Monorail Crash in 1980?

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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by scotty_l

Actually you are both correct. Usually two resort trains come out of shop at 6am and are brought over to the Resort beam. Usually they will bring the first train to the MK have it switch ends. The second train that comes out of shop will be brought onto the express beam and then will go in reverse through the switches to the resort beam. Then the train aat the mk will go through the switches. The 3rd or 4th trains usually go to Epcot and the last trains around 7:30 are the espress trains.

Actually... as it's been for the past 6 months at least... they've been leaving 3 resort trains out... Every so often I'd get to take a train out... but not as much as I'd like... (Last bid, I was GF Opening Driver)

As for Epcot... they've only been running two in the morning... One will usually be parked at Base, and one at Concourse.


New Member
Fantasia Boi, what do you do at WDW. Do you drive a bus, monorail, boat??? Also how hard is it to learn how to drive the monorail. I am planning to come to work for WDW when I get done college and either work for WDW Entertainment or the Monorails.


New Member
Originally posted by Fantasia Boi

Actually... as it's been for the past 6 months at least... they've been leaving 3 resort trains out... Every so often I'd get to take a train out... but not as much as I'd like... (Last bid, I was GF Opening Driver)

As for Epcot... they've only been running two in the morning... One will usually be parked at Base, and one at Concourse.

Opening GF driver... How much seniority did do you have... huh do you know Christine W. ...and if she is still out there tell her hi!!

Only 2 trains on EC. The last few months that I worked for Disney... They would run two trains on EC until 12 when the fourth exterior would be moved to EC instead of going to shop... Sometimes we would still like to send the fourth exterior back to shop and bring out another for EC. So that maintenance would get a head start on PMs. But I can imagine that with your budget cuts they still will run only 3 trains on lagoon. This is a shame that that give up service for dollers.. this seems to be the case ever since Frank Wells died and Justine Greene and Al Weiss came into the picture.....I miss ________ Nunis..


New Member
After Frank died Disney lost all that Walt Disney stood for. All they care about now is the money. Walt and Frank cared about the guests.


New Member
Originally posted by DisneyWorldGuru

This is the original question:

Hi guys I am trying to onfirm if its true, an unsaid source has said that a monorail in the early 80's crashed on its way EPCOT center.

I just want to know if its true?

So We Have Gone Way off Topic at this Point haven't we?? :D


New Member
Originally posted by monorail256
big deal.... the thread deals with transportation.. so we're talking about transportation

Just Trying to Inject a Little Comedy, No Reason to get angry...:hammer:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by scotty_l
Opening GF driver... How much seniority did do you have... huh do you know Christine W. ...and if she is still out there tell her hi!!
LOL... you know... Anytime some person transfers into the dept... the first words out of everyones mouth... "How much seniority do you have?" Not, "Hello, and welcome!" LOL... cracks me up it does.

As for Christine... ohhh yes, she's still there... She's a trainer, and sometimes T-Base 't. She'd be working the Contemporary and I'd be at the Flo... she'd always answer the phone, "Splash Mountain, Jim Bob!" and I'd answer, "Red Roof Inn" ... lol... I loved working with her. Oh, and FYI, she's engaged to John... :)

Originally posted by scotty_l
But I can imagine that with your budget cuts they still will run only 3 trains on lagoon. This is a shame that that give up service for dollers..
You got it... 3 trains on Exterior or Lagoon... unless super busy... And your right, it is a shame... With good drivers, we can make it work... but that's not always the case I'm afraid. Although, this past week, we ran 4/4/3... but Mears still had to come in for Mouse House to take care of the overflow...


New Member
Originally posted by Fantasia Boi

LOL... you know... Anytime some person transfers into the dept... the first words out of everyones mouth... "How much seniority do you have?" Not, "Hello, and welcome!" LOL... cracks me up it does.

As for Christine... ohhh yes, she's still there... She's a trainer, and sometimes T-Base 't. She'd be working the Contemporary and I'd be at the Flo... she'd always answer the phone, "Splash Mountain, Jim Bob!" and I'd answer, "Red Roof Inn" ... lol... I loved working with her. Oh, and FYI, she's engaged to John... :)

Ask her who set them up......

BTW we used to refer the Poly station as the Bat Cave... In fact an adventurous driver decided to to labael alot of things there such as bat light...bat fan...bat beam... You might still beable to see these... even though it has been years...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by scotty_l
BTW we used to refer the Poly station as the Bat Cave... In fact an adventurous driver decided to to labael alot of things there such as bat light...bat fan...bat beam... You might still beable to see these... even though it has been years...

The Bat Phone got moved to Base... lol :)

Mr Disney

Active Member
In the Parks
Hello all!

I just wanted to say that this is the single most interesting thread to me. I'm 14 years old and a Disney addict. I'm also new to the posting boards (as you can see from my post count) I hope that you guys will revive this thread seeing as that the last post before mine was on April 9th. Not a LONG time ago, but still. I know somebodya sked this already, but does anyone have "secret" :D pictures from Disney World? I would love to see them! If you want me to be specific, then I would definately like pics of Disney's "red lot." Oh! And can one of you guys list the nicknames for the monorail stations? Thanks a million!


New Member
Re: Hello all!

Originally posted by Mr Disney
I just wanted to say that this is the single most interesting thread to me. I'm 14 years old and a Disney addict. I'm also new to the posting boards (as you can see from my post count) I hope that you guys will revive this thread seeing as that the last post before mine was on April 9th. Not a LONG time ago, but still. I know somebodya sked this already, but does anyone have "secret" :D pictures from Disney World? I would love to see them! If you want me to be specific, then I would definately like pics of Disney's "red lot." Oh! And can one of you guys list the nicknames for the monorail stations? Thanks a million!

There are no real secret pictures. Yes, pictures of a new ride or park would be secret pictures. I have posted all of my pictures of monorails that people don't often see. I have pictures of the back of Tower of Terror and other locations where photos are not permitted. I have had rolls of film taken away because of it and warn and eager photographers not to take pictures where you are not sussposed to because security might take the film and give you $5. If I can I will try to get a few up soon.


Well-Known Member
Quote "This is a shame that that give up service for dollers.. this seems to be the case ever since Frank Wells died and Justine Greene and Al Weiss came into the picture.....I miss ________ Nunis.."

OMG are we not allowed to say this mans name?

The Mom

Premium Member
Sorry! The filter doesn't know the difference between Richard's nickname, and , well, you all know. ;)

Monorail Lime

Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Hello all!

Originally posted by DisneyWorldGuru
I have had rolls of film because of it and warn and eager photographers not to take pictures where you are not sussposed to because security might take the film and give you $5.


1. Go to Costco and buy film in bulk. $3 per roll.
2. Go to Disney World, take pictures in all sorts of stupid places, get it confiscated for $5.


Disney campers

New Member
This has been an interesting thread, question for the experts, what time do they switch the trains to the track that head to the monorail house?? i would love to see this....

The Mom

Premium Member
jimmybop, you're still alive! :) (sorry for the thread drift guys...please note his enrollment date) I was afraid I had scared you away! ;)

Back to topic. Thank to for everyone who posted all of the "inside" monorail information. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say this is the sort of expert info we're really looking for when we come to this site....although I'll settle for chit chat, too. ;)
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