Must Re-Do Disney


Well-Known Member
By Friday at 11:59 PM. The side curtains are what light up on the sides of the Carousel of Progress stages. For example if you've ridden it then in the 40s, the wife is painting and you see it on the left.

Hope it makes sense.

Oh, the scrims! Okay, that makes perfect sense! I thought you meant the curtains on the side of the theatre! Thank you for the clarification


Well-Known Member

Team Epcot Presents…


Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress

With the last update being almost 25 years ago, it is time that the Carousel of Progress gets “freshened up”. Most of the previous show will still be in there with slight changes to it.

With that being said, the big feature of the update would be the addition of the second floor. Currently, there is space for a second floor but it is an empty shell built to be a wall for the PeopleMover. After finishing on the first floor, guests will go on a large ramp to go to the second floor. By adding a second floor, it allows the carousel to focus on progress through the past on the first floor and progress through the future on the second floor. To adjust for the added scenes upstairs, each scene overall will be shorter.

Attraction Statistics
Type: Theatre Show
Ticket: C-Ticket
Duration: 24 min 30 seconds
Height Restriction: No
Wheelchair Accessibility: Yes
FastPass+: No
Theoretical Hourly Capacity: 8,000
Operational Hourly Capacity: 6,150

Ride Overview



Loading Area/ Queue

Starting with the queue area, the TV’s will play the old video featuring Walt Disney and the Sherman brothers talking about the pavilion being designed for the World’s Fair.

Due to the paint job on the exterior being fairly similar, it will stay that way with the bright colours.

Scene 1 - Introduction


The curtain opens up to see the logo above. The narrator then starts his speech:

“Welcome, to Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress. You're in for a real treat. The Carousel of Progress was Walt's own idea from beginning to end. He loved it. He introduced the show at the World's Fair in New York City in 1964 and it was an immediate smash hit. Millions of people came to see it and since then, the Carousel of Progress has had more performances than any other stage show in the history of American theatre. You know, Walt loved the idea of progress and he loved the American family. He himself was probably as American as anyone could possibly be. He thought it would be fun to watch the American family go through the twentieth and twenty-first century experiencing all new wonders as they came. And he put them together in a show called Carousel of Progress, which we are about to see. Although our Carousel family has experienced a few changes over the years, our show still revolves around the same theme: and that's progress. May the century begin.”

With that, the theme song “A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” starts to play as the theatre starts to rotate bringing us to scene 2…

Scene 2 - The Turn of the Century

The scene opens up to see John and Rover sitting in the kitchen. The scene starts with John describing some of the big highlights from this time period. These include how tall buildings are now, how many cars there are in the country and how long it takes to get from New York to LA by train.

From here we get introduced to the family. First, we start with the mother, Sarah. The scrim to John’s left opens to show Sarah washing laundry. Here John and Sarah talk about Thomas Edison and how he is working on electricity. They then go on to joke about how electricity would save time on Patricia’s daily chores.

After that, we see the right scrim open to see their son, Jimmy and the grandmother. They’re both on the couch listening to an instrumental version of “There’s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow”. John talks about how this new state of the art “Talking Box” and how grandmother sits there all day listening to the same song over and over again.

Lastly, in this scene, we meet the daughter, Patricia. Like in the previous version, Patricia is all embarrassed as she is just in her undergarments getting ready for the big dance. They talk about romance before John sharply makes sure she is home in time for her curfew. After Patricia’s scrim turns off, John looks back towards us to lead us towards the next scene.

“A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” starts to play again as we rotate on to scene 3...

Scene 3 - 1930’s

We open up to a similar kitchen as the previous scene. The big noticeable difference is the addition of electricity throughout the house. There are wires coming in and out of all the appliances including the light fixtures.

John starts off by telling us what has changed in the past 30-or-so years. These things include Charles Lindbergh successfully crossing the Atlantic ocean, how movies now have sound, and how it only takes three days to get to from New York to Los Angeles by train.

We are in the middle of the Great Depression at this time. That doesn’t stop the family from celebrating the Fourth of July though! We first see Sarah behind one of the scrims working on costumes for the parade as John explains that Sarah is in a club that is responsible for putting the parade together. He explains that everyone in the family is participating in this parade. Much to the chagrin of Patricia who appears in the scrim on the right. She appears embarrassed by her costume of being the Statue of Liberty and if she could choose, would just stay home for the whole celebration.

While talking with Patricia, the left scrim closed hiding Sarah while Uncle Orville and Jimmy come into view. Uncle Orville is very excited for the parade as he is already in his Uncle Sam costume just waiting to go. With him, Jimmy was setting up the sets of fireworks for the “Nighttime spectacular” later that night. Further back in the scrim, Grandfather was setting up the radio as it was explained that he is in charge of the music to go along with that parade and fireworks. While John is asking how it is going, Grandfather accidentally turns on the radio completely drowning out what John was saying. After the Grandfather turned off the radio, John turns back towards us saying they have to get ready for the parade soon!

With that, “A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” starts to play again as we rotate on to scene 4...

Scene 4 - 1960’s

The scene opens up to John sitting in the kitchen with Rover again. The house is decorated to be set up for Halloween. John talks about the latest and greatest inventions including a new, larger refrigerator and a new machine called a dishwasher. John then explains how the latest thing is he now commutes to and from work by driving on a highway with lots of other people on the roadway.

John then mentions that the latest and greatest thing they have in their house is this thing called a Television. As John mentions that, the right scrim opens to see Sarah, Grandpa and Grandma all on the couch watching the news.They talk about how fast the technology has advanced for this. From there the left scrim opens to see Jimmy outside carving pumpkins. Jimmy takes a shot at Patricia saying that his “Scary” pumpkin was designed based off of her.

We then open up to see Patricia at her Vanity talking on the phone. She is talking to her friend Barbara over the phone about what they are going as for Halloween and who their date is. Patricia is clearly not impressed with who Barbara is bringing and makes it very clear. The scrim goes off as John jokes about what Sarah’s friends said to her when they were dating.

Sarah then says off stage how the kids need to get ready to go out for the night so John turns back towards us before we start to move on.

After that, “A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” starts to play again as we rotate on to scene 5...

Scene 5 - 1990’s

The last scene of the past. It opens up to a very similar looking kitchen as before with the main difference being that it went through an “update” to fit new times. We meet John in the kitchen. It’s Christmas time.

He talks about how now you see flights every day going from New York to LA in just over four hours. Scene 5 is a little different than the previous scenes in the sense that there are no scrims. All the family is together in the main living room/ kitchen. It appears that it is mid-afternoon as all the gifts have already been opened for the day.

They are all sitting around a large TV watching a Christmas movie. They explain that their oven now works off of voice recognition to establish the temperature. After Jimmy and Grandma have fun playing a game, the temperature slowly raises more and more until it burns the turkey and sets off the fire alarm.

They all laugh about how Christmas dinner is ruined and they should just order a Pizza.

They then all start to sing “A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” starts to play again as we rotate on to scene 6...

Scene 6 - Finale/ Unload to Upstairs

We approach a curtain, akin to that found in the opening scene. The tune of "It's A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow" is played through a synthesizer, as we hear the voice of John say, "For years, we have all looked to our great, big, beautiful tomorrow, and we plan on continuing those very thoughts. Come and join us, as we explore our great, big beautiful tomorrow, by safely standing up and heading towards the front of the theatre." The curtain rises to reveal a straight up ramp that brings guests up to a second level.

Transition from Scene 6 to 7

On this ramp, both sides are flanked by LED screens, featuring a moving pattern resembling that of the exterior. Upon entering the upper theatre, guests would be seated towards a wall with quotes of visionaries, such as Jules Verne and Walt Disney of what the future may hold. As guests continue to enter, the quotes glow and vanish, due to projection technology, and what they prophesied comes to life.

Scene 7 - Load/ Intro to the future

The narrator from the first scene comes back and updates the guests on what it’ll look like from here on out.

“The first floor showed progress through the past. From the turn-of-the-century to just a few decades ago, we can really see what progress looked like. On the second floor, we look at what progress for the future will look like. Looking at the same periods of time as below, we now see how that will progress later on.”

With that, the theme song “A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” starts to play as the theatre starts to rotate bringing us to scene 8…

Scene 8- Present Day

Present day. The first scene of upstairs. Like the first scene downstairs, it’s Valentine’s day today. John is still sitting in the kitchen but the kitchen has changed since we last some him. All the appliances are bright white and modern.

We first hear from John while he is “face-timing” with Patricia. To see the other end of it, the right scrim opens up to what appears to be a college dorm room. John notices us so hangs up on Patricia to then explain how it’s her first Valentine’s Day away from home. John explains some new progress that has happened since the last time we saw them. Things that have changed that are mentioned include the invention of smartphones, HDTV, and single-serving coffee machines.

