Most Depressing Attraction To Lose...


Active Member
objr said:
Perhaps you misunderstand what I was getting's okay, I forgive you. :kiss:

My post is not aimed at those who want to talk about yesterday and its attractions. The post you quoted and I authored was aimed at those who do nothing but complain every time an old attraction goes down and is replaced. It was aimed at the fundamentalist Disney purists as I like to call them....

Furthermore, the only thing I feel I am entitled to is voicing my opinion, just like everyone else. And I understand, really I do, that many people won't agree with I expect posts like yours attacking my point. I don't take that personal.

But you went further than that....It seems you like to twist posts and come up with all sorts of theories...fine...try this...You feel the old timers are policing the forums, the threads, the posts and here you are accusing me of "passing judgement on the worthiness of a thread" my opinion not as valid or worthy as any other? Do I have to run things by you first before I post? I could care less what people post...but we should all care enough when we post, and should understand that our post will get some sort of reaction...sometimes it will be a good one sometimes not...

My point is this...people will say "I want horizons back, M:S is awful", and those people have to expect that people like me are going to say, "this is tired already, get over it", just like I should expect people would say, "never, you get over it". I believe, all those are valid and part of the discussion, and acceptable according to the rules.

However, your attack on the opinionated older members has nothing to do with the topic at hand, and quite frankly is against the rules of the forums (at least the way I understand them, trust me, I've read them a few times).

Maybe I misunderstand what you're getting at...I'm sorry, I'm a bit new to this whole posting thing. And the whole internet thing gets in the way sometimes.

I’m not trying to be disrespectful here and I agree that you have every right to post your opinion. But as I said in the above post to Wanna Dis, you guys assumed that this was just another thread by a bunch of Disney purists wanting no change at WDW. But, that’s not reflected in the posts up to the point when you guys started posting. Both of you brought what appears to be your own prejudices to this thread about the anti-change crowd and their past posting trends. But, you brought it up before it was even an issue on this thread. I’m noticing that this kind of thing happens all the time around here and it happens to be a little frustrating to me. It seems like every other thread descends downward and away from the topic at hand (like is now happening) because of what I see as careless, thoughtless, or pointless posting. And yes, I think that some of the longer tenured members are guilty of it.

(Please note that I said some and not all. I was very careful in how I originally posted it so as to not implicate everyone! So no, I do not think that ALL the old timers are policing the forums and that ALL are passing judgment on the validity of the threads. BUT, some give the impression that they are doing that very thing.)

Sure everyone has a right to post their opinions but, as you indicated, they must be prepared for a response. And I gave you mine. My response to your post is clear: you and Wanna Dis made a quick assumption about what was being posted and, IMO, your assumptions were wrong. Case in point, you just said, “...people will say ‘I want horizons back, M:S is awful’, and those people have to expect that people like me are going to say, ‘this is tired already, get over it’” The thing is that no one had said “I want Horizons back, M:S is awful” or anything like it. Quite a few were actually praising the newer additions and replacements at WDW. You see, you have complained that I didn’t stick to the topic but neither did you. The thread was about missing past attractions but your post was about people who don’t want the parks to ever change.

So, one more time, my post was my opinion that your post was premature if not altogether unnecessary. If that offends you, I’m sorry but it is what it is. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
PintoColvig said:
Whether I am new around here or not is irrelevant, IMO. And your statement about my tenure here is a bit condescending, don’t you think? And it only proves my point regarding ownership and entitlement by some of the longer tenured members in relation to the newbies. :D Could it be that your longer tenure that blinded you to what was actually being posted on this thread?
Read what I posted...

wannab@dis said:
You're fairly new around here, so I'm going to take that into account. You've not seen some of the threads that have went on and on.

Now, hate to break it to you, but there was no flaming, bashing, condescending or elitist mantra meant. Read the quote.. in its entirety, including the bold part.

PintoColvig said:
I’m sure what you say applies to several people that post around here and I don’t doubt that it has happened several times in the past. The problem is that you assumed that was true of this thread, too. But, if you take a closer look at the posts leading up to yours, a third of the people posting (7 out of 21) spoke positively about new attractions or some aspect of the replacement attractions. And the “pining” for former attractions that you refer to has been really low key on this thread. Hey, these people are just reminiscing, for goodness sake! So even if every other thread on this subject has turned into an ongoing cry fest, this thread wasn’t one of them. And even if you thought it was and it irks you so much, why even get on this thread to start with? Just bypass it and go on to something else. Better yet, how about giving some folks a chance before stereotyping them. That’s all I’m saying. Again, I’m not meaning to offend here but that’s how I see it. :wave:

You have your opinion, I have mine. We've both stated them. Move on. The fact that we can both use the posts to back up our points is evident, so there's no need to further hash it out.


Active Member
Sorry but before I move on, I must point out a couple of problems I have with your above post.

First, of all, you said…
wannab@dis said:
Now, hate to break it to you, but there was no flaming, bashing, condescending or elitist mantra meant. Read the quote.. in its entirety, including the bold part.

Your response shows that you did not read MY quote in its entirety. So please read my quote…in its entirety, including the bold parts. It is my response to your statement which said, “You've not seen some of the threads that have went on and on.” And here is how I already responded to it…
PintoColvig said:
I’m sure what you say applies to several people that post around here and I don’t doubt that it has happened several times in the past. The problem is that you assumed that was true of this thread, too. But, if you take a closer look at the posts leading up to yours, a third of the people posting (7 out of 21) spoke positively about new attractions or some aspect of the replacement attractions. And the “pining” for former attractions that you refer to has been really low key on this thread. Hey, these people are just reminiscing, for goodness sake! So even if every other thread on this subject has turned into an ongoing cry fest, this thread wasn’t one of them. And even if you thought it was and it irks you so much, why even get on this thread to start with? Just bypass it and go on to something else. Better yet, how about giving some folks a chance before stereotyping them. That’s all I’m saying. Again, I’m not meaning to offend here but that’s how I see it. :wave:

I re-read your post (even with the bold print) and I still say that what has happened on other threads has nothing to do with this thread.

