Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor

Clever Name

Well-Known Member
So sorry, I won't be participating in Laugh Floor!
I bet that if you just had a magic feather you could do most anything! With your experience as a writer, you could write some great original jokes for the show and text them in via your cell phone. :wave:


New Member
I love this attraction! It fits in with Tomorrowland because laugh powered energy is the future. It is very funny, but it is more of a dry-humored comedy.


Well-Known Member

Well, people argue that MILF belongs in Pixar Place because it's a Pixar movie. If we continue this logic, then the seas with Nemo and Friends and Bugs Life should also be in Pixar Place. Disney and Pixar are a joint venture; just because the movies are made by Pixar doesn't meant that they necessarily belong together in the parks.

I think MILF could fit in either location but it fits just fine in Tomorrowland. The premise of comedy show hosted by monsters in the future that never will be is plausible enough for me.

I also just love the attraction. It's funny, it's enjoyable, it's relaxing, it's air conditioned, it changes a little each time. Two thumbs up for MILF!


Well-Known Member
Hey all Im know is that when the family goes to this we always feel preety good coming out.s it A+ no BUT it IS enternaining. Might be better recieved if in DHS but still ok.


Active Member
Well, people argue that MILF belongs in Pixar Place because it's a Pixar movie. If we continue this logic, then the seas with Nemo and Friends and Bugs Life should also be in Pixar Place. Disney and Pixar are a joint venture; just because the movies are made by Pixar doesn't meant that they necessarily belong together in the parks.

I think MILF could fit in either location but it fits just fine in Tomorrowland. The premise of comedy show hosted by monsters in the future that never will be is plausible enough for me.

I also just love the attraction. It's funny, it's enjoyable, it's relaxing, it's air conditioned, it changes a little each time. Two thumbs up for MILF!

IMO MILF says nothing of Tomorrowland, and neither does BLSRS. Sure you can argue "Monsters hosting a comedy club in the future? Brilliant!" but that could be said about Dumbo (elephants flying in the future? brilliant!), Tiki Room (birds hosting a tropical serenade in the future? brilliant!), etc. I know my opinion might be unpopular, but I'd much rather see Time Keeper there than Mike Wazowski.


Well-Known Member
I feel the same way. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one! :)

As I said in another post, being "the son and the heir of a shyness that is criminally vulgar"*, I would rather get a cavity filled or spend the day at the OMV renewing my driver's license than be made the center of attention in public!

One time I had free tickets to an NBA game for the lower bowl, but deliberately sat in my usual spot towards the top of upper bowl, to reduce/negate the chances of being on TV or on the "Jumbotron" during a timeout. And that's what Laugh Floor reminds me of - a sporting event Jumbotron.

If they had "safe seating" as you put it, I would be more likely to attend, although I would still prefer the parts where the Monsters entertain, and would not care for seeing other audience members get picked on.

One thing I think they should do is have a WARNING on the sign out front that "By entering these premises, you consent that your image and likeness may be used and/or poked fun of during this attraction". This is only fair, just as the warning signs in front of EVERY thrill ride clearly let people know what they are getting into, in case they are uncomfortable with it.

After all, the one and only time I saw the show, when they started putting people on camera, I started heavily sweating, shaking, and my heart started beating very rapidly due to nervousness that this could happen to me. Luckily it didn't, but I guess that was my cue to walk out right then and there. I don't think anyone should potentially be put through that, without a proper warning.

After the show (which was a soft-opening show years ago), a survey CM asked for feedback, and I objected heavily to the audience members being made fun of on camera, as well as the lack of any kind of warning outside the attraction. And I cited this as something that would make it more suitable for Universal, or, if they must have these "make the audience the 'star'" type of attractions at WDW, Hollywood Studios.

I have no idea if they have since included a WARNING outside the attraction, as I haven't visited it since!

So, I may be in the minority of the Laugh Floor "haters", but for me, it's NOT because of the use of characters or being out of place in Tomorrowland. In fact, if they converted the space to a Monsters Inc. dark ride, I'd LOVE it! :)

You could always just get up and leave if you felt uncomfortable! People used to do it in the Tiki Room, and it's the ultimate way in this case to both insult the attraction, and take back control of your personal space.

Reading the bolded part just makes me hate this attraction more. IMO, that's just wrong and mean-spirited to pick on someone when their body language CLEARLY indicates they are being made uncomfortable. One of these days, they are going to pick on the wrong person, and see someone's middle finger on the screen, or hear an angry, profanity-filled outburst or something. People should be able to control their privacy and personal space, and not have them so blatently VIOLATED while in the parks, if they haven't been warned otherwise.