From here, we see Jimmy and Uncle Orville in the Living Room in the left scrim watching some TV. When John asks what their plan is for the evening, Jimmy and Uncle Orville laugh and joke around with John on how they are staying home watching 3D movies all night since they just got this new TV.

After John gives them a hard time for that, the right scrim lights up to see Sarah, Grandpa, and Grandma all getting ready. They were setting up for a romantic double date night. Sarah then sees that John wasn’t ready because he was too busy talking with the guests. After being yelled at for that, John quickly dismisses the guests to go get ready.

After that, “A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” starts to play again as we rotate on to scene 9…

Scene 9 - 2040’s


Upon entering the new scene, there aren’t many differences. The biggest difference is the addition of a Robot Butler. Looking similar to the robot butler from a now extinct ride, Horizons, this butler can be seen in the corner of the kitchen with vacuuming the floor.

John explains how a lot has changed in the past 3 decades. Some of the biggest changes were vast improvements in Artificial Intelligence, improvements in food growth, and clean energy. While talking about improved AI, the butler in the background does a little dance as a sense of acknowledgement.

We then see the left scrim open up to see Sarah in the laundry room. She describes how with it being the Fourth of July she needs to get the laundry done fast. Luckily they have created new machines that do the washing and drying all in one cycle. It cuts down so much time as well as saves on the hassle of having to go change the loads which can be easily forgetful.

We then see the rest of the family in the right scrim together. After prying a bit by John, they explain how they are working on digital fireworks for tonight’s celebration. After Jimmy explains what they look like, Grandma accidentally sets a few off which then leads to the butler start to “panic” and grab the vacuum.

The family laughs at the butler and then all start to sing “A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” starts to play again as we rotate on to scene 10…

Scene 10 - 2070’s

It’s Halloween now. Here we see how the future has hit. Everything in the house is much brighter. Like the last scene, a lot has changed since then. The biggest thing that has changed is that flying cars are now around. John jokes around that for how fast they’ve been progressing lately they’ll be living on a different planet before you know it.

The left scrim opens to see Jimmy out in the garage with the flying car. He is sitting in the car pretending to drive away with it. He doesn’t hear John talking at first so gets caught off guard when seeing all of us. Jimmy falls out of the car after being scared where John then jokes about how “that’s the biggest scare Jimmy will have all night”.

From this, we then go over to the right scrim where we see Grandma, Grandpa and Sarah all at a new machine. John explains that this new AI machine does their Halloween makeup for them. The three of them explain how they are going as simple cats but it’s still much easier for the machine to do it as it would always be right.

John turns back to us saying that maybe also going as a cat might not be a bad idea. He then says that he must be going to get ready for their evening out.

“A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” starts to play again as we rotate on to scene 11...

Scene 11 - 2100’s

The first noticeable difference is looking out the back window. We aren’t on earth anymore. John explains how their family was chosen to move to Brava Centauri and had their house recreated piece-for-piece. It’s Christmas time again which means no scrims.

Here they are playing games in the living room as a family. They explain that unlike last time, they don’t have to worry about burning the Turkey dinner with the oven again as there has been new technology since then.

When Jimmy gets hungry he goes up to a fancy machine that is described as a “food synthesizer”. Jimmy asks for a nice plate of turkey dinner. When the synthesizer creates this large plate of food, Jimmy squeals in excitement as it is still new technology that is always exciting to have work. After that, John goes over to ask for his own Turkey dinner. The synthesizer slightly malfunctioned and gave him a can of turkey.

The whole family laughs that even with this new technology, John can get Christmas dinner right!

And for the last time, the whole family starts to sing “A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” starts to play again as we rotate on to scene 12…

Scene 12 - Unload


“A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” continues to play as we rotate around to see the same logo as the first room. After fully rotating around, the curtain in front of the logo drops and the Narrator thanks us for stopping by.

Exit/ Conclusion

We exit out of the back of the theatre which ends up exiting right behind where the PeopleMover turns to go over to Buzz Lightyear. From this exit, we loop down the pathway to come out right beside the entrance to the ride.



Quick note-
When researching, I remembered last year re-doing Carousel of Progress with a script and all. We agreed that we liked that premise, but were going to redo the script in our own way. Unfortunately, that didn't get done aside from the 2000s scene and the intro paragraphs, so at zero hour, here is our CoP, with the script mostly from the original project I did last year. Feel free to deduct points if needed. Thanks and enjoy.

Carousel of Progress - Team Hollywood Studios

The Carousel of Progress has been a beloved attraction ever since its inception at the 1964 New York World's Fair. This attraction is special not only because it was Walt Disney's idea from beginning to end, but also because it is an embodiment of Tomorrowland and Walt Disney World as a whole. A symbol for innovation and progress in the world, by showing the evolution of a family through time.

Yet as the years have tread on, a larger disconnect between the audience and time periods are reached. With the original attraction at the 1964 New York World's Fair - the attraction followed a steady progression from the turn of the century, and continuing on every 20 years till the 60s and beyond (their 'future' scene) However, in today's edition, the imagineers attempted to update the final scene to keep it current, but many lines of dialogue are outdated, including the awkward line regarding 'car phones' as Patricia's sarcastic glee echoes to her grandfather to not talk about a time when he didn't even have a 'car phone'.

Therefore, there will be several changes to the Carousel of Progress in order to not only update the themes for a new age, but also keep the attraction fresh and increase the re-rideability factor.

Attraction Changes
The most elaborate part of the refurbishment will be to install 3 new show scenes to replace the 1920s, 1940s, and the finale scenes.

The first scene (1900s) will be kept just as is in honor of Walt Disney and the original incarnation. The 1920s scene will be changed to the 1950s, and the timeline will now jump 50 years instead of 20, in order to keep up with the times. The 1940s scene will be replaced with a scene at the start of the 21st century, the early 2000s, showing off the internet and other digital gadgets for a new age. The final scene will take place in the 2050s, looking ahead to the next century and beyond in a Horizons inspired finale. Additionally, the Valentine's Day, July, Halloween, and Christmas/Holiday scenes will also be kept, traveling throughout the calendar year through the scenes as well.

Furthermore, with the new scene progression being 1900s, 1950s, 2000s, 2050s and beyond...there will be additions throughout the attraction scenes in order to enhance the re-rideability.

Foremost, each scene will be equipped with alternate dialogue, with randomized order, so you will never experience the same attraction twice.

For example, in the first scene (1900s), the Father (John) explains that you can travel from New York to California in less than 7 days. In alternate versions, he may give a different fact, such as traveling from Boston to Miami, or Los Angeles to Chicago, etc. This pattern would follow suite with several of the other 'facts' that are told of the time periods throughout the ride, so every time you ride you learn something new about the time period.

Another note is the new facade to the building. With the addition of Tron to Tomorrowland and the turn away from a mechanical 'future that never was' vibe that the 90s Tomorrowland emanated, the Progressland pavilion from the World's Fair, with its domed chromatic architecture, would now fit in seamlessly with the new style of Tomorrowland, placed adjacent to Space Mountain and across from Tron's futuristic neon overhang.

Without further adieu, may the centuries begin!

Note that as described above, the 'facts' within the scenes will be randomized for any given guest. The script below is an example of one ride-through experience a guest might have.

ACT 1 - 1900s

(Birds chirping.)

FATHER (Spoken)
Yeah, it looks like the robins are getting ready to celebrate Valentine’s Day today. What year is it? Oh, right around the turn of the century. And believe me, things couldn’t be any better than they are today. Yes sir, buildings are towering now as high as twenty stories. And moving pictures flicker up on a big screen. We have almost 8,000 automobiles in this country, and we can travel by train from New York to California in less than seven days! And I even hear tell about two brothers from North Carolina who are working on some kind of flying contraption. (Chuckles.) It’ll never work. Closer to home, we’ve now got gas lamps, a telephone, and the latest design in cast-iron stoves. And that reservoir keeps five gallons of water hot all day on just three buckets of coal. Oh boy, it sure beats chopping wood. And isn’t our new icebox a beauty? Look at that! Holds 50 pounds of ice. Milk doesn’t sour as quick as it used to. And our dog Rover here keeps the water in the drip pan from overflowing. It wasn’t too long ago we had to carry water from a well. And thanks to progress, we’ve got a pump right here in the kitchen. Of course, we keep a bucket of water handy to prime it with. Yes sir, we’ve got everything we need to make life easier.

(SARAH and YOUNGER DAUGHTER appear behind left scrim.)

Say, mother?


I was reading about a fellow named Tom Edison who’s working on an idea for snap-on electric lights.

Electric lights? No more kerosine! No more gas!

(Chuckles.) Sarah sure gets to the core of the apple.

But we do have this new washday marvel. Now, it takes me only five hours to do the wash. Imagine, it used to take two days.

