We are originally from RI and it is hard for someone that doesn't live in RI to understand the depression we have in RI. Even as close as Boston is, it is still a different world here. The RI economy rides on the coat tails of the Mass and CT businesses, as they say, so when they are down RI is really down. Even though the Industrial Revolution started there with the Slater family there is virtually no manufacturing left and very little of any other industry. There is a small Arts community, Brown University, Providence College, Newport for boating enthusiasts. And tons of lawyers, and more than we need municipal and state workers. The unemployment is almost 12% and our newly elected Governor ran on a platform to raise taxes, so RI won't attract many new businesses, if any. We are retired full time FL residents now and moved to Florida 4 years ago, as well as our daughter and family, but we return to RI for business occasionally for our rental property. RI's property taxes, state taxes and loss of jobs are chasing everyone out of the state. RI is second behind California as the worst state to live in. Our overly generous state assistance and welfare (no residency requirement) make RI the spot to move to if you don't want to or can't work. The politics just make you crazy here. I could go on and on about the crooked deals that are business as usual in RI - as they say here "only in RI"!! It is so sad though because RI doesn't have to be the way it is now - there are a lot of good things in RI, but the bad stuff is taking it over. I agree 200% why the OP wants to move and my suggestion is to research the area in Florida you want to move to because the job market is very tough in FL as well right now. The only difference is that the state of FL has the ability and resources to turn around faster and better than RI. And oh yes it has the Happiest Place on Earth, lots of sun and very few gray days, lots of clean beaches, good fishing, large ranching and farming communities, great sports teams, State parks you can enjoy and no state income tax!