Most embarassing thing that has happened to you (or someone you know) on a Disney Vacation?


Well-Known Member
We were at HS in July, at opening-and they were herding us like cattle to the right towards One Man's Dream. We weren't moving, and there were those stairs to the left. There was no cast member telling us we HAD to stay to the right, and I thought it was silly not to use all available pathways, so I went up the stairs, looking to get to the back of the park and work my way to the front (And yes, maybe not waiting 2 hours for the then brand-new TSMM)

Anyway, I get to the top of the stairs, and am greeted by this cast member, who looked like she was playing a soccer mom in an SNL skit-huge glasses and all. She starts to scream at me, "SIR. You can NOT be up here, you need to go back down, I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TRYING TO DO AND IT WON'T WORK." I nodded, turned around and muttered under my breath "God____ it." She heard me. "SIR, THIS IS A FAMILY PARK, AND I WILL EJECT YOU FOR THAT LANGUAGE." I just said, "Wow, okay-" kind of shocked, and went back down the stairs. People had heard the lecture I had endured, and were laughing. I said "Well, I tried, I guess...", because really, what does one say to that? But yes, rather embarrassing.

Edit: speaking of family atmospheres, this board edited out the most interesting part of the cast member's ensemble: It's like a purse/backpack/wallet hybrid that one wears around their waist. It starts with an F, and is apparently too R-Rated for these parts.


Well-Known Member
Oh, that's brutal. The only good thing is that the norovirus doesn't hang around very long. That, and it's easy to predict when you're about to vomit well ahead of time by how high your fever is getting. After you hurl, it drops significantly and starts to spike when the next "batch" is almost ready.
I think you just described my own personal hell.


Keep Moving Forward
Your friend should have been punched in the face....He's lucky he didn't do it to the wrong family...What a dbag

It all happened so quickly I think everyone was in shock. I have never seen or heard of him doing anything like that before or since, otherwise I would not be friends with him. I was so out of character for him.


1984, had just gotten into Space Mtn vehicle with my younger brother. We were moving slowly, alongside part of the line of people waiting to board. Some kids/teens were staring at us and my brother flipped them off :/ As luck would have it, we promptly stopped moving, as did they. So we got to sit there, uncomfortably, for what seemed like an eternity :)


Well-Known Member
Rode Kali River Rapids and got soaked! I had on grey shorts, but they were see through and I didn't realize it until someone yelled " Hey! That lady has on pink underwear!".:p I saw that guy the very next day at EPCOT, and he said, " Wearing pink underwear today?".:oops:

Mrs Merg has a similar tale. One day her bra was hurting her whilst in the MK, something to do with the wire in it being uncomfortable and digging in her? Anyhow she decided she could get away with going bra-less and visited the ladies toilets to remove it. All was going well till her t shirt got wet later on and I'm pretty sure you can guess the results :oops:


Keep Moving Forward
Mrs Merg has a similar tale. One day her bra was hurting her whilst in the MK, something to do with the wire in it being uncomfortable and digging in her? Anyhow she decided she could get away with going bra-less and visited the ladies toilets to remove it. All was going well till her t shirt got wet later on and I'm pretty sure you can guess the results :oops:

The wire can pop out of the fabric casing and start poking you. It's not fun.


Well-Known Member
I felt embarrassed when I was entering Hollywood Studios and you had to use you're card or wrist band to enter. I accidentally pressed to hard and they had to make me do it again. I thought you had to press hard for the green light to show up. Then again, I wasn't used to using the card ticket and wrist band. Since I been to WDW in 2004 and 2006 and we used tickets before they added that. Please tell me I'm not the only person who had this issue. This was during my Senior Trip last month, and I haven't been to Walt Disney World in 9 years.