Oh, that’s right folks. Now Sarah has time for other things, like—

Like canning and cleaning the oven?

Yes dear.

Well ovens just don’t clean themselves, you know, dear.

I know dear. (Chuckles.) And they probably never will!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to get the laundry off the line before it starts raining cats and dogs.

(ROVER barks. Blackout on left diorama.)

Ah, don’t worry Rover. She didn’t mean real dogs. Besides, it’s not going to rain today. My lumbago isn’t acting up.

(Lightning and thunder outside as rain begins to fall.)

SARAH (Offstage)
I hate to say I told you so.

Oh, look at it come down! All you have to do is put your wash on the line, right? Oh well, the cistern was low anyway.

(JIMMY appears behind right scrim, looking at stereoscope.)

Wowee! Look at that!

Now James, I thought I told you to ask my permission before using my new stereoscope. That’s not a toy you know!

Ooh-la-la! So that’s Little Egypt doing the hoochie-koochie, eh Dad?

Isn’t she a knockout? She’s the star of the new World’s Fair in St. Louis, and—(clears throat) now you put that away before your mother finds it.

Aw, Dad…

You heard me!

(Blackout on diorama.)

Well, we have one of those new talking machines. Now that is something. It plays music right here in our home.

(Lights up on left diorama, when GRANDMA sits listening to phonograph with her PARROT.)

RADIO (Singing)
There’s a great big beautiful tomorrow
Shining at the end of every day.

(Squawk) She keeps that thing going all day long. (Squawk) Progress! (Squawk. Whistle).

(Lights out on left diorama as they come up on right diorama, where PATRICIA is sitting, half dressed.)

Oh, papa!

Yes Patricia?

Papa! All these people! I’m… I’m indecent!

(Chuckles.) Don’t worry, Patricia. They’re friends. (To Audience.) That’s our teenage daughter. She’s getting ready to go to a Valentine’s dance across town, on one of those new horseless trolleys.

I think it’s very romantic you’re taking mother out for Valentine’s dinner this evening.

Well, you know what kind of sport I am.

I only hope I have an evening as romantic as yours and mother’s.

FATHER (Sternly)
Now you be home by nine o’clock, daughter. You hear me?

PATRICIA (Dejectedly)
Yes papa.

Well, with all this talking, I’ve worked up quite a thirst. I think I’ll take one of those new-fangled trolleys down to the drugstore soda fountain and meet the boys for a cold sarsaparilla. Oh, haha, I’m sorry, I forgot—we’re drinking root beer now! Same kind of thing, different name. Well, that’s progress for you. And, uh, speaking of progress…

(Theater begins to rotate to Act II.)

There's a great big beautiful tomorrow
Shining at the end of every day
There's a great big beautiful tomorrow
And tomorrow is just a dream away.

Man has a dream and that's the start
He follows his dream, with mind and heart
And when it becomes a reality
It's a dream come true, for you and me

So there's a great big beautiful tomorrow
Shining at the end of every day
There's a great big beautiful tomorrow
Just a dream away

ACT II - 1950s
Well, what a summer we have here. We're past the half century mark and boy life couldn't be any easier. Thanks to progress, we have a lot more luxury in our home and our daily lives. Luxuries such as some channels in, color TV, in fact we watched the first ever broadcast of color TV broadcasting the Tournament of Roses Parade. TV has become such a fad now a days, they've even invented something called a TV diner. Fast, ready to go meals that we put into this new device called, a microwave oven. Television does play a large part in our home nowadays, imagine if they made 3D television! Haha, it'll never happen. We've got fast automobile transportation, a rat race, so it's called. We drive all the way into the city for work, and then drive all the way back when we're done, and I'm on the road with fellow rats doing the same thing. And I even hear tell that we may even be going into...outer space? Hah, that'll never happen, I'm fine here on the solid ground where progress has made life easy. Say Jimmy?

(JIMMY appears behind left scrim, watching television broadcast of the New York Yankees.)

Yeah Pop? What is it? Dang, the Yanks are taking it to the Cardinals. Mickey Mantle is just unstoppable.

Son, have you helped your mother with the picnic basket?

No he hasn't

(MOTHER appears behind the right scrim, packing the bags)

But mom, the game's almost over...

Well, I may just forget to pack those Jell-O packs you like so much, or I may replace your soda with a diet No-Cal soda.

Ugh, I'm coming! Gosh why can't Paddy help?

Jim, now don't bother your sister, she's preparing for her date to the drive-in theater, I guess she's too good for us now....

Ruff Ruff

(PATRICIA appears behind the left scrim, talking on the phone)

Oh Dan, he's such a show-off

(on the phone voice)
Well leave it to the hot-rodders, eh? Are you going to the movies with him tonight?

Yeah aint that a bite

Ah, Patricia looks like she's having boyfriend troubles in the fabulous 50s. With all these hot rod cars these kids drive around these days, it's easy to be impressed, but it's hard to find the right one. Something wrong Patricia?

No, it's just he thinks he's Elvis Prestley and he doesn't want to chip in the 50 cents for the movies

Haha, well Patricia the best advice I can give you is, look for the quiet and humble ones, that's what your mother looked for.

(MOTHER appears in the left brim)

Now John, you weren't so quiet always had to be right

Ruff Ruff

Heh, easy Rover, I guess I don't remember that

Hey Mom, Dad, look at this!

(on the TV)

To all who come to this happy place, welcome, Disneyland is your land"

Woah, Disneyland is opening in California would you look at that. That fella Walt has some good pictures out as of late in the theaters, he's pushing the limits of progress, and heading into tomorrow. If we ever visit there, heh, I bet you the Land of Tomorrow will be my home. Because....

(Theater begins to rotate to Act III.)

There's a great big beautiful tomorrow
Shining at the end of every day
There's a great big beautiful tomorrow
And tomorrow is just a dream away.

Man has a dream and that's the start
He follows his dream, with mind and heart
And when it becomes a reality
It's a dream come true, for you and me

So there's a great big beautiful tomorrow
Shining at the end of every day
There's a great big beautiful tomorrow
Just a dream away

ACT III - 2000s
Well, we're in the new century folks and boy has this world changed over the years. Heck, just in the last few decades, progress has reshaped basically every part of our life. Everything is automated these days. Even....

(toilet flush)

No privacy at all around this place!

Sorry Orville, haha. Needless to say, a lot of things are taken for granted nowadays.The Red Sox finally broke the Curse of the Bambino and beat my old Cardinals in the World Series. Now if only the Cubs can win...heh, that'll never happen. We have these new movie screens called, IMAX. The screen is so big and real that it almost feels like you're in the movie! And with the 3D glasses, it makes it even more amazing! And that's not even touching all the ways that our home has seen progress since this century began. The World Wide Web has brought so much innovation into our home. Heck there's even this search engine called Google, where you can look up anything in the world, and in just seconds you get information on it...haha I doubt if they can sustain it.

Yeah we're living on easy street these days. And the world is growing in population each and every day. We may even hit 7 Billion people on this planet, and now, we can communicate from anywhere in the world, just watch this. Oh dear...

Yes, John?

How's Patricia doing in college?

She's doing just fine, in fact we were just going to talk with her

(PATRICIA appears on computer screen in left scrim from college)

PATRICIA (annoyed)
Ugh Dad, why can't you just text me? Why do you have to call all the time!

Patricia, haha I'm just showing these folks the power of the interwebs.

Dad, it's called the internet. Ugh. I thought you were up to date on progress?

I am Patricia, but this progress is moving faster than ever before and it's hard to keep up!

PATRICIA (laughing)
Like lol, dad like literally I'm going to have to show you how to sign-up for an e-mail for the 3rd time when I get back.

Oh your father and his e-mail.

Hey now, who's the one who set up the automatic voice mail huh?

Um, John, that voice comes with the answering machine, remember I asked you to record your voice? You certainly like to talk a lot...

I see I'm not getting any help from you...Jimmy, how are you doing with your video games?

(JIMMY appears in the right brim sitting in his bedroom staring at his TV screen)

Dad, I'm crushing it. These games are so much better than your old pong games.

Hey now, pong is better than this junk you kids play these days. You sit inside all day, what's so great about that?

Yeah well, now we have better graphics and everything! And in color too! Dad I get outside, remember that drone a showed you?

Heh, yeah, we have these personal flying vehicles nowadays. They are amazing!

Yeah my YouTube channel gets so many views every time I post a drone video!

Well YourTube is great and all, but just how many websites can there be?

YouTube, Dad...

I love that Facebook, that's how I found that night job remember John? An ad on Facebook?

Yes I remember dear. Heh that was great, but why does nobody like my posts?

(GRANDMOTHER voice is heard from the right scrim)

Because you post about progress by the time everyone already knows, son! What really sells are these funny cats videos that I post.

Grandma has more Twitter followers than some top celebrities!

Ruff Ruff!

