Monsters, Inc. Hollywood Studios rumor


Well-Known Member
If you look at the needs of the parks, the only park that really needs a thrill ride is the Magic Kingdom - all of the other parks need family friendly attractions.

And the ironic thing is Disney doesn't seem to get this. Instead it's been the opposite. Add bigger attractions to the other three, and just small ones to MK.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe any permits were leaked until after the FLE was announced.

Whereas if the coaster was greenlit, it would be evident by permis, then a significant shuffling/re-construction of backstage infrastructure.

Exactly, DHS doesn't have a plot of land sitting unoccupied. There would be a couple of attractions that would be replaced and or relocated.


Exactly, DHS doesn't have a plot of land sitting unoccupied. There would be a couple of attractions that would be replaced and or relocated.
Something to keep in mind...

There is nothing stopping them from greenlighting and announcing a project well before actually filing any permits.
That would actually be the best way for them to prevent an FLE type spoiler at D23. Announce it, then move forward with the permitting process. That's how it used to be done, and that's one good way to surprise us all.


New Member
Personally this is what I would do with the east side of DHS:

Mickey Av/Animation Courtyard

Look at relocating One Mans dream (preferably to Hollywood boulevard).

I would close down both Voyage of the Little Mermaid (as this is basically a show version of the new ride) and Narnia.

I would then use those show buildings to build an omni-mover ride based on Fantasia. High throughput and something for the entire family.

I would then reinforce the show buildings and look at moving the hat to the top of the building. Thus freeing up the view of the Chinese theatre and will add to the themeing of the Fantasia ride and show building.

Pixar Place

Then I would look at building the Monsters Inc coaster in the sound stage next to Toy Story. I think something like the Ben 10 non inverting boomerang coaster that has just opened at Dreyton Manor here in the UK could work nicely; a great compact family coaster, should fit into soundstage 1 ok. Only problem with a boomerang is that it only leaves you with the option of only having the one car on track – low throughput :O(
I would include one of those next gen interactive queue lines for this ride.

I would then close down the backlot tour, and build a smaller version of Radiator Springs.

I would then look at building a simple flat ride, themed to Up – a balloon ride of some sorts.

I think all of this would be achievable and would all be great additions to DHS


Well-Known Member
Add more attractions at the Studios... the only realistic way to lessen the problem. Oh wait... did I say "realistic." Darn. I won't hold my breath on adding another attraction.

The thing is, outside of a Brazil Pavilion the strongest rumors for WDW expansion are all in DHS (Monster's Inc, Carsland)

They need something else at DHS - A Monster's Inc coaster would be genius if they did it right! They have the space - and the demand - plus it would help with the wait times for Toy Story Mania!

There's been talk of a Monsters Inc coaster happening for a long time now! Announce it's happening and build it already! lol!

I disagree. I think a Monster's Inc Coaster will have the same effect as Star Tours - while the theme would be family friendly, it would still have a height requirement. It's more likely this will bring more people to the park and increase the problem at Toy Story Mania. The only way to fix this would be an attraction that takes away from the morning fastpass rush of Toy Story Mania and an attraction with a height requirement won't have that effect.

The other issue is that this new attraction can't have a super high capacity either. Star Tours has a really high capacity and as such Fastpass isn't always needed. The attraction needs to be in the 1200-1400 capacity range. This is why Ride and Go Seek seems to be a reasonable alternative. If I'm not mistaken it's the same ride system as Toy Story just different vehicle set ups.

Wanna fix the Toy Story fast pass problem? Don't add more, eliminate it all together. The problem right now is that early guests ride the ride AND take fastpasses, then head back and get a second one.

Eliminate fastpass for the ride. Yes it would make it a longer queue for some, but I think it would make it smoother and easier for the vast majority.

Fastpass works best on popular attractions that AREN'T superstars.

Disney has conditioned us to not wait in lines over 40 minutes. Eliminating Fastpass for Toy Story Mania would create more problems than it would help. This is part of my dislike of The Nemo Submarine Voyage in Disneyland. If that attraction had Fastpass I'd like it a lot more. Furthermore, over at DCA - I won't wait for TSMM if the wait time is 45 minutes or more.

Something to keep in mind...

There is nothing stopping them from greenlighting and announcing a project well before actually filing any permits.
That would actually be the best way for them to prevent an FLE type spoiler at D23. Announce it, then move forward with the permitting process. That's how it used to be done, and that's one good way to surprise us all.

Yeah, I've been thinking about this as well. Disney is well aware that their permits are a matter of public record. As soon as they're posted speculation begins and typically within 24 hours the nature of the permit can be determined.

Considering that they've tried to plug so many of the leaks lately I wouldn't be shocked if something somewhat unexpected is announced during Staggs' presentation. I would consider the Monster's Inc Coaster to be in that category of "somewhat unexpected" as well as the Disneyland expanions that Al Lutz referenced in today's article (Frontierland or Tomorrowland).

Captain Neo

Well-Known Member
Al Lutz article on possible D23 announcements doesn't mention anything about a monsters inc. coaster but he does mention possible redo's of Disneyland's Frontierland and Tomorrowland. Im sure something from that will spill over to WDW.


