Mountains fixed?


Well-Known Member
Agreed! It's my favorite part of the ride, the simulated earthquake you "escape". And at least the projecter would be a better B mode than if they just decided to throw a strobe light in there.

well if they do a strobe AND might be a toss up! :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I don't blame the falling rock scenery on anything besides lax maintenance and/or badly designed restraints. If they wanted to fix the effect and make it where it wouldn't fall on guests, i'm sure they could (doesn't seem too difficult to imagine that they could come up with a better way to hold it in place). While some sort of projection effect would admittedly be better than nothing, there's no excuse not to have the original effect up and working fine.

I'll take some kind of projection effect over nothing. Bring a creative imagineer in like Tony Baxter to work their magic. The digital mapping effects in both Snow White and the Magic Memories and You show are really impressive and convincing. With the lanterns on the sides still shaking, i'm convinced it could look decent with some effort.


Park History nut
Premium Member
The falling rock effects worked fine for 30 years now all of a sudden there falling and injuring people? Sounds like a problem with maintenance not doing their job rather than the actual effect itself.
No, this was a shaking rock.

The falling rocks were deactivated at WDW years ago. Grrrrrr....


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen the falling rocks since 1997, so my memory of what they look like is fuzzy. How was that effect produced? Was it a projection effect or what? Not talking about the shaking rocks on the sides, but the ones falling at the top of the hill.


Well-Known Member
Falling rock effect was very cool, and very convincing. Some of the various "AA" rocks literally tipped over the train, others actually seemed to crash down just to the side of the train, for even an older child (10-12) it still felt like the cavern was actually collapsing around you.

I'll not only call Martin's GRRRRRR...but I'll raise him a :fork:


Park History nut
Premium Member
I haven't seen the falling rocks since 1997, so my memory of what they look like is fuzzy. How was that effect produced? Was it a projection effect or what? Not talking about the shaking rocks on the sides, but the ones falling at the top of the hill.
They were physical objects, attached to rods, that would simulated free fall down either side of and above the track at the crest of the lift. They would then reset before the next train came.

The vertical `tracks` the rods would travel up and down on are still visible.

Jedi Wizard

New Member
LOL - so typical. "The boss is coming; we actually have to give an effort." I'll buy Iger a plane ticket myself once a year if he'd promise to use it. At least it's fixed.

It shows what they could do easily but are choosing not to do. It also shows that they know it is unacceptable if they didn't want "the boss" to see it.
Sounds like some safety cables or chains with some slack to allow movement but prevent the rocks from ever falling away from the mountain would be an easy fix. Kind of like a backup parachute. OOOPS! First one didn't work quite right. Good thing we have a backup plan. Considering it's rather slow for a coaster and there are no loops or corkscrews, loss of the one thing that gives some feeling of impending disaster is pretty sad.

Victor Kelly

Well-Known Member
Well I have an idea.................

B Mode Land.

All attractions they do not want to fix or maintain properly can be moved to this land. Heck even add some attractions and don't maintain them.

Like others have said, the rocks were fine for almost 30 years. It is an issue of maintenance period.


Wait, so maybe I missed something, what was the other mountain that was fixed? Thunder Mountain and then? Does anybody know? Maybe they fixed some of the faulty animatronics in Splash Mountain.


Well-Known Member
Wait, so maybe I missed something, what was the other mountain that was fixed? Thunder Mountain and then? Does anybody know? Maybe they fixed some of the faulty animatronics in Splash Mountain.

Yes, Splash is the other one apparently. I've not been to it since it was fixed up, but apparently they restored some of the range of motions of the figures (whether they've got ALL their original movement, dunno, but it's improved apparently).


Well-Known Member
the AA's in Splash was mountain #2.

But I wouldn't go as far as saying Big Thunder has been fixed...just the "new" rock doesn't look like it is capable of any motion and the entire cavern still lacks the "thunder" that is supposed to be shaking the entire room.

Awwww, that stinks.

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