the ride and cards you use to determine what scenes you will go through. It wil have AA incredibled halping you along the way and also Digital ones. The end result...A BLAST!!!!!!!!...( this ride I could really go into detail, but I just wat to gie you a small glimpse of the idea)

Lastly i Ednas Design Studio. This will take you past her view on Fashion andhow the design prcess in terms of Costumes comes to be. The ride system uses the round tram from themovies and goes through different rooms and takes you past all of her work and future work and ideas. At the end Edna invites you to come make your own design for a super suit. Like design a tee but much much better!

Well THATS MY IDEA! I know Its a little sloppy grammar wise but I am in a rush this week. I HAVE A LOT TO DO! I hope you enjoy and feel free to critique at any of it! thanks!

Nice idea and I get what you're trying to do but it just doesn't make sense. Why exactly are Toy Story characters telling us about Story design? And how is a ride that takes us into Woody's Roundup staying with a studio theme? And why are the Incredibles explaining action movies?

It just kind of feels like a big mess to me.


Well-Known Member
Nice idea and I get what you're trying to do but it just doesn't make sense. Why exactly are Toy Story characters telling us about Story design? And how is a ride that takes us into Woody's Roundup staying with a studio theme? And why are the Incredibles explaining action movies?

It just kind of feels like a big mess to me.
Oh boy here we go! hahaha I knew this was going to happen. I am in a rush today and barely have time to respond but I am going to make time! I wanted guests to be emmersed into the pixar world and the characters and still get a feel for the production of it all at the same time. The Characters are taking on the roles of the Tourists of the studios and giving educated shows and tours basically on the production of pixar films and films in general.

AND to explain how a ride fits a studio theme is A VERY difficult thing. I mean how does anything at the park do it!? Tower of Terror, rockn rollercoaster, Star Tours, TSM all having little to nothing to do with production. BUT they still all have the theme of the Hollywood vibe. Television, Music, Classic Movies and so on. The Pixar Studios in general is a tribute to all of that but in the Pixar World. Woodys Roundup has you inside a ride that is a Live StoryBoard for an upcoming movie...Or so the ride would say. Its hard to make everything to strict and studio feeely. Almost impossible with animated characters in my opinion but I think it works. The idea may not be for everyone but If you saw what I have envisioned, I know you would get it! I could have taken the easy route and just slapped some themed mini lands together but.. decided the studios should not be island of Adventure. And I dont want just building with signs saying "Incrdibles ride" or "woodys roundup"...completely boring.


Well-Known Member
That empty soundstage houses Toy Story Mania FYI The soundstage I beleive hes talking about, holds starw wars weeekends stufff and is pretty huge and I am sure can be expanded!...I know its still not occupied because It was there when TSM first opened.


Well-Known Member
Here is a teaser for my new land:






;) hope you guys like it!


Well-Known Member
Here is a teaser for my new land:






;) hope you guys like it!
Ok, let me guess.

John Lasseter Story similar to One Man's Dream.

An E-Ticket themed to Monsters Inc that uses Pandora's Box system.

Honey I Shrunk the Kids retheme to Bugs life with a quick service restaurant.

Toy Story Mania expansion. (Carnival themed area maybe?)

Some type of Pixar Short themed dark ride, maybe Andre and Wally B themed only. (If not that then the John Lasseter and Wally B pics both relate to a Pixar Story show)

Did I guess well?


Well-Known Member
Ok, let me guess.

John Lasseter Story similar to One Man's Dream.

An E-Ticket themed to Monsters Inc that uses Pandora's Box system.

Honey I Shrunk the Kids retheme to Bugs life with a quick service restaurant.

Toy Story Mania expansion. (Carnival themed area maybe?)

Some type of Pixar Short themed dark ride, maybe Andre and Wally B themed only. (If not that then the John Lasseter and Wally B pics both relate to a Pixar Story show)

Did I guess well?
Not really! Haha! :D

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