Gesh, I guess I need to keep up with the times. Well as we head on into the 21st century, in this technological age, progress is moving faster than ever. We're going to have a lot of visionaries in the 21st century, that's for sure, and everything and anything we could imagine, is just a dream away. Come on, you know the words let's sing further into the 21st century...

(Theater begins to rotate to Act IV.)

There's a great big beautiful tomorrow
Shining at the end of every day
There's a great big beautiful tomorrow
And tomorrow is just a dream away.

Man has a dream and that's the start
He follows his dream, with mind and heart
And when it becomes a reality
It's a dream come true, for you and me

So there's a great big beautiful tomorrow
Shining at the end of every day
There's a great big beautiful tomorrow
Just a dream away

ACT IV - 2050s and Future
(ENTER a futuristic house with the Progress City silhouette in the background through the window. )

If you can dream it, you can do it. That's the motto of progress that's lead us here and into the next decades of innovation and discovery. Just celebrating the holiday season in anticipation of the new year, and all the creations that are just around the corner.

Like Grandma creating a way to give me back my virtual reality video games

Now kids don't fight

But Mom, she's had for hours

Jimmy, let your Grandma have fun with it

Where are you even going Grandma?

Well here, hook it up wirelessly to the TV so we can all see.

(TV goes on - Grandma in outer space)

Woah Grandma you're really good at this game

Sure am!

Heh, you kids got it easy these days...not only with everything wireless, but transportation, that peoplemover system is something else, heh, John remember all those days driving into work in the rat race

I can't forget it. Progress has really made the commute much better. With innovations in transportation, it's really simple to take the peoplemover or the monorail into the city. No stress and energy efficient

Speaking of energy efficient, Dad, did you see the new lights I gave you for the holidays

Yes I did Patricia, thank you, now I can control all the lights in the house with just one switch, and they last longer too! I can only thank Thomas Edison for starting all of this.

Like you say John, it only takes one idea

It sure does Sarah, one idea that can manifest into dreams coming true.

Dad did you see on the news that the Mars colony is almost complete.

I did Jimmy, and it looks amazing. You never know what's on the horizon. And it goes to show you that progress only happens when we dream big, inspire others, and dedicate ourselves to our goals. The future is bright and it's just a dream away

Ruff Ruff

Haha that's right Rover. To the 22nd century and beyond...

(Theater begins to rotate to the conclusion.)

There's a great big beautiful tomorrow
Shining at the end of every day
There's a great big beautiful tomorrow
And tomorrow is just a dream away.

Man has a dream and that's the start
He follows his dream, with mind and heart
And when it becomes a reality
It's a dream come true, for you and me

So there's a great big beautiful tomorrow
Shining at the end of every day
There's a great big beautiful tomorrow
Just a dream away

List of Hidden Mickeys and Easter Eggs
Act II
- Above the TV there is a Mickey Mouse shaped flower arrangement
- The salt and pepper arrangements in the kitchen are shaped like Mickey

- Jimmy's video game console has a mickey symbol on it
- Patricia's college is called Progress City University

Act IV
- There's a Fantasia poster (like the previous incarnation)
- There's Mickey Mouse gift wrap paper under the tree
- A mickey mouse stuffed animal is hiding under the tree
- There's a mickey ornament hanging on the tree
- There's a mickey symbol in the clouds above Progress City in the window.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the Late Submission.

It’s May 2019, and rumors are beginning to stir for the 2019 D23 Expo. As many people are excited for a new ride coming to Stitch’s Great Escape, a refurbished Tomorrowland Speedway, a new overall feel of the land, and a new E-ticket ride called TRON Light Cycle Power Run, rumors are stirring that a new ride may be in store replacing the “Carousel of Progress”.

~~An article on WDWMagic, May 2019~~
Is a new show coming to the Carousel Theater in Tomorrowland?

As we reported in October of last year, the Carousel of Progress in Tomorrowland has been moved to seasonal operation, only to be opening the week of Thanksgiving, during the December Holidays and during Spring Break. A few weeks ago, visitors to the park may have noticed Imagineers and other Disney executives walking around and inside the Carousel theatre. This occurrence seems to indicate that a new attraction may be coming to the Carousel Theater.

There's a variety of themes rumored to be a replacement to the Carousel of Progress, including Big Hero 6, The Rocketman, Meet the Robinsons, and more! We will report on this story as more news uncovers.

~~The Parks and Resorts Forum at D23, July 2019~~
Ever since The Carousel of Progress was moved to seasonal operation, many fans have been guessing as to what its replacement may be. We are proud to announce what will take its place.

Coming for the 50th anniversary, a new attraction inspired by the Carousel of Progress will open in the Carousel Theatre. This new attraction will be called The Disney Parks Carousel of Progress. Inspired by the original attraction, this attraction will take you through the history and progress of the Disney Parks. From Griffith Park to the present day and beyond.

Rather than replacing The Carousel of Progress, this attraction will be a spiritual successor and a temporary overlay of the ride. This overlay of The Carousel of Progress will be in operation beginning in Summer of 2021 and will conclude when the 50th Anniversary festivities are over. At that time, it will transfer back to the Carousel of Progress. We hope that you are as excited for this overlay as we are. More details will follow.

Team Magic Kingdom Presents...

“The Disney Parks Carousel of Progress”

Attraction Layout


Attraction Script
Welcome, to The Disney Parks Carousel of Progress. You're in for a real treat. The original Carousel of Progress was Walt's own idea from beginning to end. He loved it. He introduced the show at the World's Fair in New York City in 1964 and it was an immediate smash hit. Millions of people came to see it and since then, the Carousel of Progress has had more performances than any other stage show in the history of American theater. Because of Walt’s love for the Carousel of Progress and for his love and legacy in the parks, it was decided that in honor of the 50th Anniversary of the Walt Disney World Resort, to take the inspiration of the two and put them together in a show called “The Disney Parks Carousel of Progress”, which we are about to see. Although the Carousel has a different story to tell, the show still revolves around the same theme: progress. May the adventure begin.

Our theater starts to move for the first time. Lively banjo music comes on to the tune of the ride's theme song. The theme song is still “Theirs a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” from the Carousel of Progress.

Act I: Dreams of Disneyland & Making it a Reality
Our theater rolls around to the first stage. It's a series of orange groves. John (our narrator from the Carousel of Progress) is sitting on a folding chair in the middle of the orange groves. John joins in on the singing as the chorus fades out.

The song ends, but quiet Disney Parks music plays in the background. It is a bright sunny day outside. Birds are chirping in the spring air.

John: The decade is 1950 and Walter Elias Disney is sitting on a bench in Griffith Park watching his two daughters going around the carousel.

The first of the rotating dioramas appears. To the right of John, this diorama has Walt sitting on a bench in Griffith Park, with carousel music playing and himself waving to his daughters.

It is in this moment that he wishes there could be a clean place where kids and their parents can have fun together.

The diorama disappears.

And of course, this idea eventually becomes the Disneyland we all know and love today. But before it was known as Disneyland, it was known as Mickey Mouse Park and it was supposed to be in Burbank, California on an 8-acre lot in the Disney Studios. But with a combination of the city of Burbank not wanting a theme park in their city and Walt Disney’s ideas growing to big for 8 acres, Walt looked for other places of land. He eventually found Anaheim, California. He bought 60 acres of orange trees and Disneyland was quickly being built. And on July 17, 1954, Disneyland officially broke ground. Exactly one year before it was set to open. Construction was rushed, and they even poured the tar for Main Street the night before Disneyland opened.

To the left of John, a diorama appears having a woman stuck in the pavement of Main Street, trying to get her foot out.

This caused woman’s high heels to getting stuck in the pavement among other things.

The diorama disappears.

Opening day was a mess for Disneyland. As stated before, woman’s high heels were getting stuck in the pavement of Main Street. Their wasn’t enough food to feed all its guests, which is stated to have occurred due to counterfeit tickets, 35,000 people showed up, 25,000 of those counterfeit. Rides were breaking down, the ferryboat sank, and a plumbers strike meant that their was no water fountains to drink out of. All of this happened on a day where the temperatures went over 100 degrees. But, needless to say, Disneyland succeeded and the Disney Parks are the leaders of theme parks in the world.

The right diorama comes up. An animatronic Walt is at a podium.

Walt: To all who come to this happy place; welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past…and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams and the hard facts that have created America…with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world.

The right diorama disappears as in the left diorama, a video montage of opening day plays on a TV screen. When it's over, the dioramas disappears.

John: Disneyland opened in 1955 with 20 rides and attractions, against the 60 that Disneyland currently has.

Some of those 20 rides that opened with the park you can still find in Disneyland today, including Autopia, The Disneyland Railroad, Jungle Cruise, King Arthur Carousel, Mad Tea Party, Main Street Cinema, Mark Twain Riverboat, Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, Peter Pan’s Flight, and Snow White’s Scary Adventures.

