I’m just not sure why noticing these things (and calling them out for what they are) is seen as “backlash.” At this point, it’s much more of a “here we go again” yawn than “let’s protest at the gates of the parks.”
It’s so common that it’s hardly even news that a big corporation would lower the quality of the the products that earned their customers’ loyalty just to save a buck. But, as we’ve discussed in other threads, the few companies who consistently buck that trend are the ones that seem to be doing well despite the economy and pandemic and political instability.
On topic for this thread, it’s not that the CM uniforms are changing to these ugly pajamas, its that each resort used to have distinct, on-theme uniforms that were just one of the thousand little things that help make the resorts unique and special.
The problem is, as I see it, if there used to be a thousand little things that made the resorts special, there certainly aren’t nearly so many of those things left.