Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor

I can see how some people can be mad at the location, but I think it's really a pretty good attraction. If they can keep the jokes fresh, the material is endless.


Well-Known Member
I think it's great. To say that it doesn't fit in Tomorrowland and not offer at least a suggestion as to where else it would go doesn't make much sense, when you look at it there isn't much that does fit in Tomorrowland that they have. Look at the racetrack and Stitch.

Tinkerbell 8

Well-Known Member
We LOVE Monsters Inc Laugh Floor (and Turtle Talk w/ Crush). Before I saw it for the first time, I just assumed it was geared more towards children, and seeing as we don't have children I just passed it by. However, the jokes are actually pretty funny, and we loved "that guy" (i wish my DH would get picked!) I can understand why people don't think it belongs in Tomorrowland, but I also don't think that SGE fits in either. I agree with the person who said that it should be incorporated into the new Monsters Inc Roller Coaster like Turtle Talk is. Pixar Place is so empty, and it would free up space in Tomorrowland for something new.


Active Member
I really enjoy it. Placement is fine with me. I have let go of holding the lands to strict themes. As far as I'm concerned, it's all one big world to me! :D:sohappy::D

Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
We absolutely love Monsters Inc Laugh Floor. My son will NOT sit near the front in fear of getting chosen as THAT GUY, so we always head towards the back. We enjoy the rest, the humor and it doesn't matter a bit whether it is located in Tomorrowland or elsewhere to us. We just enjoy the show!

Agent Disney

New Member
I don't like it because I'm not one that enjoys having attention drawn to them and of course my second time going on it, they got me. If there was somewhere "safe" to sit, I might would enjoy it more.


Well-Known Member
we really enojyed the laugh floor. we had never seen it before, and although i would have probably preferred them to keep the time keeper instead, i thought the laugh floor was a really good show! everyone was enjoying it, even 'that guy', and i just thought it was really clever how they did it. brilliant!

David S.

I don't like it because I'm not one that enjoys having attention drawn to them and of course my second time going on it, they got me. If there was somewhere "safe" to sit, I might would enjoy it more.

I feel the same way. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one! :)

As I said in another post, being "the son and the heir of a shyness that is criminally vulgar"*, I would rather get a cavity filled or spend the day at the OMV renewing my driver's license than be made the center of attention in public!

One time I had free tickets to an NBA game for the lower bowl, but deliberately sat in my usual spot towards the top of upper bowl, to reduce/negate the chances of being on TV or on the "Jumbotron" during a timeout. And that's what Laugh Floor reminds me of - a sporting event Jumbotron.

If they had "safe seating" as you put it, I would be more likely to attend, although I would still prefer the parts where the Monsters entertain, and would not care for seeing other audience members get picked on.

One thing I think they should do is have a WARNING on the sign out front that "By entering these premises, you consent that your image and likeness may be used and/or poked fun of during this attraction". This is only fair, just as the warning signs in front of EVERY thrill ride clearly let people know what they are getting into, in case they are uncomfortable with it.

After all, the one and only time I saw the show, when they started putting people on camera, I started heavily sweating, shaking, and my heart started beating very rapidly due to nervousness that this could happen to me. Luckily it didn't, but I guess that was my cue to walk out right then and there. I don't think anyone should potentially be put through that, without a proper warning.

After the show (which was a soft-opening show years ago), a survey CM asked for feedback, and I objected heavily to the audience members being made fun of on camera, as well as the lack of any kind of warning outside the attraction. And I cited this as something that would make it more suitable for Universal, or, if they must have these "make the audience the 'star'" type of attractions at WDW, Hollywood Studios.

I have no idea if they have since included a WARNING outside the attraction, as I haven't visited it since!

So, I may be in the minority of the Laugh Floor "haters", but for me, it's NOT because of the use of characters or being out of place in Tomorrowland. In fact, if they converted the space to a Monsters Inc. dark ride, I'd LOVE it! :)

I played it to the hilt though because what else can you do?:ROFLOL:

You could always just get up and leave if you felt uncomfortable! People used to do it in the Tiki Room, and it's the ultimate way in this case to both insult the attraction, and take back control of your personal space.