Premium Member
If you change the ratio to add more FP, all you'll be doing is increasing the average FP wait time which would totally invalidate the point of the FP. If you periodically cut off FP distribution throughout the day you would just have huge lines forming all day for the FP to reopen. Both of these options would result in increasing the number of upset/confused guests.

The wait for FP is a balance that can be massaged in other ways. As for people needing to return and being upset about that.. isn't that what people already do throughout the day when they look at a ride's wait time??? I bet people would be far more interested in still being able to use FP at 6pm then they would be upset over having to return later.. which they already do.

IMO, there are a few things that "might" help. One would be if the attraction would hold firm on both the FP start and end times

While a valid problem - it wouldn't do anything for the issue in question.. which was 'how to get MORE FPs available'. The return time is more an impact on the standby wait as it upsets the normal ratio of FP users to running capacity.

But as you said.. adding more FP attractions would help.. as it not only spreads demand, but also keeps riders away from taking a FP as there is less opportunity due to the 'one FP at a time' restriction.


Well-Known Member
Al Lutz article on possible D23 announcements doesn't mention anything about a monsters inc. coaster but he does mention possible redo's of Disneyland's Frontierland and Tomorrowland. Im sure something from that will spill over to WDW.

Lutz' article about annoucememts is pure speculation. He admits it as such.

The rumors of the frontierland / tomorrowland expansions at DL have been floating for a while. There is also a lengthy thread about a rumored Tom Sawyer Island redo for WDW somewhere buried in the WDWMAGIC forums.

I too would love to see some spillover from any plans for Disneyland, but would be much happier with our own expansion for the parks that need it most... DHS or AK.


Well-Known Member
Something to keep in mind...

There is nothing stopping them from greenlighting and announcing a project well before actually filing any permits.
That would actually be the best way for them to prevent an FLE type spoiler at D23. Announce it, then move forward with the permitting process. That's how it used to be done, and that's one good way to surprise us all.

Well if they did what they use to before ...


Well-Known Member
Disney has conditioned us to not wait in lines over 40 minutes. Eliminating Fastpass for Toy Story Mania would create more problems than it would help. This is part of my dislike of The Nemo Submarine Voyage in Disneyland. If that attraction had Fastpass I'd like it a lot more. Furthermore, over at DCA - I won't wait for TSMM if the wait time is 45 minutes or more.

First off, I don't believe Disney has conditioned ANYONE to not wait in lines over 40 minutes, you've done that to yourself. Furthermore, even if this was the case (that some had been conditioned thusly) there are a TON more folks who are NOT conditioned that way, as evidenced by all of the lines that are well over 40 minutes. If your theory were true, no line would get over 40-50 minutes, since folks just wouldn't add to that line.

I get that you don't like waiting in line, I don't either, but if you aren't willing to wait, then you don't get to ride. That's my philosophy, it's pure capitalism, supply and demand, supply is the length of the queue, demand is how long you're willing to wait. If you want to avoid lines all together hit up the Peoplemover.
OK, want to get people's thoughts on "Does this make sense?" for the park? Personally, I don't think TSMM fits with the theme of this park. Isn't it supposed to be movies and Hollywood? How does TSMM fit this? All other attractions you are either seeing a show, in a movie, watching a movie be taped, visiting a Hollywood hotel, or record studio, ect. TSMM doesn't fit. I am worried that a Monster's Inc coaster would not fit either. I guess with the Monster's Inc coaster, you are going into the movie, so that is why it works?


Well-Known Member
Your assessment makes a lot of sense and I agree. But it sure looks like Pixar is going to be a big part of Hollywood Studios. I really love the Toy Story and Monsters movies, but to me the Toy Story Mania is just okay. It is not one of my favorites and I don't get why the lines are always so long, except maybe because there are so few "rides" in that park. I guess I'd rather see/experience a real live action type attraction, whether it be a show or ride. Just not too into the video stuff. In my opinion though any new ride would be a great improvement, and especially if it is a done right "ride" with a Monsters theme - not like the Laugh Floor in Magic Kingdom. The park has several attractions that are outdated and/or closed which really need to be re-themed and re-opened to make it a whole day park visit for me again.
Your assessment makes a lot of sense and I agree. But it sure looks like Pixar is going to be a big part of Hollywood Studios. I really love the Toy Story and Monsters movies, but to me the Toy Story Mania is just okay. It is not one of my favorites and I don't get why the lines are always so long, except maybe because there are so few "rides" in that park. I guess I'd rather see/experience a real live action type attraction, whether it be a show or ride. Just not too into the video stuff. In my opinion though any new ride would be a great improvement, and especially if it is a done right "ride" with a Monsters theme - not like the Laugh Floor in Magic Kingdom. The park has several attractions that are outdated and/or closed which really need to be re-themed and re-opened to make it a whole day park visit for me again.

Actually, now that you mention it, I think Laugh Floor would make more sense in Hollywood Studios, and the Monsters Inc coaster more sense in MK! I am fine with Pixar Place, just need to make sure the idea and theme of it fits with the rest of the park, as opposed to just milking the Pixar Cash Cow by building attractions wherever you can with the Pixar characters (glad to hear, so far, no Cars at TT in EPCOT!)