Walt was heavily apart of his attractions up until his death. He created many beloved attractions such as Alice in Wonderland, The Enchanted Tiki Room, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Matterhorn Bobsleds, among others. And while he didn’t create the final product for The Haunted Mansion, he was heavily involved for the creation of it. But he was working on it since Mickey Mouse Park. Alot happened in the Disney parks from that point on. Progress was all around the Disney Parks from that point on. Speaking of progress…

The theater rotates to the next stage while the theme song of the ride plays.

Act II: The Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow and the Growth of the Disney Parks

John is now in front of the iconic Sleeping Beauty Castle in Disneyland.

John: We now stand in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle in Disneyland, California. Walt was dreaming of the Florida Project for many years before he died. But the Walt Disney World Resort we have today is nothing like what was originally supposed to be here.

To the left of John, a diorama appears having Walt stand in front of the Epcot map.

Walt: a much shortened version of this is shown in this diorama.

The diorama disappears.

In addition to a “Disneyland East”, Walt was going to have built “The Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow”, or Epcot. This wasn’t going to be a theme park though. This was going to be the City of the Future. With highways underground and people movers and monorails as the main source of transportation. But Walt died before the Florida Project even started construction. And with the loss of the creator, “The Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow” was never built.

Roy Disney, Walt’s brother, took over The Florida Project, just building The Magic Kingdom and two hotels as a part of phase 1. He took a lot of care as a part of this project, and he even named the resort after Walt, calling it “Walt Disney World” versus “Disney World”.

To the right of John, a diorama appears having Roy standing in front of a crowd.


The diorama disappears.

John: Walt Disney World opened with many favorite attractions, including Country Bear Jamboree, Dumbo, Jungle Cruise, Mad Tea Party, Peter Pan’s Flight, Swiss Family Treehouse, It’s a Small World, the Walt Disney World Railroad, Haunted Mansion, The Tomorrowland Speedway, and more. Many more attractions were added in the years after, including The Carousel of Progress, Space Mountain, Pirates of the Caribbean, and more.

Walt Disney World expanding with more hotels and a whole different theme park, “Epcot”. But rather than being a city, it was made a theme park themed to a permanent World’s Fair. “Epcot” didn’t open to a success, but it eventually became one and inspired millions of people.

To the left of John, a diorama appears having Card Walker standing in front of a crowd.

Card Walker:

The diorama disappears.

To the right of John, a diorama appears having a video screen. A montage of Epcot plays on the screen. When the montage is over, the diorama disappears.

John: Epcot opened in 1982, but something new opened in 1983. Tokyo Disneyland, the first Disney Park outside of the United States opened. This new Disney park combines the best of Disneyland and the best of Disney World into one park.

Something different about Tokyo Disneyland compared to the rest. Tokyo Disneyland is not owned and operated by the Walt Disney Company. It is operated by the Oriental Trading Company. This is because The Walt Disney Company was going bankrupt. But someone new was coming in, and his name was “Michael Eisner”. A lot of progress is going to happen under him. And speaking of progress,

The theater rotates to the next stage while the theme song of the ride plays.

Act III: The Eisner Era
John is now standing in front of “Spaceship Earth” in Epcot.

John: Now Michael Eisner was essential to the Walt Disney Company because he helped the company regrow into the company is today. And one of his focuses was the theme parks. The theme parks he opened during his time as CEO were “Disney’s MGM Studios” (now known as “Disney’s Kaleidoscope Park”) in Florida, “Euro Disneyland” (now known as Disneyland Paris) in France, “Disney’s Animal Kingdom” in Florida, “Walt Disney Studios Park” in France, “Disney’s California Adventure” (now known as “Disney’s Pixar, Marvel, and State Park Adventure”), and “Hong Kong Disneyland” in China.

These parks marked a renaissance in Disney Parks. These parks are beloved by fans and are a massive success now, even if they weren’t always one. While Disney’s MGM Studios was a success, many of the other parks weren’t as successful when they opened. For example, “Disney’s California Adventure” was such a flop that it eventually got a $1.1 billion expansion and other parks like “Disney’s Animal Kingdom” just took time to become a success.

“Disney’s MGM Studios” opened in 1989 as competition with the soon-to-open “Universal Studios Orlando”. Both parks brought a Hollywood backlot to Florida, while still offering rides and attractions. “Disney’s MGM Studios” opened with only 2 attractions, The Great Movie Ride (which closed back in 2017) and the Studio Backlot Tour (which closed in 2014). The park recently went under a massive refurbishment bringing new areas and attractions to the park, including “Toy Story Land” and the highly successful “Star Wars- Galaxy’s Edge”. This massive refurbishment took a park about going behind the scenes and made it into a park about going into the movies. It is now known as “Disney’s Kaleidoscope park”.

“Disney’s Animal Kingdom” opened in 1998 and is a park about the animals of the past, present, and fantasy. The park also has a strong environmental message. The park opened “Pandora- The World of Avatar” back in 2017, which brought a new level of imagineering.

“Euro Disney” opened in 1992 and is the Magic Kingdom of the Disneyland Paris Resort. The park has some returning favorites, like Pirates of the Caribbean and Peter Pan’s Flight, but it also hosts some original attractions like Phantom Manor and a Indiana Jones mine cart coaster. It is now known as “Disneyland Paris Park”.

“Walt Disney Studios Park” opened in 2002 and is the second of two theme parks of the Disneyland Paris Resort in France. The park is the smallest of the Disney parks, but hosts some of the most fun Disney attractions, including Crush’s Coaster and a different version of Toy Story land.

“Disney California Adventure” opened in 2001 and is the second of two theme parks of the Disneyland Resort in California. When the park opened in 2001, it wasn’t a hit like Disney expected it to be, so it went under a massive overhaul refurbishing or replacing most of the attractions in the park. This expansion added “Buena Vista Street” and “Cars Land”.

“Hong Kong Disneyland” opened in 2005 to honor the original Disneyland Park. For example, it opened with an exact clone of Main Street in Disneyland. The park has some Disneyland favorites, including Space Mountain, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, the Jungle Cruise, and much more.

“Hong Kong Disneyland” was the last theme park in the Eisner era. A lot of progress in the theme parks occurred under Eisner. For example “Star Tours” premiered, “Tower of Terror” premiered and much more. Before we move to current day, let’s sing our song about progress. A 1, 2, 3, 4.

The theater rotates to the next stage while the theme song of the ride plays.

Act IV: Current Disney

John is now in front of the iconic Cinderella Castle decked out for the 50th anniversary, and he is standing next to the Partners Statue.

John: A lot of progress has happened after Michael Eisner. Bob Iger is the new CEO and rather than open a bunch of new theme parks, Bob Iger decided it will be best to improve on the theme parks.

Bob Iger did a lot of neat things to improve the parks. Not only did he purchase Marvel, Pixar, and Lucas Films, the whole Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Snow White, and Dumbo area in Fantasyland was built under him. And it is a massive success. Not only did he greenlite that, but he green-lit billion dollar expansions to Disney California Adventure, Hong Kong Disneyland, and Walt Disney Studios Park. Those three parks really needed the money, and they both opened new lands and attractions that were smashing successes.

“Disney California Adventure” refurbished the majority of their park with expansions like Buena Vista Street, Cars Land, Pixar Pier, a stronger Marvel presence, and much more. “Hong Kong Disneyland” added 5 new lands to their park, beginning in 2011 and the final land completed in 2023. Those lands include Toy Story land, a Frozen Land, a Marvel Land, Grizzly Gulch, and the highly popular Mystic Point. “Walt Disney Studios Park” got a stronger Pixar presence with attractions and lands based off of Finding Nemo, Cars, Ratatouille, Toy Story, and more.

Those parks are now successes with those new lands. In addition, other attractions and lands around the world have been open such as Soarin’ around the World, Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge, TRON Light Cycle Power Run, Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway, and a whole lot more.

But by far the biggest expansion to the Disney Parks under Iger, was “Shanghai Disneyland Resort”. This resort is a giant success and it opened with 24 highly themed and technological attractions. Fan favorites return in this park, such as The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh and the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, and others return in new ways that are amazing guests each day. This resort is a major success for the Walt Disney Company.

Bob Iger’s contract recently expired in 2019, but he gave us hope for the future of the Disney Parks. He produced a lot of progress making the parks great again. Making the parks a place where we can escape and be a kid again. And now I will be looking forward to another 50 years of the Disney Parks and Walt Disney World and many more after.

The theater rotates to the next stage while the theme song of the ride plays.

Post Show

NARRATOR: Thank you for joining us on “The Disney Parks Carousel of Progress”. We hope you enjoyed this tribute to the original “Carousel of Progress” from the 1964 World's Fair. Please gather all of your personal belongings and exit out the door in the back of the theatre. Have a great big beautiful day, and remember tomorrow is just a dream away.

