Monorail extesion DL or WDW?


The biggest hurdle with the monorail is simply cost and not environmental issues. While environmental restrictions have gotten much stricter in the nearly 30 years since the last monorail expansion they are not standing in the way of a new expansion. Underground construction in Florida borders on impossible. The water table is simply too high and the closest thing we have to bed rock is lime stone which can be eroded with a garden hose.

The only way I see them ever expanding the monorail is if they charge to ride it and even then it is a HUGE stretch.

It is 100% financial and for good reason. On our last trip we rode in the front from Epcot to TTC and the conductor told us that they have 12 monorails at disney that are all well over 20 years old and that is the capacity for the system they have. Each train cost $6 million over 20 years ago:eek: factor in the cost of the track and you are talking about an insane amount of money for something that is not NEEDED as much as WANTED.


Well-Known Member
It is 100% financial and for good reason. On our last trip we rode in the front from Epcot to TTC and the conductor told us that they have 12 monorails at disney that are all well over 20 years old and that is the capacity for the system they have. Each train cost $6 million over 20 years ago:eek: factor in the cost of the track and you are talking about an insane amount of money for something that is not NEEDED as much as WANTED.

also factor in the incredible ROI on those trains that only cost $6 million and are still functioning...the depreciation on those were written off the books LOOOONG ago.


New Member
Original Poster
Why don't they try to extend the water way that connects DHS and EPCOT and dig a canal to AK, then there will be more than one way to get to and from AK


Naturally Grumpy
But as was stated by another previously, you are still connecting park to park. Ok for park hopping, but resort to park transport is the bulk of what has to be addressed. Unless you swing your canal through a number of resorts on the way. Also consider how overwhelmed boat transport is from Studios at the end of the day, and that is only 5 resorts.

As to your comments on DL, we are still talking the same general area, and as so many people walk from hotels on Katella and Harbor to the parks and the convention center. Also, it's no farther to walk from DTD to there than it is from some of the outer parking to the current parks.


New Member
Original Poster
Why don't they try to extend the water way that connects DHS and EPCOT and dig a canal to AK, then there will be more than one way to get to and from AK

Uncle Lupe

Well-Known Member
The one Las Vegas is only 4 miles and in another mono thread someone said that cost 400 mil, I could be remembering wrong though?

So that is close to $19,000 a foot, right? Well worth the investment. Just charge a dollar a ride. Then sell groups of rides for a 20% discount if you prepay and make ride reservations 90 days ahead of time.


Yes the main help would be in the park hopping and yes it would mostly benefit MK resorts but it would inversely help those at the AKL to getting to MK and EPCOT. Just an aside. But with the big difference in closing time at AK, from EPCOT and MK, it might be a more logical idea, with the number of people who go to another park after leaving AK because of how early it closes and size of it. Just my thoughts. :ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:


I understand it's not going to happen in the foreseeable future (in fact, I'd prefer the money go to something cooler), but for me, the lack of "special" transportation has always made Animal Kingdom unable to fit in with the other parks.

The first three parks feel very connected. Epcot is just a couple monorails away from MK's front gate; and to get from Epcot to DHS you just go out the back door and take the boat. (or walk, which might be faster given all the stops :lol:)

On my last trip, my group was leaving DHS to head over to Magic Kingdom. We had plenty of time, so we took the boat, walked through Epcot, and rode the monorail to MK.

AK is a great park, but it seems very disconnected from the others, an afterthought almost. I suppose it has some appeal; Animal Kingdom is supposed to be the wild park, so maybe it should feel isolated from the "World".


Well-Known Member
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the property bought already that is the proposed foundation of the proposed third gate right across the street? This is an easy walk!


While right across the street from the the southeast corner of DCA, the 3rd Gate would actually be a pretty decent hike from the the actual park entrances. More importantly, it'd be even further from the 3 Disney hotels. As a big walker it wouldn't bother me. But most wouldn't be happy. The roads around the DL resort are already so choked with traffic, a new Monorail line would make perfect sense. But I'm doubltful anyway about a 3rd gate anytime soon. But we can always dream!!

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