Monorail Expansion?


Le Meh
Premium Member
Chape19714 said:
Very True...That's one idea I've heard floating around...

That would surprise me...they already stopped Bus Transportation from DTD to the TTC/MK, becuase people were parking there and then going to the parks. This cut back on parking profits, but more importantly, left little to no parking for the people who actully wanted to shop/dine/party at DTD. A Monorail would just encourage people to park at DTD for a day at the parks, IMHO. Maybe a Monorail that required your key to the world/AP/parking pass to be scanned saying you paid your $9.
You are right. They would have to make it a resort only /AP/Multi Day Pass option


Well-Known Member
The problem with that is look at DL, they scan your ticket before you get on the monorail, and it causes major backups to get on the monorail, on a higer capicity monorail like ours, I'm not sure they could get people through the ticket scan fast enough to fill the monorails, and keep the trains running with as little station time as possible, as that is quite a distance to cover.


Well-Known Member
executivechef said:
If someone has posted something that has already been replied to, or has gotten attention already simply point them to the thread that has information. Being rude is just wrong. Not all people are not aware and are new to this site. Not everyone knows everything about the park like some professional "posters" on this site. Try to be nice to people. It's not all that hard.

or, you could just igonore the thread if you dont want to revisit the subject again. that would work too.

unless youre one of the self appointed thread police that lurk here.


New Member
Chape19714 said:
The problem with that is look at DL, they scan your ticket before you get on the monorail, and it causes major backups to get on the monorail, on a higer capicity monorail like ours, I'm not sure they could get people through the ticket scan fast enough to fill the monorails, and keep the trains running with as little station time as possible, as that is quite a distance to cover.
Couldn't they just put in multiple ticket scanners like they have to get into the Magic Kingdom?


Well-Known Member
hakunamatata said:
Light rail would be very feasible....
I lean towards that also, but only if there were enough cars to handle the morning and evening crowds, and a system that could quickly replace a dead car...say, within a 15 minute window.


Well-Known Member
They have multiple scanners at DL as well, it's still not enough. The problem is also in can have 50 turnstyles, but you need at least 20-25 people are needed to staff it, and that would take up alot of space.


Interruption? said:
Light rail just doesn't seem "Disney-ish" enough for me.

Those SMOG producing busses aren't exaclty any more "Disney-ish", but you'll find them roaming the property.

A light-rail car can be modified to appear like many different things- such that body work can be done on a standard train to make them look exactly like the monorail cars. Very "Disney-ish" indeed.


New Member
Ok Gang here we go,

I am a Monorail pilot and this is the second most asked question after "How Fast will it go". They have talked about expaning the system and there area several options on the board, however, you will not see anything happen soon. As others have stated it is expensive and there are other factors that I can not go into here about it. Also in order to do a proper expantion not only will it req. beam way but trains. Druing peak times we run all 12 trains in the fleet and these trains are getting up there in age.

At present Disneyland is getting the next generation Mark VII trains in 2007. To expand the WDW system it would req at least another 6-10 trains. At the same time we would have to replace the 12 we have now. I think in the next 5-6 years you WILL see some kind of expansion but be for that I think we will see new tains before expanion, and if the trains ever come that is at least 3-4 years away. It takes time to build the trains after all the paper work and stuff is approved and nothing has been green lighted as of yet.

SO....Yes in the furture an expantion will happen but...not in the near future. LIike one post had stated there are other things on tap.. I would look for a 5th gate before any monorail expantion is given the green light.

Also in regards to the DTD parking thing..This is totaly my opinon, I think when the time comes for the monorail expantion you will see a totaly giant parking area for the bulk of the property. I really beleave that you will come on property and par in one central location and PAY your (money) and then be dispatiched to your destination. Free parking at DTD will never last forever..


Well-Known Member
csaribay said:
Those SMOG producing busses aren't exaclty any more "Disney-ish", but you'll find them roaming the property.
The monorail and any light-rail system are electric powered, and the electricity that WDW gets is from coal-fired plants. No green effect there. The newer low floor buses (about half the fleet last I heard) are newer low-emission diesel engines. If everyone on a bus were driving their own car to a park, there would be far more pollutants being generated than a bus would generate.