Well-Known Member
Personally this is what I would do with the east side of DHS:

Mickey Av/Animation Courtyard

Look at relocating One Mans dream (preferably to Hollywood boulevard).

I would close down both Voyage of the Little Mermaid (as this is basically a show version of the new ride) and Narnia.

I would then use those show buildings to build an omni-mover ride based on Fantasia. High throughput and something for the entire family.

I would then reinforce the show buildings and look at moving the hat to the top of the building. Thus freeing up the view of the Chinese theatre and will add to the themeing of the Fantasia ride and show building.

Pixar Place

Then I would look at building the Monsters Inc coaster in the sound stage next to Toy Story. I think something like the Ben 10 non inverting boomerang coaster that has just opened at Dreyton Manor here in the UK could work nicely; a great compact family coaster, should fit into soundstage 1 ok. Only problem with a boomerang is that it only leaves you with the option of only having the one car on track – low throughput :O(
I would include one of those next gen interactive queue lines for this ride.

I would then close down the backlot tour, and build a smaller version of Radiator Springs.

I would then look at building a simple flat ride, themed to Up – a balloon ride of some sorts.

I think all of this would be achievable and would all be great additions to DHS


This is what I was thinking of improvements for DHS.

The backlot tour is removed. The canyon is removed and replaced with lma's practice area. The current practice area, the costume shop, and the rest of the blacklot tour will be replace with an expanded pixar place. I really don't want to add radiator springs racers or ride and go seek, clones are the devil. I would like see the Incredibles added to PP, how about a ride that would have guests trained to be a super with Rick Dicker as the host? Edna would be used to show different costume designs, with a way for guests to design their own faux super t-shirt (like those tux tees).

Wall-E can be represented by having the dirty world being transformed into something better. There can also be a B&L store that is spotless because M-O has been cleaning it.

Oh and a real Pizza Planet would be added, with some real pizza made by a couple of guys from nyc and chicago.

The future expansion for Tron, Star Wars, Etc would be a site of future expansion for Tron, Star Wars, etc.

The Theater of the Stars will be replaced with a real theater that would match the look and theme of Sunset Blvd. I was thinking of it looking like the exterior of Studio 60 from the show Sunset 60 on the Sunset Strip. The theater would allow not only a daytime venue for a show, but also a site for traveling broadway acts in a dinner theater venue.

Next to ToT would be a deluxe hotel modeled to look like the Hollywood Tower Hotel. This hotel would also have an entrance into the park, like the Grand Californian.

The single show Hollywood Hills amphitheater would be removed. In its place would be an area for a ride, possibly roger rabbit. Also a new amphitheater would be built to face South Lake. During the day this amphitheater can be used for the different music parades / shows disney runs. At night, it will be used for a new nighttime show. The amphitheater would be a multi-level plaza.

Then the hat gets moved to the front and the gates are moved.


Well-Known Member
First off, I don't believe Disney has conditioned ANYONE to not wait in lines over 40 minutes, you've done that to yourself. Furthermore, even if this was the case (that some had been conditioned thusly) there are a TON more folks who are NOT conditioned that way, as evidenced by all of the lines that are well over 40 minutes. If your theory were true, no line would get over 40-50 minutes, since folks just wouldn't add to that line.

I get that you don't like waiting in line, I don't either, but if you aren't willing to wait, then you don't get to ride. That's my philosophy, it's pure capitalism, supply and demand, supply is the length of the queue, demand is how long you're willing to wait. If you want to avoid lines all together hit up the Peoplemover.

My 40 minute time frame is certainly an opinion, but everyone has a limit on how long they'll wait in line, mine just happens to be 40 minutes. I actually think that number is quite substantial as that is the shortest possible return time between Fastpass distribution and the opening of a Fastpass window (I think technically it might be 36 minutes, but you get what I'm saying).

With that said, I'm sure Disney has done Guest Satisfaction tests on what that time limit is that guests won't wait in line. I would say that more often than not my threshold would actually be lower than the 40 minutes if at all possible. I will opt for a Fastpass in most situations were the wait is actually 20 minutes or more. Exceptions in WDW would really only be Soarin' and Toy Story Mania but it's quite rare that either attraction is under 40 minutes anyway.


Well-Known Member
My 40 minute time frame is certainly an opinion, but everyone has a limit on how long they'll wait in line, mine just happens to be 40 minutes. I actually think that number is quite substantial as that is the shortest possible return time between Fastpass distribution and the opening of a Fastpass window (I think technically it might be 36 minutes, but you get what I'm saying).

With that said, I'm sure Disney has done Guest Satisfaction tests on what that time limit is that guests won't wait in line. I would say that more often than not my threshold would actually be lower than the 40 minutes if at all possible. I will opt for a Fastpass in most situations were the wait is actually 20 minutes or more. Exceptions in WDW would really only be Soarin' and Toy Story Mania but it's quite rare that either attraction is under 40 minutes anyway.

I personally think that eliminating standby for toy story could be a solution. Atleast that way you could get a fastpass after 12

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