Let's just remember what's really important here, its not the uniforms that are important, it's the people wearing those uniforms. From what I can tell, the CM's are still incredible assets to this company. Hannah, a pool lifeguard, was working double duty, literally wiping down the handle bars and pool chairs at all 3 of the quiet pools at Coronado springs at least every hour but still had a few minutes to chat with us and make us feel welcome and safe at the same time.
Our bartender at Three Bridges Tanner was entertaining to say the least and took the time, again to get to know us and genuinely make us want to come back and stay there.
I understand that you can look into uniforms as being bland and boring but the CM's behind them are what really count. I still have a perceived value when I go. I am sure there will be a tipping point, but its not all doom and gloom at the resorts right now.