An instrumental version of the theme song plays as guests exit.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Sorry for the Late Submission.

It’s May 2019, and rumors are beginning to stir for the 2019 D23 Expo. As many people are excited for a new ride coming to Stitch’s Great Escape, a refurbished Tomorrowland Speedway, a new overall feel of the land, and a new E-ticket ride called TRON Light Cycle Power Run, rumors are stirring that a new ride may be in store replacing the “Carousel of Progress”.

~~An article on WDWMagic, May 2019~~
Is a new show coming to the Carousel Theater in Tomorrowland?

As we reported in October of last year, the Carousel of Progress in Tomorrowland has been moved to seasonal operation, only to be opening the week of Thanksgiving, during the December Holidays and during Spring Break. A few weeks ago, visitors to the park may have noticed Imagineers and other Disney executives walking around and inside the Carousel theatre. This occurrence seems to indicate that a new attraction may be coming to the Carousel Theater.

There's a variety of themes rumored to be a replacement to the Carousel of Progress, including Big Hero 6, The Rocketman, Meet the Robinsons, and more! We will report on this story as more news uncovers.

~~The Parks and Resorts Forum at D23, July 2019~~
Ever since The Carousel of Progress was moved to seasonal operation, many fans have been guessing as to what its replacement may be. We are proud to announce what will take its place.

Coming for the 50th anniversary, a new attraction inspired by the Carousel of Progress will open in the Carousel Theatre. This new attraction will be called The Disney Parks Carousel of Progress. Inspired by the original attraction, this attraction will take you through the history and progress of the Disney Parks. From Griffith Park to the present day and beyond.

Rather than replacing The Carousel of Progress, this attraction will be a spiritual successor and a temporary overlay of the ride. This overlay of The Carousel of Progress will be in operation beginning in Summer of 2021 and will conclude when the 50th Anniversary festivities are over. At that time, it will transfer back to the Carousel of Progress. We hope that you are as excited for this overlay as we are. More details will follow.

Team Magic Kingdom Presents...

“The Disney Parks Carousel of Progress”

Attraction Layout


Attraction Script
Welcome, to The Disney Parks Carousel of Progress. You're in for a real treat. The original Carousel of Progress was Walt's own idea from beginning to end. He loved it. He introduced the show at the World's Fair in New York City in 1964 and it was an immediate smash hit. Millions of people came to see it and since then, the Carousel of Progress has had more performances than any other stage show in the history of American theater. Because of Walt’s love for the Carousel of Progress and for his love and legacy in the parks, it was decided that in honor of the 50th Anniversary of the Walt Disney World Resort, to take the inspiration of the two and put them together in a show called “The Disney Parks Carousel of Progress”, which we are about to see. Although the Carousel has a different story to tell, the show still revolves around the same theme: progress. May the adventure begin.

Our theater starts to move for the first time. Lively banjo music comes on to the tune of the ride's theme song. The theme song is still “Theirs a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” from the Carousel of Progress.

Act I: Dreams of Disneyland & Making it a Reality
Our theater rolls around to the first stage. It's a series of orange groves. John (our narrator from the Carousel of Progress) is sitting on a folding chair in the middle of the orange groves. John joins in on the singing as the chorus fades out.

The song ends, but quiet Disney Parks music plays in the background. It is a bright sunny day outside. Birds are chirping in the spring air.

John: The decade is 1950 and Walter Elias Disney is sitting on a bench in Griffith Park watching his two daughters going around the carousel.

The first of the rotating dioramas appears. To the right of John, this diorama has Walt sitting on a bench in Griffith Park, with carousel music playing and himself waving to his daughters.

It is in this moment that he wishes there could be a clean place where kids and their parents can have fun together.

The diorama disappears.

And of course, this idea eventually becomes the Disneyland we all know and love today. But before it was known as Disneyland, it was known as Mickey Mouse Park and it was supposed to be in Burbank, California on an 8-acre lot in the Disney Studios. But with a combination of the city of Burbank not wanting a theme park in their city and Walt Disney’s ideas growing to big for 8 acres, Walt looked for other places of land. He eventually found Anaheim, California. He bought 60 acres of orange trees and Disneyland was quickly being built. And on July 17, 1954, Disneyland officially broke ground. Exactly one year before it was set to open. Construction was rushed, and they even poured the tar for Main Street the night before Disneyland opened.

To the left of John, a diorama appears having a woman stuck in the pavement of Main Street, trying to get her foot out.

This caused woman’s high heels to getting stuck in the pavement among other things.

The diorama disappears.

Opening day was a mess for Disneyland. As stated before, woman’s high heels were getting stuck in the pavement of Main Street. Their wasn’t enough food to feed all its guests, which is stated to have occurred due to counterfeit tickets, 35,000 people showed up, 25,000 of those counterfeit. Rides were breaking down, the ferryboat sank, and a plumbers strike meant that their was no water fountains to drink out of. All of this happened on a day where the temperatures went over 100 degrees. But, needless to say, Disneyland succeeded and the Disney Parks are the leaders of theme parks in the world.

The right diorama comes up. An animatronic Walt is at a podium.

Walt: To all who come to this happy place; welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past…and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams and the hard facts that have created America…with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world.

The right diorama disappears as in the left diorama, a video montage of opening day plays on a TV screen. When it's over, the dioramas disappears.

John: Disneyland opened in 1955 with 20 rides and attractions, against the 60 that Disneyland currently has.

Some of those 20 rides that opened with the park you can still find in Disneyland today, including Autopia, The Disneyland Railroad, Jungle Cruise, King Arthur Carousel, Mad Tea Party, Main Street Cinema, Mark Twain Riverboat, Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, Peter Pan’s Flight, and Snow White’s Scary Adventures.

Walt was heavily apart of his attractions up until his death. He created many beloved attractions such as Alice in Wonderland, The Enchanted Tiki Room, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Matterhorn Bobsleds, among others. And while he didn’t create the final product for The Haunted Mansion, he was heavily involved for the creation of it. But he was working on it since Mickey Mouse Park. Alot happened in the Disney parks from that point on. Progress was all around the Disney Parks from that point on. Speaking of progress…

The theater rotates to the next stage while the theme song of the ride plays.

Act II: The Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow and the Growth of the Disney Parks

John is now in front of the iconic Sleeping Beauty Castle in Disneyland.

John: We now stand in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle in Disneyland, California. Walt was dreaming of the Florida Project for many years before he died. But the Walt Disney World Resort we have today is nothing like what was originally supposed to be here.

To the left of John, a diorama appears having Walt stand in front of the Epcot map.

Walt: a much shortened version of this is shown in this diorama.

The diorama disappears.

In addition to a “Disneyland East”, Walt was going to have built “The Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow”, or Epcot. This wasn’t going to be a theme park though. This was going to be the City of the Future. With highways underground and people movers and monorails as the main source of transportation. But Walt died before the Florida Project even started construction. And with the loss of the creator, “The Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow” was never built.

Roy Disney, Walt’s brother, took over The Florida Project, just building The Magic Kingdom and two hotels as a part of phase 1. He took a lot of care as a part of this project, and he even named the resort after Walt, calling it “Walt Disney World” versus “Disney World”.

To the right of John, a diorama appears having Roy standing in front of a crowd.


The diorama disappears.

John: Walt Disney World opened with many favorite attractions, including Country Bear Jamboree, Dumbo, Jungle Cruise, Mad Tea Party, Peter Pan’s Flight, Swiss Family Treehouse, It’s a Small World, the Walt Disney World Railroad, Haunted Mansion, The Tomorrowland Speedway, and more. Many more attractions were added in the years after, including The Carousel of Progress, Space Mountain, Pirates of the Caribbean, and more.

Walt Disney World expanding with more hotels and a whole different theme park, “Epcot”. But rather than being a city, it was made a theme park themed to a permanent World’s Fair. “Epcot” didn’t open to a success, but it eventually became one and inspired millions of people.

To the left of John, a diorama appears having Card Walker standing in front of a crowd.

Card Walker:

The diorama disappears.

To the right of John, a diorama appears having a video screen. A montage of Epcot plays on the screen. When the montage is over, the diorama disappears.

John: Epcot opened in 1982, but something new opened in 1983. Tokyo Disneyland, the first Disney Park outside of the United States opened. This new Disney park combines the best of Disneyland and the best of Disney World into one park.

Something different about Tokyo Disneyland compared to the rest. Tokyo Disneyland is not owned and operated by the Walt Disney Company. It is operated by the Oriental Trading Company. This is because The Walt Disney Company was going bankrupt. But someone new was coming in, and his name was “Michael Eisner”. A lot of progress is going to happen under him. And speaking of progress,

The theater rotates to the next stage while the theme song of the ride plays.