Disney Stine

Active Member
Picked up a nice case of norovirus mid trip a few years ago. We had put off MK till midweek to beat crowds, that happened to be whej the virus kicked we hit mainstreet. I was horribly sick vomiting in the bathroom afterward my poor wife had to take a toddler and infant by herself while i slept and recouped in the first aid station

I had the same thing happen to me on my most recent trip! Only, I had thought I was sleep deprived from waking up so early and hot from the Florida heat and never thought I would actually get sick. All I wanted was a dole whip, but my lack of energy hit me hard and I sat down behind the cove with a fan over head. Most embarrassing part was all the people around asking if I was alone (after I had sent my boyfriend to gather as many napkins as he could from Aloha Isle). Or, maybe the part where they wouldn't allow me to walk and forced me to leave in a wheelchair... Either way, I want a redo trip where I can eat however many dole whips as I want! :hungry:


Well-Known Member
The wire can pop out of the fabric casing and start poking you. It's not fun.

Well it was for me when she got wet, I laughed for a good five minutes :D

I felt embarrassed when I was entering Hollywood Studios and you had to use you're card or wrist band to enter. I accidentally pressed to hard and they had to make me do it again. I thought you had to press hard for the green light to show up. Then again, I wasn't used to using the card ticket and wrist band. Since I been to WDW in 2004 and 2006 and we used tickets before they added that. Please tell me I'm not the only person who had this issue. This was during my Senior Trip last month, and I haven't been to Walt Disney World in 9 years.

I have dystonia which affects my co-ordination in my leg and arms. Anyhow I usually have a great deal of trouble when placing my fingers in the scanners at the main entrances. I can get them in, it's keeping them still long enough that's the problem, so you're not alone with creating problems at the entrance!

The cm's are nearly always great about it though and sometimes either just ask to see photo I.D, call for somebody to come and use a tablet device with me or just press a button on the kiosk to let me through (they probably shouldn't really do this but do?).

The only issue I've ever had was with a female cm at the AK. After placing my fingers in the scanner and it not working, I said the usual thing "I'm really sorry but I have dystonia and often have problems keeping my fingers still in these machines, I do have photo I.D. if that helps" (why I'm apologising for being disabled is crazy I know, but us Brits are great at that). Anyway she got really impatient and raised her voice saying "Take your hand out sir and start again" and tutted. I assumed she'd not heard what I'd originally said and repeated it, again apoligising. She looked really frustrated and replied "Sir I said put your fingers back in for the machine to read them, you're holding all these people back". So I tried again (I was already doing so when she was curt with me anyway) and again it didn't work. Again she said "Sir you need to try harder, just hold your hand still" now talking even louder making lots of guests look over.

At this stage another cm came over, whispered something to her and said to me "Come with me sweetie" and took me to her kiosk, put my card through, pressed a button on it and then let me through. I can only imagine she was embarrassed by her colleague's behaviour and realised how embarrassed and humiliated I felt by this situation. So no, you're not alone in feeling silly at the entrance :arghh:
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Well-Known Member
last year we were on a 4 night Bahamas cruise on the magic, mid afternoon I went back to the room for refreshments leaving my wife sunbathing in the adult section,on my way back up I thought id be nice and bring her a cold cola,i walked through the kiddies section the deck was wet and I slipped went completely over face, infront of too many kids and parents than I care to remember,never been so embaressed

Kate Alan

Well-Known Member
On a trip with friends last February we'd spent a great first day of a nine day trip in Magic Kingdom. The five of us had enjoyed a lovely meal at Be Our Guest (where we all decided to buy those plastic goblets because, why not) and were finishing up with a stop in the Emporium before heading back to the resort. I finished my shopping, stepped outside, and promptly wiped out on the curb. It wasn't even that I tripped - one minute I was upright, the next I was staring up at the sky.

I'd pinned my ankle under me in the fall and had my friends and two CMs rush over to check to see if I was all right or if I needed medical assistance. I was so disoriented though that the only thing I could think of to ask my friends was if the goblets were all right or if I'd broken them (I'd been holding the bag with them all, as well as my stuff from the Emporium, and the bags went flying when I did).

So I had my friends and the CMs both concerned and laughing at my priorities (and also probably thinking I had a concussion...which I've done before, so sadly not out of the realm of possibilities). A decent crowd had also gathered after witnessing my epic fall, so I was super embarrassed.

End result - five unbroken goblets, and an unbroken but severely sprained ankle, which I ended up hobbling through the pain with for the next eight days of the trip.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
When I was like three years old, I was next in line to meet Mickey and I had gum or candy of some sort in my mouth and as soon as he looked at me my jaw dropped and the candy fell out. I quickly picked it up, put it back in my mouth, and scurried over to Mickey. I wasn't embarrassed at the time, but as I got older and my mom showed the video to people, I got pretty embarrassed by it.

I also accidentally tripped and knocked down a bunch of figurines on the Arribas cart near Pirates of the Caribbean when I was younger too. Oooooops. :oops:

Kate Alan

Well-Known Member
Kate, sorry to hear that. I hope you healed quickly

I would have healed faster if I'd stayed off the foot rather than traipse the parks for the next eight days :oops: , but I didn't want to drag the vacation down for anyone else, especially since we had a few first timers with us. Thankfully it all turned out fine. :)


Well-Known Member
Most auk ward for me was a snide comment I made to a guy who walked in front of me and stopped during Wishes literally standing on my feet. He decided there was room for him so I simply said to my dad (and to preface I was a cocky college kid) "I guess some people don't care about anyone but themselves even at Disney World, good thing I'm not a kid...." Guy turns around beat read and gets in my face and yells, "ITS HOT MY KIDS ARE CRYING AND DIDNT WANT TO SEE FIREWORKS SO I AT LEAST DESERVE THIS, SO BACK OFF!!" Everyone is now starring so I smiled and said, "please get off my feet and have a magical day!" Guy flipped me off about an inch from my face and stormed off.

I got a few high fives but man it was awkward.


Well-Known Member
Poor guy probably had a terrible and expensive day at what is supposed to be one of the top five happiest places on Earth. Doesn't excuse being a selfish jerk, though.


Active Member
I tripped in Magic Kingdom while trying to "illegally" cross over the ropes right before the parade started. Knees were bleeding. It was a mess. CM helped me but firmly reminded me "You really shouldn't have been going over the ropes." Families behind me laughed, only one person offered to help though. Which I thought was weird, but hey, thinking about it now, I'd probably laugh before offering to help too.


New Member
A few years ago my family and I were trying to get on one of the trams to the parking lot from MK after the fireworks. We had been waiting a while, and as there are five of us (three of us literally being giants (but not me:()), got into the roped area for one of the larger sections. Another family got into the section next to us, all adults, no children, and decided they were going to try to jump ahead and get into the section we had been waiting for, we could not understand what they were saying, but we could tell. When the tram came, they tried and my exhausted mother and their family matriarch got into an argument in two separate languages (slighting entertaining, but humiliating). They backed off because my father, who stood there and did nothing, is terrifying. We rode the whole tram ride with them sitting right behind us staring and making comments we knew were directed at us, but couldn't understand. It still kind of mortifies me to this day. Both my moms reaction and the uncomfortable ride.

The Mighty Tim

Well-Known Member
I think I posted this in one of the other "embarrassing moments" threads, but I can't remember which. Anyway...

This one didn't actually occur at WDW - it actually occurred at MCO on the way home. We'd just checked in, dropped off the bags and were going through the security queue. All went well as I proceeded through the TSA line. Once at the other end, I grabbed my stuff and it was at this point that my trousers ripped. They were hanging on by a few short threads.

Unfortunately, since we'd already passed through security and our bags had been checked in, there was no way to access my suitcase for a fresh pair. Worse still, there was nowhere I could see where I could purchase a new set, nor even a belt or something to hold them together until I got to the other side.

This meant, of course, that I had to endure a flight back from Orlando to London wearing a pair of trousers that could fall apart at a moment's notice. Luckily enough, they remained intact until I could change. Things could have been way worse!

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