MSEP ending at Disneyland on Sept 1, WDW return in 2023?


Well-Known Member
DHS F! Is looking like a sure thing for D23. Don't know what I'm hoping for from MK Pyro. Would jump for joy if WDW got MSEP/PTN or shock!! TDO is building or built one!!!!!!

Who knows about MH with those auditions today........

I’d like to think, well we all do, that WDWs nighttime parade drought will finally come to a end next year, but it’s a matter of which parade makes the East journey or better yet a shocker of something brand new.
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Well-Known Member
I’d like to think, well we all do, that WDWs nighttime parade drought will finally come to a end next year, but it’s a matter of which parade makes the East journey or better yet a shocker of something brand new.


Well-Known Member
I know it's a joke but why are things a year late????

DE's New Intro, This........

Well, we don’t really know if things that were originally planned pre covid for the 50th are now being green lit. If they were the new nighttime parade would be back on the table.


Well-Known Member
Didn’t they can the Brazil announcement at the last second as well?
From my understanding, it was canned due to political and economic issues in Brazil, but it might be back on. That pavilion has a history of continuing to revive itself at the oddest times...

D23 will be the last dying gasp of my dream for 5pectr0Magic. It would have been too perfect.
Would be more than appropriate as a tribute to Ron Logan, but if it was planned... he never told me about it.


Well-Known Member
Those Move It Shake It (and other names) floats might outlive the Castle float the more WDW keeps on reusing them for cavalcades.

Remember when WDW didn't fully rely on smaller floats and made a full blow Anniversary Parade years ago?

Bring back the BMX unit!


Well-Known Member
When and if a nighttime parade returns to MK one day, and it doesn’t necessarily even need to be specifically for a light parade, but I’d like to see MK finally get a new parade route lighting package. They add the temporary lighting for the seasonal parades, so why not just make it permanent.

For MSEP DL was using projections for the new finale along the parade route as well. For MK, they could do this in Frontierland, Liberty Square, Cinderella Castle, MSUSA and Towns Square. For whatever reason though DL and MK hasn’t been doing projections in Towns Square for the nighttime shows.

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