And now the other problem…
wannab@dis said:
You have your opinion, I have mine. We've both stated them. Move on. The fact that we can both use the posts to back up our points is evident, so there's no need to further hash it out.

Here is a problem I encounter on this board quite often and that is the belief that all opinions are equal. While it is true that everyone is entitled to have an opinion that does not mean that all opinions are equally valid. And making an assertion that we both use posts to back up our points does not mean that we have both done so equally well. I say this because in spite of the fact that you keep quoting posts, you still have not responded to my main assertion that you made your initial post based on your experiences on other threads rather than seeing what was actually being posted on this thread. :brick: But I guess posting it one more time and even putting it in bold won’t make much difference so…moving on. :zipit:


Well-Known Member
PintoColvig said:

I’m not trying to be disrespectful here and I agree that you have every right to post your opinion. But as I said in the above post to Wanna Dis, you guys assumed that this was just another thread by a bunch of Disney purists wanting no change at WDW. But, that’s not reflected in the posts up to the point when you guys started posting. Both of you brought what appears to be your own prejudices to this thread about the anti-change crowd and their past posting trends. But, you brought it up before it was even an issue on this thread. I’m noticing that this kind of thing happens all the time around here and it happens to be a little frustrating to me. It seems like every other thread descends downward and away from the topic at hand (like is now happening) because of what I see as careless, thoughtless, or pointless posting. And yes, I think that some of the longer tenured members are guilty of it.

(Please note that I said some and not all. I was very careful in how I originally posted it so as to not implicate everyone! So no, I do not think that ALL the old timers are policing the forums and that ALL are passing judgment on the validity of the threads. BUT, some give the impression that they are doing that very thing.)

Sure everyone has a right to post their opinions but, as you indicated, they must be prepared for a response. And I gave you mine. My response to your post is clear: you and Wanna Dis made a quick assumption about what was being posted and, IMO, your assumptions were wrong. Case in point, you just said, “...people will say ‘I want horizons back, M:S is awful’, and those people have to expect that people like me are going to say, ‘this is tired already, get over it’” The thing is that no one had said “I want Horizons back, M:S is awful” or anything like it. Quite a few were actually praising the newer additions and replacements at WDW. You see, you have complained that I didn’t stick to the topic but neither did you. The thread was about missing past attractions but your post was about people who don’t want the parks to ever change.

So, one more time, my post was my opinion that your post was premature if not altogether unnecessary. If that offends you, I’m sorry but it is what it is. :sohappy:

See, there you go again, twisting words...

My post, which you originally quoted, was a simple opinion-based comment on something you had posted, specifically the point you made about people being allowed to long for the rides they missed. That post was indeed relevant to the the discussion at hand (we are [or were] talking about extinct attractions and people's reaction to the fact that they are no more)...there was no policing of post, no bullying...just a simple reply to something said in your post.

Then suddenly today I start reading the thread and we're off topic...I read talk about members attacking members, etc...who started that bit? Was that me too? See that's the only thing I am offended about here, your accusations.

It seems we can't understand each other...I apologize if your agenda to vilify certain members of these forums has taken any time away from your "longing".

I think I've said all I wanted or needed to say...



Well-Known Member
PintoColvig said:
Sorry but before I move on, I must point out a couple of problems I have with your above post.
Of course you have to... :rolleyes:

Here's the deal. Read my posts on the first page of the thread. There's was nothing wrong with stating my opinion. The issue started and is still ongoing due to the fact that you CONTINUALLY assert that your opinion is more valid than mine, that senior members are trouble makers, and more and more nonsense. I honestly don't see why you are continually attempting to cause friction. Nothing in my posts have been antogonistic, yet you continue to say they are.

I don't agree with you. End.of.story. I have attempted to settle the matter as simply as possible... Why must you continue?

Have a MAGICAL day! :wave:


New Member
Original Poster
What I don't seem to understand is why the arguing is going on in the thread anyway? I mean, if there is some sort of disagreement, why can't it be taken to messengers or PM's!?!?! I'm not trying to annoy anyone or upset anyone, just asking a question. Wish there was tone of voice on this damn thing.

Everyone is going to agree and disagree on different things, it's be it. Might as well stay on topic. And no am not saying this because it's a thread I started, I think this for ANY thread that goes off topic. Same stuff used to happen in the forum I used to Admin, just makes no sense.

Anyways...ummmm....already stated which attractions I miss....ummm...

OH OH...I miss making your own pizzas at Trail's End at FW and putting your name on a small piece of tinfoil in the middle!:D :slurp:


Active Member
wannab@dis said:
Of course you have to... :rolleyes:

Here's the deal. Read my posts on the first page of the thread. There's was nothing wrong with stating my opinion. The issue started and is still ongoing due to the fact that you CONTINUALLY assert that your opinion is more valid than mine, that senior members are trouble makers, and more and more nonsense. I honestly don't see why you are continually attempting to cause friction. Nothing in my posts have been antogonistic, yet you continue to say they are.

I don't agree with you. End.of.story. I have attempted to settle the matter as simply as possible... Why must you continue?

Have a MAGICAL day! :wave:

I'm done.

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