Well-Known Member
Nice. I would love another run of MSEP in WDW and I think that's pretty easy for them to do given that it's available out west. And they can placate the DL crowd by giving them the newer, shinier PTN so that we continue to be the red headed stepchild.I’ve heard no concrete dates but it is a legitimate plan to have a light parade return to WDW. They will need something for 2024 to market with Tiana opening so late in the year, so the timing is plausible. I’ll do some digging to see if there is a specific window.
This would seem like an easy thing to announce at Destination D23.
If Josh announces those two things returning and a Figment + Dreamfinder refurb for Imagination Pavilion, then I may have to get myself a T shirt with his face on it. Assuming they keep the glass pyramid, of course.