Most memorable dining experience?

Rufus T Firefly

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
What is the most memorable dining experience that you have enjoyed on WDW property?

For me, it has to be the cedar plank salmon that I savored at Artist's Point (WL). I have ordered salmon at many other restaurants, and this was simply the best I have ever had.

Of course, it was followed up with the delicious berry cobbler.



Our most memorable experience was at Prime Time was our honeymoon and they made a huge deal of it and we loved it, and we LOVE that pot roast!


Well-Known Member
Our first time at Prime Time b/c the food was delicious and we did not know what we were getting ourselves into. It was such a great time with family. Super memories there.:p

Best tasting was at Ohana during Christmastime at a window seat with Wishes and the Electrical Water Pageant. And it was the first time my sister and I took my parents out to eat at Disney as a "thank you," and our first time there.


Anytime we've tried something the first time - Jiko, Artist Point, Bistro de Paris, etc. -it's always stood out. But the most memorable:

The Chefs Table, V&A, Oct. 5, 2006. It was a family dinner, just a royal treat. It was our first time at V&A, our grandfather's first trip to WDW in 20 years (he'd only done EPCOT a day in the 80s), and a gift from my sister. A lot of fun, great food, fabulous service.


Le Meh
Premium Member
On our honeymoone we ate at Cindi's Royal Table, in the little two seater table by the window. They had mickey confetti, streamers, and if I recall correctly, we got to see the fireworks...or was it fireworks in my head....hmmmm.:cool: :D :lol:

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I popped the question myself at Rose and Crown in Epcot. 2 minutes before Illuminations, I had some daisies delivered. I told my fiancee how much I love her and how I hope I will grow old with her and share many more wonderful nights like that one...and most importantly, I hope the riing fits. I got down on one knee, popped the question, she said yes, everyone around applauded (except ironically, the people closest to us, they weren't facing us and were oblivious to what was going on, and got a shock when they saw HISTORY being made behind them!), and after Illuminations, the staff brought out a cute little certificate they all signed. Then they sang "All you need is love" and it was all quite memorable.


New Member
eating in cinderella's castle with one of my best friends who has since past away. (can't remember the actual name of the restaurant).

I flew her to florida and took her to disney cause I knew she'd never be able to afford to go herself and we had the best time. We met Mary Poppins before eating and it was just amazing sitting up there with her, looking out over magic kingdom and watching the carousel.

I'll never forget it.


New Member
The California Grill was pretty memorable for me because of its view. You can see all the landmarks up there. Cindy's castle, Spaceship Earth, Tower of Terror, Earful Tower....


New Member
On our honeymoon we ate at Cinderella's Castle.
We had the window seat looking out at Fantasyland at sunset.... they put glitter and confetti on our table.....

When the Fairy Godmother and mice came out, I was so absorbed in just taking it all in, that I hadn't noticed a box had been put in front of me. I look down a few minutes later, and open the box - champagne flutes with the castle etched on 'em!


Active Member
Our best meal ever was at the Prime Time on our last trip in August. Our "brother" who served us (Irish gentleman whose name escapes me) was an absolute hoot. My my wife didn't eat her vegetables, he came over to her and played "airplane" in front of a packed dining room. When he came to serve my desert, I had gone to the men's room. He actually walked to the men's room, openend the door, and yelled " Hey Joe, what'd you do, fall in?". When I exited, the entire restaurant was laughing at me! We were having so much fun we couldn't be embarrassed.


Active Member
About a year or so ago Vern and I had dinner at the Kona cafe at the Polynesian. Vern ordered the coconut almond chicken. After a few bites he said "Now I know what heaven tastes like." I immediately replied "It tastes like chicken?!?" We both laughed so hard we nearly fell out of our chairs!

:lol: :lol: :lol:


One of my favorites was the breakfast buffet that use to be at the Polynesian. Minnie's Minnehune (could be spelled wrong). The selection was great and we always made a trip there when our kids were little. I have lots of pictures and video of my kids, nieces and nephews there. But one meal I'll always remember was this September when we ate dinner at 50's Prime Time. Our "sister" asked where we were from and we told her Tennessee. She pointed to a family 2 tables down that were also from Tennessee. When we asked what part, they replied Cleveland. Well so are we. And Cleveland isn't a big place. A few minutes later we heard them discussing us and thinking we were actors making it up, so one of the women came over and asked if we were really from Cleveland. I had to tell her where we lived, worked and what high school the girls had gone to before she would believe us. She then asked where we went to church, and believe it or not, they use to go there too. I don't remember them from there though.
The next day we were having dinner at Chefs de France and the waiter asked where we were from. About 20 minutes later a family was seated at a table next to us and the waiter asked where they were from. Believe it or not, they're from about an hour away. It really is a small world after all.


New Member
Being "uneducated" with Disney before my trip last year I didn't go to many different places to eat, my best food was at the Pop Century resort.....the Alfredo chicken kicked a$$!
Honestly I didn't know much, if anything at all, about the Prime Time Cafe, Sci-Fi Theater, etc.


Well-Known Member
About a year or so ago Vern and I had dinner at the Kona cafe at the Polynesian. Vern ordered the coconut almond chicken. After a few bites he said "Now I know what heaven tastes like." I immediately replied "It tastes like chicken?!?" We both laughed so hard we nearly fell out of our chairs!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

My DD doesn't understand why I crack up every time I hear that line in a movie!! :lol: :lol: :lol: (Especially when Timon says it....)


New Member
Many good experiences but 3 stand out:

1. Flying Fish Cafe on Boardwalk - Our waiter was extremely sociable and knowledgeable, food was excellent, tremendous overall experience.

2. Jiko at AKL - Sat inside the wine rack room. Exposed to some new (to me at the time) South African wine. Very romantic.

3. Dining Room upstairs at Pucks. Again excellent service and food. Beautiful scenery looking out over the lake. Another romantic evening.

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