Act III: The Eisner Era
John is now standing in front of “Spaceship Earth” in Epcot.

John: Now Michael Eisner was essential to the Walt Disney Company because he helped the company regrow into the company is today. And one of his focuses was the theme parks. The theme parks he opened during his time as CEO were “Disney’s MGM Studios” (now known as “Disney’s Kaleidoscope Park”) in Florida, “Euro Disneyland” (now known as Disneyland Paris) in France, “Disney’s Animal Kingdom” in Florida, “Walt Disney Studios Park” in France, “Disney’s California Adventure” (now known as “Disney’s Pixar, Marvel, and State Park Adventure”), and “Hong Kong Disneyland” in China.

These parks marked a renaissance in Disney Parks. These parks are beloved by fans and are a massive success now, even if they weren’t always one. While Disney’s MGM Studios was a success, many of the other parks weren’t as successful when they opened. For example, “Disney’s California Adventure” was such a flop that it eventually got a $1.1 billion expansion and other parks like “Disney’s Animal Kingdom” just took time to become a success.

“Disney’s MGM Studios” opened in 1989 as competition with the soon-to-open “Universal Studios Orlando”. Both parks brought a Hollywood backlot to Florida, while still offering rides and attractions. “Disney’s MGM Studios” opened with only 2 attractions, The Great Movie Ride (which closed back in 2017) and the Studio Backlot Tour (which closed in 2014). The park recently went under a massive refurbishment bringing new areas and attractions to the park, including “Toy Story Land” and the highly successful “Star Wars- Galaxy’s Edge”. This massive refurbishment took a park about going behind the scenes and made it into a park about going into the movies. It is now known as “Disney’s Kaleidoscope park”.

“Disney’s Animal Kingdom” opened in 1998 and is a park about the animals of the past, present, and fantasy. The park also has a strong environmental message. The park opened “Pandora- The World of Avatar” back in 2017, which brought a new level of imagineering.

“Euro Disney” opened in 1992 and is the Magic Kingdom of the Disneyland Paris Resort. The park has some returning favorites, like Pirates of the Caribbean and Peter Pan’s Flight, but it also hosts some original attractions like Phantom Manor and a Indiana Jones mine cart coaster. It is now known as “Disneyland Paris Park”.

“Walt Disney Studios Park” opened in 2002 and is the second of two theme parks of the Disneyland Paris Resort in France. The park is the smallest of the Disney parks, but hosts some of the most fun Disney attractions, including Crush’s Coaster and a different version of Toy Story land.

“Disney California Adventure” opened in 2001 and is the second of two theme parks of the Disneyland Resort in California. When the park opened in 2001, it wasn’t a hit like Disney expected it to be, so it went under a massive overhaul refurbishing or replacing most of the attractions in the park. This expansion added “Buena Vista Street” and “Cars Land”.

“Hong Kong Disneyland” opened in 2005 to honor the original Disneyland Park. For example, it opened with an exact clone of Main Street in Disneyland. The park has some Disneyland favorites, including Space Mountain, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, the Jungle Cruise, and much more.

“Hong Kong Disneyland” was the last theme park in the Eisner era. A lot of progress in the theme parks occurred under Eisner. For example “Star Tours” premiered, “Tower of Terror” premiered and much more. Before we move to current day, let’s sing our song about progress. A 1, 2, 3, 4.

The theater rotates to the next stage while the theme song of the ride plays.

Act IV: Current Disney

John is now in front of the iconic Cinderella Castle decked out for the 50th anniversary, and he is standing next to the Partners Statue.

John: A lot of progress has happened after Michael Eisner. Bob Iger is the new CEO and rather than open a bunch of new theme parks, Bob Iger decided it will be best to improve on the theme parks.

Bob Iger did a lot of neat things to improve the parks. Not only did he purchase Marvel, Pixar, and Lucas Films, the whole Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Snow White, and Dumbo area in Fantasyland was built under him. And it is a massive success. Not only did he greenlite that, but he green-lit billion dollar expansions to Disney California Adventure, Hong Kong Disneyland, and Walt Disney Studios Park. Those three parks really needed the money, and they both opened new lands and attractions that were smashing successes.

“Disney California Adventure” refurbished the majority of their park with expansions like Buena Vista Street, Cars Land, Pixar Pier, a stronger Marvel presence, and much more. “Hong Kong Disneyland” added 5 new lands to their park, beginning in 2011 and the final land completed in 2023. Those lands include Toy Story land, a Frozen Land, a Marvel Land, Grizzly Gulch, and the highly popular Mystic Point. “Walt Disney Studios Park” got a stronger Pixar presence with attractions and lands based off of Finding Nemo, Cars, Ratatouille, Toy Story, and more.

Those parks are now successes with those new lands. In addition, other attractions and lands around the world have been open such as Soarin’ around the World, Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge, TRON Light Cycle Power Run, Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway, and a whole lot more.

But by far the biggest expansion to the Disney Parks under Iger, was “Shanghai Disneyland Resort”. This resort is a giant success and it opened with 24 highly themed and technological attractions. Fan favorites return in this park, such as The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh and the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, and others return in new ways that are amazing guests each day. This resort is a major success for the Walt Disney Company.

Bob Iger’s contract recently expired in 2019, but he gave us hope for the future of the Disney Parks. He produced a lot of progress making the parks great again. Making the parks a place where we can escape and be a kid again. And now I will be looking forward to another 50 years of the Disney Parks and Walt Disney World and many more after.

The theater rotates to the next stage while the theme song of the ride plays.

Post Show

NARRATOR: Thank you for joining us on “The Disney Parks Carousel of Progress”. We hope you enjoyed this tribute to the original “Carousel of Progress” from the 1964 World's Fair. Please gather all of your personal belongings and exit out the door in the back of the theatre. Have a great big beautiful day, and remember tomorrow is just a dream away.

An instrumental version of the theme song plays as guests exit.

It’s fine. Did Hollywood Studios really change to Kalaiedoscope Park? :eek:


Well-Known Member
Team Animal Kingdom Presents...

The queue remains the same in the covered patio outside the theater. The carousel maintains the same color schemes, and the sign is updated to the new attraction name. Guests in the queue are quickly ushered into the prologue theater.


The same purple curtains hang, with the attraction name center stage. A "Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow." After a couple of minutes for everyone to get seated, a narrator introduces the attraction. A recording of Walt reads:

“The most exciting, by far the most important part of our Florida project, in fact the heart of everything we’ll be doing in Disney World, will be our Experimental Prototype City of Tomorrow. We call it EPCOT, spelled E P C O T – Experimental Prototype City of Tomorrow.”


The theater rotates as Walt continues with his vintage speech. A curtain scrim glides past bearing an old EPCOT pavilion logo. Every scrim will feature these logos.

A new scene emerges, The backdrop is a boardroom with colorful concept art and maps behind Walt. Both of the miniature carousels are used to show the disappointed board of directors - who don't want to take this big of a risk. Walt continues his EPCOT speech, perfectly syncing with the previous scene.

“EPCOT will take its form from the new ideas and new technologies that are now emerging from the creative centers of American industry. It will be a community of tomorrow that will never be completed, but will always be introducing and testing and demonstrating new materials and new systems. EPCOT will always be a showcase to the world for the ingenuity and imagination of American enterprise.”

One board member interrupts with his doubts, speaking with just the slightest hint of a musical beat:

“What a surprise,
It’s too big for our eyes.
So what makes your surmise
Something so darn unwise?”

Walt responds, no longer with a vintage recording, but with song! Thanks to the spectacular lyrics of Lin-Manuel Miranda, composer of Hamilton and Moana, the Carousel comes to new musical life! Walt describes EPCOT with eloquent rap:

Why, the blessing of size!
Now I don’t fantasize
About this, you guys.
We can all realize
This idealized thought,
This once-in-a-lifetime shot,
A real primetime plot
Which I call EPCOT.
It’s a concept, an experiment,
A journey into merriment,
A heaven sent hype,
An inspired archetype.
For this prototype city
Will be sitting pretty,
If this timid committee
Can wittily borrow

This ideal of tomorrow.

The board members respond back, continuing Miranda’s music:

EPCOT?! Are you sure we ought
To follow this futurist plot
Or not? I’m not sure
If we can ensure
We can make a decision

On your far-reaching vision.


EPCOT’s paramount
It will surely amount
To more than I can care to count.
Now don’t feel henpecked
By this Florida project;
I doubt you’ll object
To its wondrous aspect.
For the problems of today
In how we live, work and play
Can soon go away
Since big business will pay
To test their ideals

In our Florida fields!

Board members:

You’re a genius, Walt,
And it’s been my fault
For not seeing how pretty
Is this prototype city,
This idealized thought
That we all call EPCOT!

Let’s give it a shot!