PS. This post is not intended to "bash" this attraction or start an argument about its merits, but to present an alternate viewpoint for those wondering why some people strongly dislike it.

PPS. Once I was at the front of the line for the Backlot Tour, and a CM was trying to get "volunteers" for the preshow. I noticed he was NOT being completely forthright about telling them what they would be getting into, so I bluntly told everyone he asked "They are going to dump tons of water on you in front of over a hundred people". This didn't make the CM very happy with me, as my comments caused more than one group to decline. But, TOO BAD! :p

* Quote from "How Soon Is Now", by the Smiths, 1984.

I am one who always feels on guard in WDW lest I find myself suddenly "onstage". I have problems speaking and just the thought of being the center of attention makes me shudder. I've been in the Laughing Floor and I enjoyed the show itself, but not the apprehension I felt at the possibility of being picked. My husband always goes in without me, and once he was even chosen to be "That Guy". On our last visit to WDW, he suggested I try the Laughing Floor again. He said that, if I was chosen, he would run interference for me. So I went. I wasn't picked, but a woman sitting near us was. She did not speak English and clearly was very uncomfortable. Her discomfort was used for laughs. I felt very sorry for her. When the show was over, my husband said he really got an idea of how I felt and agreed that I shouldn't go in there again.
I have no problem with making it a point to avoid such situations while in the parks. I'm not suggesting that anything should be changed just to suit me. I'll continue to be on the lookout for situations in which I would not feel comfortable. I do feel, though, that this thread gives me the opportunity to say...just once...that the powers-that-be at Disney might wish to consider that some visitors are much happier as observers, that not every handicap is visible, and that the option to decline to participate would be appreciated by many.

David S.

I think people are going to extremes to be dramatic. If the contents of that show bother you that much I would hate to see you in an actual real world situation. Yikes...

As stated above, I do just fine in the "real world"; well enough to have lived seasonally in Orlando the past 5 years and travel around the country visiting theme parks. I am not put in a situation in the "real world" that requires me to speak in public or be the center of attention...

I bet that if you just had a magic feather you could do most anything! With your experience as a writer, you could write some great original jokes for the show and text them in via your cell phone. :wave:

Possibly, but I don't carry my cell phone in the parks! I don't like anything to interrupt the "Magic", and I also don't want to risk becoming one of "those people" whose ringer goes off and/or are talking on a cell phone while those around them are trying to hear attraction audio (not to imply that everyone with a cell phone does this, but it is possible to forget to turn it off). Which is a whole other topic...:wave:


Well-Known Member
As stated above, I do just fine in the "real world"; well enough to have lived seasonally in Orlando the past 5 years and travel around the country visiting theme parks. I am not put in a situation in the "real world" that requires me to speak in public or be the center of attention...

In the "real world" I know that I will often be in situations in which I am uncomfortable due to my difficulties. I expect it and I deal with it...everyday. It would be nice not to have to face those types of situations while on a break from the "real world".

David S.

In the "real world" I know that I will often be in situations in which I am uncomfortable due to my difficulties. I expect it and I deal with it...everyday. It would be nice not to have to face those types of situations while on a break from the "real world".

Great point! :)

Thanks for sharing your personal story about the Laugh Floor and I am sorry that it caused stress and discomfort for you.

I think all of these posts show that they should at least put a warning sign about the cameras and possible "forced participation", if they haven't already. EVERY thrill ride has them, and I've even seen them in front of attractions that have heavy use of strobe lights, for people who are uncomfortable with strobe lights.


Well-Known Member
Great point! :)

Thanks for sharing your personal story about the Laugh Floor and I am sorry that it caused stress and discomfort for you.

I think all of these posts show that they should at least put a warning sign about the cameras and possible "forced participation", if they haven't already. EVERY thrill ride has them, and I've even seen them in front of attractions that have heavy use of strobe lights, for people who are uncomfortable with strobe lights.

Thank you. And yes...
Just a warning would be nice.


Well-Known Member
Public speaking? Where in the show do they require you to make a speech or to say anything at all? I think some people have never even been to the show and are baselessly attacking it. Sad actually. :brick:

David S.

