More booze at Disneyland

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
Alcohols been readily available at Disneyland for 20 years, I can’t tell you how many times we’ve left DL, had lunch and a few cocktails at DCA, DTD, GF, the DL hotel, or a neighbor hotel and walked right back to DL.

This isn’t going to change the guest dynamic at all… especially at $18 a drink. Undesirables aren’t going to be invading DL to get trashed on $18 cocktails.

PS… people have been sneaking booze into DL forever also, it’s not exactly hard to add a little something to your soda before walking in.


Well-Known Member
Not worth engaging, Mick; they don't discuss in good faith.

It doesn't matter how many times I say I don't like the people that alcohol brings to Disneyland, they get accuse me of disliking the alcohol. It's like telling somebody to "just not drink" when their problem with bars is the atmosphere. It's the same reason I don't want marijuana at Disneyland; those are not the kind of people I want around.
Good freaking lord. We are talking about adult people having a glass of wine or a beer with their expensive sit down dinners. This is not going to impact your vacation in any possible way.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Nobody said there is going to be chaos. It’s a matter of principle and of Disneyland being held to a higher standard. Kind of you know how it’s been for about 65 years until the last few years where they threw all that out the window.
Times change, plain and simple.

You don't have to like it, and I'm sure it'll add to the many reasons you don't renew your pass again or don't go as often, but its not like its going to be very noticeable once you're in the Parks anyways.

Oga's has been serving alcohol since 2019 and it hasn't changed things. Blue Bayou has been serving alcohol for over 2 years and it hasn't changed things. Adding a few more dining locations isn't going to change things.

And besides as I mentioned in my previous posts access to alcohol in and around Disneyland has been a thing since 1957, and it hasn't caused a problem. The "losers" as Consumer calls them have always been in the Parks and haven't caused any major issues.


Well-Known Member
PS… people have been sneaking booze into DL forever also, it’s not exactly hard to add a little something to your soda before walking in.
A little something?? You can bring it straight up in a 32 oz container if you wanted to. They do not open containers. Those are the people you should be concerned about. Not the ones having a drink or two with a meal. You still cannot walk around the park with a drink in a fluorescent cup. So unless you are watching them eat you will not know where someone got a drink from if they are being undesirable and the drink from dining probably didn't get them in that position.
It was a different time and different environment. I can remember going to a local amusement park in my younger days that was run by carnies and was a hang out for whatever. This was mid 60s. The undesirables that Walt referred to were from a different time and a different place than where we are now. Failing to understand that is mind boggling.

For those that are despondent over the advent and introduction of alcohol, go somewhere else if it’s that upsetting. Go to any downtown or other area that is vacation oriented and has a vibrant restaurant business and tell me that alcohol sales are limited. Better yet tell me which of these areas have an any associated problems with the fact that alcohol is readily available


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Good freaking lord. We are talking about adult people having a glass of wine or a beer with their expensive sit down dinners. This is not going to impact your vacation in any possible way.
But it has. I've been in lines at DCA with buzzed people who were loud and obnoxious. I had an incident in line for TLM once where some dude with a bear in his hand kept bumping into me in line cause he was buzzed, so don't effing tell me it doesn't affect my vacation. Get off your high horse.


Well-Known Member
But it has. I've been in lines at DCA with buzzed people who were loud and obnoxious. I had an incident in line for TLM once where some dude with a bear in his hand kept bumping into me in line cause he was buzzed, so don't effing tell me it doesn't affect my vacation. Get off your high horse.
What "bear in his hand" was it? Was in Winnie the Pooh? I can understand your anger. You probably got covered in honey.

As to the other stuff you are blabbing about, if you did not access security, that's on you.
But it has. I've been in lines at DCA with buzzed people who were loud and obnoxious. I had an incident in line for TLM once where some dude with a bear in his hand kept bumping into me in line cause he was buzzed, so don't effing tell me it doesn't affect my vacation. Get off your high horse.
So this is a product of Disney offering limited drinks and doesn’t occur in any other social environments or situations? Must not get out much
But it has. I've been in lines at DCA with buzzed people who were loud and obnoxious. I had an incident in line for TLM once where some dude with a bear in his hand kept bumping into me in line cause he was buzzed, so don't effing tell me it doesn't affect my vacation. Get off your high horse.
Also no one else is preaching so I’m not sure what horse you are riding


Well-Known Member
So this is a product of Disney offering limited drinks and doesn’t occur in any other social environments or situations? Must not get out much
These people crying about guests having a couple of glasses of wine with dinner are really ridiculous. They should just focus on their own trips and their own families and stop judging others - in other words, they can stop being the Church Lady from SNL any time now. If anyone happens to get harassed by a drunk (99.9% unlikely), all they have to do is alert security.


Well-Known Member
What "bear in his hand" was it? Was in Winnie the Pooh? I can understand your anger. You probably got covered in honey.

As to the other stuff you are blabbing about, if you did not access security, that's on you.

Lol. First of all your first paragraph was incredibly cringey and lame. Second of all, if he has to take the time to access security that’s impacting his vacation.


Well-Known Member
Lol. First of all your first paragraph was incredibly cringey and lame. Second of all, if he has to take the time to access security that’s impacting his vacation.
Free answer - he doesn't have to access security...........because........because.......... because no one is bothering him after they drank a a glass of wine at dinner. Don't tell anyone. Shhhhhhhhh.
Always amazed at these conversations. Mickeblu, sounds like your going to have to change your future vacation plans because current events aren’t going in your direction. If it’s that disturbing/upsetting you have a choice to make


Well-Known Member
Always amazed at these conversations. Mickeblu, sounds like your going to have to change your future vacation plans because current events aren’t going in your direction. If it’s that disturbing/upsetting you have a choice to make
I hear that Dollywood doesn't have alcohol. Maybe that's a choice for him.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Anyways, those looking for Disneyland to stay as it was when it opened nearly 70 years ago are continuously, and even purposefully, setting themselves up for disappointment. Things change, it is what it is, and there’s nothing we can do to change it. There’s no point in bring Walt Disney into this, and I’m saying this as a Walt Disney fan. Mans has been gone for many decades and Disneyland hasn’t been what it was in 1955 for many, many years. What’s the difference?

If it bothers you this much, speak with your money and stop going.


Well-Known Member
You want to drink booze around children. Do you think that makes you respectable?

If I drink in Olive Garden and there’s kids there is that bad?
Are you implying I’m not a respectable person? Because I’d like a drink with my meal while I’m on vacation? I personally have no issue drinking infront of kids.

I always say the first sign of a weak argument is when the insults start

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