MNSSHP and MVMCP 2016 prices released


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm beginning to wonder if those families that still want to go to this as these prices MAY begin to consider 1 less day of park tickets and use that at the resort by the pool etc and then just go to the party at 4 when they can get in.

If that happens that is a win lose equation for Disney
The difference between a 6 day and 5 day pass is $9.00 so that doesn't come close to the $90 it will cost for MVMCP.


Well-Known Member
Pancake, I don't know your financial situation, and would imagine you're a great person with the parks best interest at heart or you wouldn't be here, so please don't take this wrong.. But, I would imagine their is a large enough crowd of WDW customers, that there is a group above you that wishes they would raise prices even more to keep you , their idea of a honey boo boo crowd at home. Wrongly so, chances are there is a wealthier group than most of us that might feel that way. All of us should remember that when some begin to feel priced out..


Resident Curmudgeon
It was $54 in 2011. Glad we enjoyed it on that trip.

For the new price you better get full size candy bars and not the cheap candy I saw in the few trails we followed.

Well every year the candy trails get sparser and have lower quality candies I would expect that trend to continue


Resident Curmudgeon
I agree with you about the enjoyment of the parties. Ive been to both Christmas and halloween parties and enjoyed them both very much. However, I thought the price was steep for me then. I just think its too high for me now, but thats just me.

There is a difference between CAN pay and WILLING to pay as you note Disney has exceeded your 'Willing to Pay' threshold as they have mine


Resident Curmudgeon
How many people actually buy one day tickets though? Most people (I would think) are purchasing 4, 5, 6, 7 day tickets so adding one day, vs buying X amount of Halloween party tickets is not nearly as comparable. Glad it worked for you though.

According to many insiders the 1 day ticket is the most popular admission media at WDW.

HM Spectre

Well-Known Member
As someone planning a multiple day stay in late October, this is a real kick in the teeth.

It's also my kids' first time so that means I'm going to be ponying up... which I'm sure is exactly what some suit had in mind when they jacked the prices to the moon while laughing maniacally.

It seems like more and more, they're pushing us into a "once-in-a-lifetime" mindset away from the "regular vacation" so that we just plug our noses and pay these ridiculous rates. If it wasn't for my kids' 1st time, I'd tell them to pound sand.


Well-Known Member
Disney is a business, just like the real estate business and the automobile industry. Disney is not a charity. The reason Disney offers less discounts and can continue to raise prices is because people are willing to pay it. The proof is that even the "slow season" of September and October is much busier now than it use to be. Not only are more people coming during this time, they are willing to pay an additional fee for the Halloween Party.
And they sadly feel more and more like a business every day.

Disney is a business that is operating quarter to quarter when historically it has been much more successful operating for the long haul. They are in the hospitality business and they are turning it into assembly line entertainment. Everything is regimented, everything costs extra money.

They are continuing to offer less and charge more. They're moving away from the annual family trips that helped build generations of Disney fans.


Well-Known Member
Wishful thinking that it will lessen crowds in any way. If they don't sell out (which is unlikely) they'll just discount the tickets to get rid of them like they did with the overpriced evening event.

We reluctantly attended the Christmas party this past year. It was a fun night, but certainly not worth to us what we paid, which looks like a bargain now.

We were considering our first Halloween party trip this fall before our AP's expire. I'm pretty sure this puts an end to that idea. We can afford it, but we can also spend a week in Universal for what renewing our AP's will cost. We haven't been there in more than a decade, so it seems like the right time to break rank and see what else is out there. It honestly saddens me, but it is what it is.


Well-Known Member
We let our money talk. My wife and I have booked a trip to Fripp Island this September and 3 days at universal with 8 days on a RCI Harmony of the sea the following September. While this is not directly related to the parties it is due to the constant price increases. We went from AP, 3 times a year visitors to once a year only during free dining to not at all. I remember when we could take 3 trips for the same price as what 1 cost us now.

So consider us "priced out"


Well-Known Member
I hate to be that guy, but if you could sell out the parties at a higher price, why wouldn't you? Now, there's a list of reasons to say the increased price doesn't match the value, but that's a different conversation.

I see what you're saying, but just because they *can* does that really mean they should? It looks greedy. And it's becoming more noticable. Is a room at the Poly really worth over a hundred or two? I can't at all blame them, people will pay so why not? And the price matching the value, well, that is another conversation. It's just a bit disappointing to see them so willing to take advantage and charge 20-30 more for things than they really need to be. Really though, you recognize most wouldn't bat an eye at increase pricing if Disney actually delivered on new experiences (they're working on it, but by 2019, when Star Wars Land opens, just how much will the cost of a ticket be?) and refreshed entertainment. Instead we log in here and see which act was cut, which characters are going away ... that's where the majority of complaining comes from. At least from me.


Resident Curmudgeon
I see what you're saying, but just because they *can* does that really mean they should? It looks greedy. And it's becoming more noticable. Is a room at the Poly really worth over a hundred or two? I can't at all blame them, people will pay so why not? And the price matching the value, well, that is another conversation. It's just a bit disappointing to see them so willing to take advantage and charge 20-30 more for things than they really need to be. Really though, you recognize most wouldn't bat an eye at increase pricing if Disney actually delivered on new experiences (they're working on it, but by 2019, when Star Wars Land opens, just how much will the cost of a ticket be?) and refreshed entertainment. Instead we log in here and see which act was cut, which characters are going away ... that's where the majority of complaining comes from. At least from me.

Right because at one time not all that long ago we could go to WDW and see new things yes mostly small details but new nonetheless, Now it's visit WDW and see the new cuts. Frankly my expectations for Pandora and Star Wars are very low and I fully expect WDW to underperform even those expectations based on whats been done over the past few years.


Resident Curmudgeon
Which is surprising to me but could be because of conventions around Orlando as well. But most of those get ticket discounts so not sure

Maybe more people are visiting Uni and SW and only the MK

Does it matter if it's a discounted one day for a conventioneer or a full price ticket It's still a single day admission. I don't know the details there used to be a ticketing CM here who knew the details of this stuff and shared which is perhaps why they are not still here.


Resident Curmudgeon
We let our money talk. My wife and I have booked a trip to Fripp Island this September and 3 days at universal with 8 days on a RCI Harmony of the sea the following September. While this is not directly related to the parties it is due to the constant price increases. We went from AP, 3 times a year visitors to once a year only during free dining to not at all. I remember when we could take 3 trips for the same price as what 1 cost us now.

So consider us "priced out"

I would not consider you priced out as you CAN pay, But because you no longer see the value you CHOOSE not to pay, That's a bigger threat to Disney than they realize as most of us who are not going CAN pay what Disney's asking but we CHOOSE not to and spend our money elsewhere. Right now in years past we would be packing for our 2 week may trip. Not this year...

It only takes a few hundred thousand people to cause a decline in Disney's admission statistics, Once you lose a customer for any reason it's hard to get them back.

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