Um, yes, I HAVE been to the show. I NEVER said the show required "public speaking". You asked how we could survive in the "real world" if we were uncomfortable with the idea of being picked in the show, and I stated that the real world does not require me to be the center of attention, like someone would be if they got picked in the show. I merely mentioned "public speaking" as an example of something in the "real world" that would put the spotlight on someone, and I just meant that, thankfully, I've been able to avoid that sort of thing in the "real world", and it hasn't held me back or affected my ability to support myself or do the things I enjoy. I thought of that "public speaking" example because it was the first thing I thought of in the "real world" that would make someone the center of attention, if they had to do it as part of their career.

Looking back at how I phrased that, I can see how you would misinterpet that comment. I guess I could go back and rephrase it, but then that would make these last two posts moot, so I guess I should leave it as is.


Well-Known Member
Public speaking? Where in the show do they require you to make a speech or to say anything at all? I think some people have never even been to the show and are baselessly attacking it. Sad actually. :brick:

I think you choose to misunderstand. I've been to the show and find it fun, for the most part. It does, though, require speaking in front of a group for those who are chosen to do so. For some of us, that is difficult, even impossible.

Clever Name

Well-Known Member
Looking back at how I phrased that, I can see how you would misinterpet that comment. I guess I could go back and rephrase it, but then that would make these last two posts moot, so I guess I should leave it as is.

I thought your use of public speaking as a comparative example was very appropriate. Many people have a fear of public speaking and can relate to the stress and discomfort it causes them. In the case of MILF, your disaffection for being the center of attention seems to make you feel that people are laughing at you rather than with you. I would feel the same way if I were not exceptionally handsome and a confident public speaker. :wave:

David S.

I thought your use of public speaking as a comparative example was very appropriate. Many people have a fear of public speaking and can relate to the stress and discomfort it causes them. In the case of MILF, your disaffection for being the center of attention seems to make you feel that people are laughing at you rather than with you. I would feel the same way if I were not exceptionally handsome and a confident public speaker. :wave:

Well, "laugh at you", "laugh with you", it's all a matter of semantics. Based on reading some of the posts here, I get the impression that some people probably ARE being laughed at, especially the ones who are visibly uncomfortable.

But regardless, even if I knew people weren't laughing AT me, I wouldn't want to be the center of attention in public. For example, I wouldn't want to be a rock star on a stage, even if everyone in the audience LOVED me and thought I was a god. I'm just not "wired" that way. I am what I am. :wave:

Clever Name

Well-Known Member
I am what I am. :wave:

Unfortunately, you are too easily overcome with anxiety when you perceive that attention is being focused upon you. It would be in your best interest to work on that problem so that in the future it doesn’t interfere with your normal enjoyment of life. I’m sure your friends, family and associates will benefit as well. Do it for them, if not yourself. :wave:

David S.

Unfortunately, you are too easily overcome with anxiety when you perceive that attention is being focused upon you. It would be in your best interest to work on that problem so that in the future it doesn’t interfere with your normal enjoyment of life. I’m sure your friends, family and associates will benefit as well. Do it for them, if not yourself. :wave:

Uh, you haven't been paying attention. It DOESN'T "interfere" with my "normal enjoyment of life". It is not a "problem". I support myself, and do ALL of the things in life that I enjoy. In my day-to-day "real life" I am never put in the situation where I am expected to be the center of attention in public, so it is therefore NOT a "problem" that I don't want such attention.

Do you enjoy skydiving? Or mountain climbing? If not, it doesn't interfere with your "normal enjoyment of life", because you are too busy enjoying the things you DO like. Should the numerous WDW guests who are uncomfortable or feel "anxiety" over thrill rides work on this "problem" so they can "enjoy life", or for the benefit of their "friends, family, or associates" who like thrill rides?

And it's not a "problem" for my "friends, family, and associates" either, and they accept and love me for who I am, Mr. Know-it-all pop psychologist.

There are a lot of things I enjoy in my life that give me a rich, happy, fulfilling life. I don't have to change who I am just because I skip ONE attraction in all of WDW!

Why are some people so pompous and closed-minded to think all people should like the same things and be a certain way? Try being more tolerant and accept people for WHO THEY ARE.

Really, this is getting OLD. I think you are just "trolling" now that you keep repeating yourself and trying to change my opinion, or worse, change me.

I had said my peace about the Laugh Floor, it was over, and you keep baiting me back into the discussion with your personal critiques.

If you wish to continue this discussion, I am going to ask you politely to take it to PMs, for the benefit of the other readers and to get this thread back on topic.

If you are truly well-intentioned you will do this; if not, it will reinforce my theory that you are trolling.


Well-Known Member
I think that maybe the solution might be to have a dedicated section for those who do not want to be picked to be part of the show so they can relax and enjoy it!

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