Well-Known Member
Okay. I did some digging but couldn't really find a definitive answer to my question. I need to know from the pre-Thanksgiving November vets if there's a better day of the week crowd-wise to attend MVMCP. We've been once, on Tuesday 12/4/07, and it was sold out. The park was so crowded we felt like sardines. We couldn't hardly move on Main Street. Character waits all over were no less than 45 minutes to an hour. It was an overall miserable experience. I'm trying to remain open-minded, tho. I can't believe we're actually considering giving it another shot...but we are. So my question is this: Has anyone noticed if there's a better or worse night of the week to attend as far as crowd levels? Tuesday? Thursday? Thoughts? Or maybe we should heed the lessons learned and skip it? I just can't help but think that since the TPs crowd calendar is showing mostly 1's for that week that we might actually have good luck. :wave: