Most Depressing Attraction To Lose...


Active Member
dxwwf3 said:
How did I know this thread would get crapped within a day? :lol:

Let this one go guys. Surely we all liked things that used to be at WDW or we wouldn't have went back then. It's not that big of a deal to talk about former attractions and share experiences about them is it? This would be the same thing as going to one of the movie message boards I go to and say that you can't talk about any films released before 1995.

This thread is harmless. Give it a break :)

*Steps onto stump*

This is one of the problems with this board and some (not all) of its longer tenured members. There is way too much ownership here and those who haven't been around for a long time or haven’t posted much are often seen as intruders or outsiders. Before today, I haven't posted on a "past favorite attractions" but today I wanted to do so. (Hey, I wanted to reminisce a little!) But because I and others did so today and not back when one of the first of these threads ever on this topic, a couple of our “elders” decide to jump in and dump on things. And I just wonder “Why?” Sure, they have a right to do so but what is the point? Why can't there be at least one little thread without the forum police taking a whizz on things.

Just think about this quote from objr…
objr said:'s just that, well, after reading the first ten threads about this subject (over the years) gets to be a little less longing and a bit more whinning. But of course, that's just my opinion....

Now tell me, if this person has been with this board for several years and has read at least ten threads on the subject, why would they even bother with yet another thread on the subject? I’ll tell you why…entitlement. They think they’ve earned the right to pass judgment on the worthiness of a thread. It makes no sense to me.

*Steps down from stump*

BTW, did you notice that this guy was whining about the whining on this thread! :hammer: That, at least, was something funny to me. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Losing the original JII, Cranium Command, Horizons and ToN/ToD were a big kick in the crotch to Epcot characterwise. Figment and the Maelstrom trolls are the only original Epcot characters left...


Well-Known Member
Ahhh... my list of attractions I miss pretty much begins and ends with Cranium Command...

"If we were any older, we would be attacking you right now."
-The Heart


Well-Known Member
I got a whole new appreciation for Cranium Command and The Making of Me during this last trip. I mean I have ALWAYS loved Body Wars, but CC and TMOM really clicked with me this year. Sure it was a few years too late, but I'm glad I got to have those experiences this year. When I think of my winter 2005 trip, I'll always remember the hours I spent in the Wonders of Life pavilion.


Active Member
Wanna Dis,
Sorry for the delayed and lengthy response. I've been away from my computer for awhile but still want to address your questions...
wannab@dis said:
Why do you want to relive your old memories through your kids?
Is there something really bad about that? As a child, I was thrilled with Santa Claus. Forgive me but now I relive those memories of Santa through my kids. Yes, that personally gives me joy but that's not why I do it. I do it because I believe it will give them joy. The same can also be true for their experiences at WDW. I enjoy seeing them take joy in things that excited me as a child. There is nothing wrong with that.

wannab@dis said:
Shouldn't you want them to create their OWN memories and you enjoy seeing them discover their own experiences?

Yes, I do but allowing them to create their own memories and discover their own experiences is not exclusive to new attractions. Sure, my children can develop great memories on attractions I didn't experience as a child and I want them to do so. But in addition to that, wouldn't it be grand for them to develop experiences on attractions that also meant something to me as a child? You bet it is! Remember that for my children, who had never been on them before, those attractions are new. And just because some of those attractions are not the newest and most technologically up-to-date does not invalidate the experiences my children have on them nor make their memories less significant. You see, those experiences and memories are now owned by my children! It is their experiences not just mine. And just think, when they’ve had their own experiences on those favorites of mine, we--parents and children--have a shared experience!

wannab@dis said:
Why not let them experience everything that Disney has to offer today.

I do, but that doesn’t mean that older attractions have no value. Can you stand another Christmas related example? Think about how you celebrate Christmas (assuming that you do :) ). Do you celebrate Christmas only with new traditions? Probably not. More than likely, you observe some traditions with your children today that your parents observed when you were a child. At the same time, you may have also embraced some new traditions and have integrated them with the old. When it comes to Christmas traditions, both old and new can be valid, valuable, and memorable. IMO, the same can be true for WDW attractions. Both the new and the classics can be valid, valuable, and memorable. Why not let them experience those as well?

wannab@dis said:
I had never ridden Alladin, but I rode it many times on my last trip because that was my little girls favorite ride. I would take that any day over dropping by a museum to see Horizons. Just different viewpoints. *shrug*

Here is the thing, you don't have to choose one over the other. As for me, I would take my children on both Aladdin AND Horizons (if it were still there) because I think it is possible for them to have a rewarding experience on both. Would they prefer Aladdin over Horizons? Probably, but that does not mean that they wouldn’t also have fun and develop memories/experiences on both. (My three year old loves SSE, for goodness sake, and it is no Aladdin!)

wannab@dis said:
It also seems that the ones that "long for the good ol' days" are the ones that are NEVER happy with anything done today. Coincidence? :veryconfu

I think you are painting those posting favorably on this thread with too broad a brush. I’m one of those who sometimes “long for the good ol’ days” but, at the same time, I look forward to new rides and experiences (Can’t wait to ride EE in May!) and I’ve enjoyed most of the new stuff put in WDW in recent years (except SGE and DinoRama). My favorite ride these days? Soarin (one of WDW's newest.) I, for one, welcome change, if it makes sense and isn't arbitrary (I loved Toad but I think Pooh is a better ride.) But closing a ride and not replacing it is lame (20K, Skyway) and closing a ride and replacing it with an experience that is inferior to the original is inexcusable (SGE).

Indeed, we have different viewpoints. Yours seems to be that new is better. I'm fine with that. My viewpoint is that new is great but sometimes so is older. I say there is room for both. :wave:


Active Member
I too like to look toward the future.

But I still miss Mr. Toad (even though I like Pooh). I don't think it is wrong to miss an attraction and like it's replacement at the same time... is it? (You never can tell what is acceptable on these boards :rolleyes:.) (I even like to comment on threads that are similar to ones that have been posted before. Oh No! :eek: )

I miss the original Imagination and DO NOT like the new versions!!! I miss Horizons and the World of Motion as well as the Electrical Parade the Swan Boats and 20,000 Leagues. And of course, one of my first rides, If You Had Wings. I even miss the original Illuminations. I just loved how each country had a special introduction, it was touching.


Well-Known Member
PintoColvig said:
I think you are painting those posting favorably on this thread with too broad a brush. I’m one of those who sometimes “long for the good ol’ days” but, at the same time, I look forward to new rides and experiences (Can’t wait to ride EE in May!) and I’ve enjoyed most of the new stuff put in WDW in recent years (except SGE and DinoRama). My favorite ride these days? Soarin (one of WDW's newest.) I, for one, welcome change, if it makes sense and isn't arbitrary (I loved Toad but I think Pooh is a better ride.) But closing a ride and not replacing it is lame (20K, Skyway) and closing a ride and replacing it with an experience that is inferior to the original is inexcusable (SGE).

Indeed, we have different viewpoints. Yours seems to be that new is better. I'm fine with that. My viewpoint is that new is great but sometimes so is older. I say there is room for both. :wave:

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Standing ovation!


I totally forgot about Superstar Television. During my first trip to Disney in the 80s, my family and I were chosen as the "Royal Family" and our picture was flashed on the big screen. It was so exciting. Thanks for bringing back that memory. Of course, I miss Mr.Toad's ride, as well.

59 more days!!!:wave:

May -12
All Star Movies


New Member
....not that it was such a great ride, but oh the memories as a kid!!
"If You Had Wings"

"Now is the Time" them from Carousel of Progress


Well-Known Member
PintoColvig said:
I think you are painting those posting favorably on this thread with too broad a brush. I’m one of those who sometimes “long for the good ol’ days” but, at the same time, I look forward to new rides and experiences (Can’t wait to ride EE in May!) and I’ve enjoyed most of the new stuff put in WDW in recent years (except SGE and DinoRama). My favorite ride these days? Soarin (one of WDW's newest.) I, for one, welcome change, if it makes sense and isn't arbitrary (I loved Toad but I think Pooh is a better ride.) But closing a ride and not replacing it is lame (20K, Skyway) and closing a ride and replacing it with an experience that is inferior to the original is inexcusable (SGE).

Indeed, we have different viewpoints. Yours seems to be that new is better. I'm fine with that. My viewpoint is that new is great but sometimes so is older. I say there is room for both. :wave:
You're fairly new around here, so I'm going to take that into account. You've not seen some of the threads that have went on and on. And yes, many do seem to turn into a crying fest for the old attractions. So, be a little careful when calling out posters such as OBJR who have been around and seen those threads and sharing his opinion. Your previous post about the 'elders' was out of line. :wave:

There's a difference between 'missing' an old attraction and being stuck in the past. Many posters around here spend the majority of their posts pining for the past and saying that nothing done today is good. That's annoying, to say the least. You say you want to share the old attractions with your children? How, are you going to walk up to M:S and launch into a eulogy about the good old days that they are missing? How does that help the child get into the magic? Use videos? Same question?

Unfortunately, for most that would rather live in the past, they can't see the good in front of them. We have some that refuse to get on an attraction because they are still upset the previous one is gone. How will that play out in a child's mind? Why pass your mourning on to a child? (Someone actually said they 'mourned' the loss of an attraction.)

I've never said that sharing "memories" with your kids is a bad thing. I'll do that. But I'm NOT going to walk up to PhilHarmagic and talk about how much I miss the Lion King show. Why would I want to share "loss" with my child at "The happiest place on Earth". (of course, I don't have a sense of loss at PhilHarmagic... just an example) :D


Well-Known Member
PintoColvig said:
I haven't posted on a "past favorite attractions" but today I wanted to do so.

Big difference between "past favorite attractions" and "Most depressing attracation to lose" :wave:


I agree with you pinto. I don't understand why people read threads that don't interest them (and then post only to increase their post #). You were not out of line.

I think losing 20,000 is the most depressing since it has changed to look of Fantasyland so much.


Well-Known Member
PintoColvig said:
Now tell me, if this person has been with this board for several years and has read at least ten threads on the subject, why would they even bother with yet another thread on the subject? I’ll tell you why…entitlement. They think they’ve earned the right to pass judgment on the worthiness of a thread. It makes no sense to me.

*Steps down from stump*

BTW, did you notice that this guy was whining about the whining on this thread! :hammer: That, at least, was something funny to me. :lol:

Perhaps you misunderstand what I was getting's okay, I forgive you. :kiss:

My post is not aimed at those who want to talk about yesterday and its attractions. The post you quoted and I authored was aimed at those who do nothing but complain every time an old attraction goes down and is replaced. It was aimed at the fundamentalist Disney purists as I like to call them....

Furthermore, the only thing I feel I am entitled to is voicing my opinion, just like everyone else. And I understand, really I do, that many people won't agree with I expect posts like yours attacking my point. I don't take that personal.

But you went further than that....It seems you like to twist posts and come up with all sorts of theories...fine...try this...You feel the old timers are policing the forums, the threads, the posts and here you are accusing me of "passing judgement on the worthiness of a thread" my opinion not as valid or worthy as any other? Do I have to run things by you first before I post? I could care less what people post...but we should all care enough when we post, and should understand that our post will get some sort of reaction...sometimes it will be a good one sometimes not...

My point is this...people will say "I want horizons back, M:S is awful", and those people have to expect that people like me are going to say, "this is tired already, get over it", just like I should expect people would say, "never, you get over it". I believe, all those are valid and part of the discussion, and acceptable according to the rules.

However, your attack on the opinionated older members has nothing to do with the topic at hand, and quite frankly is against the rules of the forums (at least the way I understand them, trust me, I've read them a few times).

Maybe I misunderstand what you're getting at...I'm sorry, I'm a bit new to this whole posting thing. And the whole internet thing gets in the way sometimes.


New Member
Many people seem to miss Mr Toad's Wild Ride. Why not start a write in campaign to bring it back in a new, exciting form? Stop the whining and do something about it.

I was most depressed with the loss of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. It was
a fun ride, that had a real feel to it. It also could have been refitted and refurbished to include elements from The Little Mermaid and Finding Nemo, to remain a Fantasyland "must see" attraction.


Well-Known Member
loriwdunn said:
I agree with you pinto. I don't understand why people read threads that don't interest them (and then post only to increase their post #). You were not out of line.

Respectfully, if I cared and really wanted to, I have other ways to increase my post count, and posting in this thread or forum is not one of them.

loriwdunn said:
I think losing 20,000 is the most depressing since it has changed to look of Fantasyland so much.

I agree, and I'll add Horizons and AE (that's my list)...but we can't do anything about it...they are long gone. I'm glad we have M:S, but I hate SGE (to each his own). Disney must have great plans for the 20,000 leagues area, if not they would've kept it and themed it to Nemo. I miss them, but I understand and accept that change is part of life. Of course, that's just my opinion (I guess it always has to be said).



Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
Many posters around here spend the majority of their posts pining for the past and saying that nothing done today is good.

I just don't see this happening any more. Disney has been on a good streak lately with creating attactions most people enjoy around here (Philharmagic, Soarin', Everest, etc.), but you can't please everyone and I think that's fine. Not everyone should be expected to like everything that comes out and we shouldn't feel like we have to. I really think if you go out looking for people that "pine for the past and say nothing done today is good", then you'll probably find them. But I haven't noticed many at all.


Active Member
wannab@dis said:
You're fairly new around here, so I'm going to take that into account. You've not seen some of the threads that have went on and on. And yes, many do seem to turn into a crying fest for the old attractions. So, be a little careful when calling out posters such as OBJR who have been around and seen those threads and sharing his opinion. Your previous post about the 'elders' was out of line. :wave:

As you read this, don’t think that I have a scowl on my face or anything. I’m not offended nor am I trying to offend. :) Nevertheless, I will respond in a straightforward manner, so here goes…

Whether I am new around here or not is irrelevant, IMO. And your statement about my tenure here is a bit condescending, don’t you think? And it only proves my point regarding ownership and entitlement by some of the longer tenured members in relation to the newbies. :D Could it be that your longer tenure that blinded you to what was actually being posted on this thread? The truth is that this is a harmless thread about past attractions and people weren’t really being whiny or negative. In fact, things were quite positive until your interjection about “ride obituaries”, about those who “pine away for some old attraction” and your assumption that those who post on this thread want no new rides or attractions. Even the OP positively acknowledged the newer attractions. Let me refresh your memory…
MansionFan415 said:
Over the years we have lost NUMEROUS attractions to make way for the future. Some we are happy to be rid of and welcome the new arrivals. Some of the new arrivals we could do without. And then there are times we love having the new arrivals, but wish the past was still around. So I ask you…What do you miss most??

And yet, you say this…
wannab@dis said:
There's a difference between 'missing' an old attraction and being stuck in the past. Many posters around here spend the majority of their posts pining for the past and saying that nothing done today is good. That's annoying, to say the least.
I’m sure what you say applies to several people that post around here and I don’t doubt that it has happened several times in the past. The problem is that you assumed that was true of this thread, too. But, if you take a closer look at the posts leading up to yours, a third of the people posting (7 out of 21) spoke positively about new attractions or some aspect of the replacement attractions. And the “pining” for former attractions that you refer to has been really low key on this thread. Hey, these people are just reminiscing, for goodness sake! So even if every other thread on this subject has turned into an ongoing cry fest, this thread wasn’t one of them. And even if you thought it was and it irks you so much, why even get on this thread to start with? Just bypass it and go on to something else. Better yet, how about giving some folks a chance before stereotyping them. That’s all I’m saying. Again, I’m not meaning to offend here but that’s how I see it. :wave:

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