MK Testing New Entry Scans


Well-Known Member
Just a word of advice, mmartelli... political discussions are against the forum rules. Since you appear to know this, you may be banned. :wave:


mmartelli said:
Well now I bet you have a sticker on your car that says "Freedom isn't FREE" Perhaps you need a class in the meaning of words. if something costs then it is not Free. The bumper sticker should read "Opression takes work." You cant have it both can not be free and forced to do anything against your will like pay taxes, go to jurry duty...etc. It is not a free society when you are forced to do things by the state. Just think about all the things you do in one day, I bet that nearly everything you do has some kind of government restictions on it. Now how free is that?

Try to start up a new buisness? can you do it without government?
Try to buy something from a store? Can you do it without government?
Try using water or power (municipal utlities) Can you do it without government?

the list goes who is Naive? one who believes that we are free and that to be free we must pay....or one who understands that to be free costs nothing? We would be plenty free if the government just got off our backs. Just think about it...if you pay taxes or if you own a small business, ever tried to buy a car or work in TV/Radio you know how oppressed we are.
I don't want a political debate, but you're going to generate some zeal with a statement like "Freedom is free." I'd like to be in the room when you explain that to the parent, spouse, son or daughter of someone who died fighting for freedom. BTW, dining with a political pundit doesn't make you one.


New Member
wannab@dis said:
Just a word of advice, mmartelli... political discussions are against the forum rules. Since you appear to know this, you may be banned. :wave:

I know!!!! But this guy doesnt want to continue this in PM. Ive tried, he took a shot at me personally so I responded to this. But thanks again :hammer:


Well-Known Member
mmartelli said:

I know!!!! But this guy doesnt want to continue this in PM. Ive tried, he took a shot at me personally so I responded to this. But thanks again :hammer:

You seem confused. Biometric scanning is used to prevent guests from sharing tickets. Disney started doing this 10 years ago with AP holders. They now do this with all tickets since MYW tickets, extra days for almost free, lend itself to guests buying extra days to sell or share.

Political discussions really aren't allowed on this board. Board members are not required to exchange PMs with you just becuase you want to debate them.:hammer:


mmartelli said:
You know nothing of the spririt of 1776. But let us continue this elswehere. This is not the place for political discussion....PM me, Im up for a debate..

Of course I know nothing about the spirit of 1776. I completely skipped that part of my education. In fact, my professors allowed me to skip any reference to 1776 during my Master's and PhD courses.:rolleyes:

mmartelli said:
Since you have taken a personal attack at me I shall adress this here. I was a bigtime political leader on my campus President of the Nationally recognized and awarded College Republicans of Roger Williams University. During my time as club president I dined with famous political leaders like Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Bill Frist, governer of RI Don Carcieri and more so I got a front row view of our political system sir. I have given you a way to chat with me about this in another method. I do not wish to just leave this be, if you wish we can discuss this further, how is that disengenous?

I consider your insinuation that I know nothing about the Revolution a personal attack and responded in kind. I would suggest a thicker skin or a re-evaluation of your posting style if you can't take it.
Congratulations on the dinners with the right wing of the Republican party. I am sure they are very interesting to dine with.

mmartelli said:
A spirit of 1776 patriot distrusted government; loved family, home town, and had no want to form one big government. Perhapse you forgot how the Patriots acted at the "Intollerable Acts" of the British king? Boston Tea Party ring a bell? They were furious at the idea of being told what to do when they believed they were sovereign individuals. May I remind you that in the years leading up to the revolution men like Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson wrote extensive documents outlining a unique liberty...a uniquly American liberty.

Very interesting spin. Again, much more complicated than the simplistic analysis you present.

mmartelli said:
We live in very opressive times sir, times that Jefferson and Paine would not tollerate. If you are going to research your PHD I suggest you look at Jefferson's 1790's letters on the Virgini Plan. they outline his philosophies of Liberty. You might want to check out the writings of Lew Rockwell or Murry Rothbard as well, they are modern day libertarians (Jefferson is considered the firts Libertarian).

Again, very interesting spin. Are you one of those that also knows what Walt Disney would do today to?
By the way, you are way at the bottom of the list of people I plan on taking advice from regarding my PhD.:wave:

mmartelli said:
How can you tell me that this society is Patriotic? We know nothing of the ideals that founded America. Waving a flag and supporting the troops doesnt make you a patriot. A patriot believes in limited government, and not a big national state with overwhelming powers. A true patriot would not pledge alegiants to the State, but to his family, to his god of choice, to his home town. Read up on it brother and perhapse we can both learn something.

Thanks for the definition of Patriotism. I think I'll let my research define it for me and not some poster on a web board.

This is my last response to you because you are not worth the time it takes to type these responses and quite honestly you seem to have an undending desire to push your political views despite knowing it is against forum rules :brick: and at this point I feel I am skirting the edge of those rules an have no desire to go over the line.


New Member
ok buddy...

I have had one person pm me and continue the convo there. I am more than happy to respond to you there but please spare these people your "educated PHD" drivel.

WDW WDW WDW...lets get back to WDW!!! I cant claim to know what Walt Disney would do, I can only make an educated guess based on the information I know about Walt. example: would walt like the little mermaid 2? probably not because he hated sequels.

Maybe we could ask Walt, i saw him eating lunch with Elvis in a detroit diner.


New Member
As far as the finger print scanners go, Universal Orlando uses fingerprint scanners at their entrance gates AND at their lockers. No one (at least to my knowledge) has gotten too worked up over that. At least not enough to file a lawsuit.

I think people are just afraid of a Big Brother that doesn't exist. If Disney scans fingerprints, they aren;t going to use it against you. The scanners would see too many people a day anyway. I think the maximum it could do is bing your ffingerprint to your ticket. Nothing too dangerous.

But that's just my opinion.


Beta Return
Wow, and I thought I was a right-winged nut! But at least I don't live my life afraid of the government and constantly brainstorming conspiracies.

The recent "arguments" have no place in this thread. We started by discussing the possible implementation of fingerprint identification in lieu of the current biometric finger scan for admission into the WDW theme parks. Then some people freaked out, thinking that Disney was collecting fingerprints on behalf of the government and violating our civil liberties. Then it snowballed into a political discussion over 1776 and revolutionary times. I think others are with me when I say, "W T F ?"

To get back to the OP, my opinion is plainly this: if WDW can use a more precise and simpler way to identify ticket holders which will ultimately help keep ticket prices low, then I'm all for them. If I think that something they implement will harm me or put my personal identity and information at jeopardy, I'll object to the practice either directly, or by avoiding it altogether.

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