Most uncomfortable seating in an attraction or show


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by marciahahn

OWWW! Another reason not to go on AE! I have great "assets" (or so hubby says) so wouldn't want to be in the wrong place when the harness comes down! ;)

You know that you're just asking for trouble with that post, right? ;)


New Member
I kno that! I'm just saying itz uncomfortable, not saying they should change it or anything!!! And even still, we would have to turn to see behind us in the theater, ther isnt THAT much of a difference for sitting :(


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by <SRH>
The last car on Space Mountain.

Any car on space mountain! I'm 6'1" so sitting on space mt and many other rides is tight and hard to sit properly. The one spot on space mt where I always hurt my back is in the begining after they launch you they stop you really fast b4 the lift hill OUCH!! It happens every time and thats when i manage to straiten out no matter how cramped my legs are.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DisJosh

Any car on space mountain! I'm 6'1" so sitting on space mt and many other rides is tight and hard to sit properly. The one spot on space mt where I always hurt my back is in the begining after they launch you they stop you really fast b4 the lift hill OUCH!! It happens every time and thats when i manage to straiten out no matter how cramped my legs are.

If you're just under 5'3", you fit fine on Space Mountain.

And I haven't ever been stung in the back on ITTBAB...I lean too far forward in the seat...


Account Suspended
There was this one guy who was on Space Mountain, a Brazilian doctor who didn't speak good English, who tried to get on the car while still in line for an attraction. He was injuried and tried to sue Disney but he was denied because of stupidity I guess. :D


If your tall, quite a few of the rides are bad. Spaceship Earth has to be among the worst, T-Mountain is tough as well.


New Member
you're a better person than I am, Moose! even though the views from the top are cool, it's VERY uncomfortable to sit in! :( it's like being crammed into a plastic laundry basket - sorry that's the best way to describe it (from a personal experience - don't ask! :p )


New Member
Slightly off subject, but what about the most comfy?

I feel asleep in both the American Adventure AND Hall of Presidents! I felt awful, like I had betrayed America! I was waiting to be kicked and beaten up by the Americans in the room. I really did feel guilty.

Security Boy

New Member
Poor Seating

:drevil: Fantasmic sux and Security people like me are always kept busy. Space Mountain needs to be REHABED , like most attractions at Disneyland in CA, it is much better--side by side seating would be better and those costumes--:veryconfu


i've never really complained about the seats in any attraction, but i always thought boat rides like el rio del tiempo and priates of the carribean were the most uncomfortable. probably because of the wetness.


Well-Known Member
Normally id say Space mountain (Im usually the one screaming "OW!! MY !!"...but from recent experience...i have changed it to splash height makes it hard to get comfy in those logs...


Account Suspended
No complaint...well maybe one.

I'm 6' 2" and 176 lbs. Never had a problem with sitting or standing on any of the attractions. However, have you ever sat in the right rear seat of a Disney bus (all the way in the back)? That can be a real problem.

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