There is no easy answer to making Disney's transportation system more "magical." A reliable "clean engine" bus is years away...a monorail expansion of any decent size would be at least $500 million (by what I thought were pretty informed estimates)...light-rail still doesn't answer crowd logistic problems (same with monorail)...there's not enough connecting waterways for hovercraft transportation (something I think needs more consideration). But all this has been brought up before, and will probably be brought up again in future unsuspecting posts. Just like a "Rocky" sequel, they just won't stop.:lol:

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Ghostbuster626 said:
Nope its called common sense.

Steve said this to Thrawn before he got banned and nearly everything he said applies to you too:

wdwmagic said:
You talk about things with an air of authority, when you really dont know what you are talking about. You take little things that you read on the forum, and then present them as fact, when a lot of them have no credibility in the first place. You even then have the nerve to argue with people, using your assumptions as the basis of the argument. Each thread that you take part in turns into you trying to "out-fact" another poster, and half of the time, you are flat out wrong, or are just widely assuming things. To be honest, I find your posts incredibly irritating and annoying, full of mis-information, and arrogant.


New Member
gsimpson said:
Somehow in reading the rules for this site I must have missed the part that said if someone posts about a subject you don't care for it is compulsory to read the thread, post rude comments about the thread + its originator, and then speak as if you were Bob Iger with the full weight of the Disney board about the subject. I personally find the flaming to be a much worse waste of time and space than the repeated threads that the self styled elite don't like.

I have been surveyed by Disney cast members while standing at the ferry dock at Boardwalk regarding transportation and one or the options they asked my opinion on was monorail expansion. If they have no intention to ever expand it no matter what whey would thy waste their time and mine with such a survey.

Will they expand it? I hope so. When will it happen? I haven't a clue. Is it more likely now with Bob I. saying he intends to upgrade and spend more on the existing parks and someone like John L. taking the creative healm than it was during the Mike E. days? I would guess so. Is it likely that they would design new monorail cards for Disneyland and not do something in Walt Disney World? Seems unlikely.
It wont happen. Let me post why we are sick of the threads. basically it is because of the immense amount of money with NO return on investment, and the shareholders would need to vote on it because of the cost.

topic dead.

A simple thread search would have pulled up a long list of threads that all end in the same way.


Well-Known Member
wdwishes2005 said:
and the shareholders would need to vote on it because of the cost.

I could be wrong but I don't think that is true. I mean if that was the case then shareholders would have to vote everytime a new park or resort was going to be be built which they do not.


New Member
wdwishes2005 said:
It wont happen. Let me post why we are sick of the threads. basically it is because of the immense amount of money with NO return on investment, and the shareholders would need to vote on it because of the cost.

topic dead.

A simple thread search would have pulled up a long list of threads that all end in the same way.
I think everyone needs to stop saying things like "never." I also think people need to calm down. This guy heard something, so calmly (emphasis on calmly) discuss why you don't think it will happen with him. As for no return on investment, well directly, no you're right. Indirectly, I'm sure there are some factors that make it a good investment, otherwise, why would they build rides at all? Where's the direct return of investment on, say, Country Bear Jamboree?


New Member
Drawing people to the park. What kid says ' Hey mommy, lets go to Disney so we can ride the new mass transport system ' as opposed to ' Hey mommy, lets go to Disney to ride this new super advanced high speed adventure to the roof of the world and be chased by a 20 million dollar super AA called a yeti?'
And I was not being uncalm. I was explaining why it won't happen, and how we came to this conclusion through previous threads. Welcome to the boards OP, we are usually not like this. It has been discussed many, many times here and is sort of a sore topic.


New Member
In addition, it looks to me like those threads went down the tubes because of the presumptuous and rude behavior of the responders rather than the wide eyed innocence of the original poster.

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