I usually find myself enjoying it, but a lot of it will depend on the people they choose from the crowd. My visit on Saturday night was awesome, when they picked someone who was so camera shy she kept d u c k ing down off the screen. They kept faking her out after that to make it seem that she wasn't on camera anymore. I think the attraction just got a bad rep because of its location. I don't like that it is in Tomorrowland, but that damage is already done. No reason not to an enjoy a decent attraction just because you don't like where they put it a few years ago.

Reading the bolded part just makes me hate this attraction more. IMO, that's just wrong and mean-spirited to pick on someone when their body language CLEARLY indicates they are being made uncomfortable. One of these days, they are going to pick on the wrong person, and see someone's middle finger on the screen, or hear an angry, profanity-filled outburst or something. People should be able to control their privacy and personal space, and not have them so blatently VIOLATED while in the parks, if they haven't been warned otherwise.

PS. This post is not intended to "bash" this attraction or start an argument about its merits, but to present an alternate viewpoint for those wondering why some people strongly dislike it.

PPS. Once I was at the front of the line for the Backlot Tour, and a CM was trying to get "volunteers" for the preshow. I noticed he was NOT being completely forthright about telling them what they would be getting into, so I bluntly told everyone he asked "They are going to dump tons of water on you in front of over a hundred people". This didn't make the CM very happy with me, as my comments caused more than one group to decline. But, TOO BAD! :p

* Quote from "How Soon Is Now", by the Smiths, 1984.

Clever Name

Well-Known Member
Both CBJ and MILF engage in low brow humor. Obviously, some people seem to enjoy this sort of base entertainment. Most WDW guests avoid these venues after their first visit to these shows. However, this sort of "bumpkin" humor does appeal to small children. :wave:

David S.

To me, there is a HUGE difference between the two.

The big difference, of course, is CBJ doesn't make the audience members "the star", and it's a fun musical revue. IMO, there's a big difference between singing critters and a nonmusical "comedy" club where most of the "jokes" are on the audience. I LOVE the Bears and feel the exact opposite about Laugh Floor.


Well-Known Member
Reading the bolded part just makes me hate this attraction more. IMO, that's just wrong and mean-spirited to pick on someone when their body language CLEARLY indicates they are being made uncomfortable. One of these days, they are going to pick on the wrong person, and see someone's middle finger on the screen, or hear an angry, profanity-filled outburst or something. People should be able to control their privacy and personal space, and not have them so blatently VIOLATED while in the parks, if they haven't been warned otherwise.

I'm honestly surprised that this doesn't happen more often. I too partially dislike the show because of the possibility of being put on the spot, but moreso because it was just plain crap honestly. But still, I'd hate to be 'that guy' or used in the show. Honestly I'd first kindly say to get the camera off of me before you regret it. I'm surprise there aren't more reports of guests doing this purposely. Some people can turn a show like this into something terrible, or extremely funny.


Active Member
if im not mistaken the last few rows that dont have the lamps in front of you are off limits(you wont be called on) thats where me and my DH sit. he is the shyest person i know and doesn't like alot of attention and he really enjoys it as long as he sit in the back rows. it is a great attraction and i love it to pieces!!


Well-Known Member
Frankly, I think it belongs in Tomorrowland just as much as Buzz Lightyear or Stitch. We love it! I think to not like an attraction just because you think it's in the wrong place is a little extreme. I think there are a lot of people who would enjoy themselves a lot more if they'd just lighten up a bit!:p


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Frankly, I think it belongs in Tomorrowland just as much as Buzz Lightyear or Stitch. We love it! I think to not like an attraction just because you think it's in the wrong place is a little extreme. I think there are a lot of people who would enjoy themselves a lot more if they'd just lighten up a bit!:p

I agree. The location of the area isn't ll that important, unless they go extreme with it and put Dumbo in Frontierland, or something like that, then it would matter. But Monster Inc. Laugh Floor doesn't really stand out of the theme.. for me, it somehow fits. I don't know how, but I always though of Monstropolis as a "tomorrow land"


Active Member
I have been "That Guy" at Monsters Inc. and I was pic:mad:ked on by Proffessor Terence and the Singing Cowboy over at the late, lamented, Diamond Horseshoe (now that was a great show!) My wife claims they pick me because I have an aggravated look on my face-like I'm all angry about possibley getting picked; so they pick me!

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