This is merely a brief sample of the music and lyrics which will be filling the entire 20 minute show…and surely at a much finer quality when Miranda himself comes onboard. (I’m no lyricist!) Rest assured that the dialogue in all scenes to follow will consist of Miranda’s brilliant lyrics. His engaging, modern music will make the Carousel a new fan favorite, a respectful modification on a Disney classic.

(Scene transition, past another scrim…)



Walt stands in a busy street with retro-futuristic transportation devices around him. No cars are in sight, and the vastness of the city in the background is created by a portrait (due to the expensiveness of a screen showing a moving picture).

In this scene, we hear him discuss the greatness of how the city functions and how happy people are. The miniature carousels are made to look like tall buildings, and when illuminated show a resident - preparing for her work day, working at home, and the ease of new technology. The final of these miniature carousel scenes shows a board member living happily and thanking Walt for his brilliant idea.


Our tour of the city brings us to the middle of a park, which is created with beautifully created murals (resembling the above image) and some moving props. The right side of the stage is a lake, with a couple of boats floating on it. Walt Disney stands centerstage (just like the real carosuel, how all of the characters cann miraculously live through long periods of time) and begins his talk towards us.

"EPCOT is in a great place
everyone in it's gotta
supa happy face.
We've gotta a lotta

Progress and a ton of
time for doin' what you love."

He discusses how great EPCOT-ian society is, and how much it helps all of the people in it. On the right turntable, his son and daughter-in-law are getting married on a sunset cruise, which Walt has to join them soon. Also, on that turntable is another happy citizen who discusses the greatness EPCOT brought his family.

The other turntable shows two board members who live in a lakeside college. Both are incredibly happy with the way EPCOT turned out financially, and socially, and share that through a rap.

Scene Four: EPCOT Future


Walt stands inside of a futuristic skyscraper, with beautiful windows overlooking EPCOT as a whole. Many of EPCOT is animated, as these windows are screens. Monorails and people movie below us. Flying cars roam the city. In the distance, the Magic Kingdom can be seen.

Walt raps on some of the technological innovations occurring, and how EPCOT fosters the individual mind, like any good society should. His turntables show his grandson, who is now a young adult. He raps about his dreams and accomplishments, which were all made possible thanks to this city of tomorrow.

Board members on the other turntable no longer care about the finances. Rather they only care about the happiness and progress that society takes.

D Hulk

Well-Known Member
We apologize for the late submission. I was out of town at Purdue for a full day visit for the past two days, and @D Hindley had a medical emergency.
And so no one worries, it wasn't my own medical emergency. My friend was going through an unexpected crisis and I spent a couple of sleepless nights helping him out. Things look on the mend now, though it's still early to say.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Ok, I’ll see if anyone else has a say. I was going to post this early week 1 but waited. I have an outlined week of working for this. It’s like:

Saturday/Sunday: Get prompt/review it
Monday: Brainstorm
Tuesday: Brainstorm/Choose Idea
Wednesday: Work
Thursday: Work
Friday: Final Touches/Post Final Project

I am not at any means making the teams follow this, I was just putting it out there.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Week 1 Judging

I hear that there were some problems for some teams, but each project looked amazing. I'm judging 4 things, which they are:

  • Creativity (out of 5 points)
  • Timing (out of 5 points)
  • Immersion (out of 5 points)
  • Art (out of 5 points)
There will be a total of 20 points if every team earns it.

Team Magic Kingdom:

Wow! Just... wow! The choice of theme is amazing. I loved how you included videos of actual events in Disney History. With only some narrations, I could imagine what the show would be like. The thing that I would change is the theme. I loved the theme, as mentioned above, but I couldn't quite see how it would fit in Tomorrowland. Overall, I think your refurbished show was wonderful, and I can't wait to see what else you come up with!

  • Creativity: 4/5
  • Timing: 4/5
  • Immersion: 5/5
  • Art: 3.5/5
  • Total: 16.5/20
Team Epcot:
This show was amazing. I had a fun time reading it. The way you included the upstairs space was beautiful, I wouldn't have thought about that. Little bits and pieces of Horizons really gave this show the Disney Touch. Simple updating really goes a long way! The inclusion of statistics was fantastic. The only thing was the narrations. Don't get me wrong, you really hit it off with detail. The narrations were limited, with bits here and there. Again, I just think that this show was awesome, and I would definitely ride it.

  • Creativity: 5/5
  • Timing: 5/5
  • Immersion: 4/5
  • Art: 4/5
  • Total: 18/20
Team Hollywood Studios:
This refurbishment was very detailed. I love how you included narrations for every time period. I think my favorite has to be the 1950s. I do have to say that every title for the time periods were fitting. The only thing I didn't really like is the way you compiled an old project into this. Yes, you did say you changed things in later scenes so, I applaud you for that. I think the inclusion of Hidden Mickey's really topped it off. This refurb was very intersesting.

  • Creativity: 5/5
  • Timing: 4/5
  • Immersion: 4/5
  • Art: 3.5/5
  • Total: 16.5/5
Team Animal Kingdom:
Using Walt Disney and EPCOT was a grand idea. I think the theme fit in well with the whole Tomorrowland. The first bit of art was funny, but was very well thought out, as it fit with the rest of your show. Sure, this was a bit late, but the detailing and song was amazing. This immersed me very well. The way you used the scrims really brought this to my attention. I would work on timing, if possible. Overall, your post was very good. I cannot wait to see what else you have in store.

  • Creativity: 5/5
  • Timing: 4/5
  • Immersion: 5/5
  • Art: 4/5
  • Total: 18/20
So, currently Team Epcot and Team Animal Kingdom are in the lead. Next week, we'll have our first review, to see how many total points every team has. For now, here's the overview:
  • Team MK: 16.5/20
  • Team EP: 18/20
  • Team HWS: 16.5/20
  • Team AK: 18/20
See you tomorrow for your Week 2 prompt. Have a fabulous rest of your weekend!


Week 1 Judging

I hear that there were some problems for some teams, but each project looked amazing. I'm judging 4 things, which they are:

  • Creativity (out of 5 points)
  • Timing (out of 5 points)
  • Immersion (out of 5 points)
  • Art (out of 5 points)
There will be a total of 20 points if every team earns it.

Team Magic Kingdom:
Wow! Just... wow! The choice of theme is amazing. I loved how you included videos of actual events in Disney History. With only some narrations, I could imagine what the show would be like. The thing that I would change is the theme. I loved the theme, as mentioned above, but I couldn't quite see how it would fit in Tomorrowland. Overall, I think your refurbished show was wonderful, and I can't wait to see what else you come up with!

  • Creativity: 4/5
  • Timing: 4/5
  • Immersion: 5/5
  • Art: 3.5/5
  • Total: 16.5/20
Team Epcot:
This show was amazing. I had a fun time reading it. The way you included the upstairs space was beautiful, I wouldn't have thought about that. Little bits and pieces of Horizons really gave this show the Disney Touch. Simple updating really goes a long way! The inclusion of statistics was fantastic. The only thing was the narrations. Don't get me wrong, you really hit it off with detail. The narrations were limited, with bits here and there. Again, I just think that this show was awesome, and I would definitely ride it.

  • Creativity: 5/5
  • Timing: 5/5
  • Immersion: 4/5
  • Art: 4/5
  • Total: 18/20
Team Hollywood Studios:
This refurbishment was very detailed. I love how you included narrations for every time period. I think my favorite has to be the 1950s. I do have to say that every title for the time periods were fitting. The only thing I didn't really like is the way you compiled an old project into this. Yes, you did say you changed things in later scenes so, I applaud you for that. I think the inclusion of Hidden Mickey's really topped it off. This refurb was very intersesting.

  • Creativity: 5/5
  • Timing: 4/5
  • Immersion: 4/5
  • Art: 3.5/5
  • Total: 16.5/5
Team Animal Kingdom:
Using Walt Disney and EPCOT was a grand idea. I think the theme fit in well with the whole Tomorrowland. The first bit of art was funny, but was very well thought out, as it fit with the rest of your show. Sure, this was a bit late, but the detailing and song was amazing. This immersed me very well. The way you used the scrims really brought this to my attention. I would work on timing, if possible. Overall, your post was very good. I cannot wait to see what else you have in store.

  • Creativity: 5/5
  • Timing: 4/5
  • Immersion: 5/5
  • Art: 4/5
  • Total: 18/20
So, currently Team Epcot and Team Animal Kingdom are in the lead. Next week, we'll have our first review, to see how many total points every team has. For now, here's the overview:
  • Team MK: 16.5/20
  • Team EP: 18/20
  • Team HWS: 16.5/20
  • Team AK: 18/20
See you tomorrow for your Week 2 prompt. Have a fabulous rest of your weekend!
Can we get the prompt today by any chance?

I think Saturday to Saturday might help teams who are struggling with time (seeing as there are only 3-4 people per team)

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