MK/Epcot News & Photos: Stitch, CoP Glitch, Fig construction, SURPRISES!, & firetruck


Well-Known Member
Way to go once again there, Grizz. I really enjoy all your updates... they're really helpful for those of us who can't get there more than once a year or less!!


Well-Known Member
Tahu said:
I noticed that the JIIWF sign is gone in one of those photos. They need to get that back up or the kids won't meet our traumatized purple friend. Speaking of which , I'm going as Figment for halloween this year by wearing my Figment hat, a yellow jacket with orange wings attached, and maybe, if I get to making one, a purple tail with the orange spines.

Good eye! I noticed it was gone, too! But, I wanted to see if anyone else caught it first. :)


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
yeh, things seem to be safe for the time being...................... excellent! but dont put your guard down.

thanks grizz for the wonderful update.


New Member
Can't wait to see everything this weekend! Great update, Grizz!

The meet and greet who "Dreamfinder" was, is that Disney Characters on Holiday, or just a random meet and greet? Just wondering!


General Grizz

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TheDisneyGirl02 said:
Can't wait to see everything this weekend! Great update, Grizz!

The meet and greet who "Dreamfinder" was, is that Disney Characters on Holiday, or just a random meet and greet? Just wondering!

There was no character bus, so I'm assuming it was just a random meet and greet. All the characters were scheduled to meet again in World Showcase, so it was a traveling group.


New Member
I don't post too often on here, but I wanted to say "thanks!" for all the great updates you provide. I'm glad to see they will be using the old camera center space for something...and a Figment meet-and-greet should be fun (if only we can get them to do something with the original Image Works space).

I try to stay positive, but what they've done to the Diamond Horseshoe is just shameful.

Thanks again!


New Member
General Grizz said:
[BOh gee whiz. I hope NO classic Diamond Horseshoe Cast Member sets foot in their now ghost-town theatre.

<img src="">

There it is. The replacement for the classic, one and only Diamond Horseshoe Revue. Pitiful, isn’t it? Because Disney doesn’t want to pay for (albeit expensive) GREAT talent, they resort to this. You can be “realistic” about it in that Disney is a business, but you also need to be realistic in that a bad show (and an insult!) does not bring guests back.

Word on the Frontierland streets is that Goofy’s Dancing Jamboree just didn’t have the attendance. Not surprising. It’s time to bring the Diamond Horseshoe Revue back!

OMG, you're totally right, that's an absolutely appalling picture! Thanks for the update!


Well-Known Member
Which Innoventions are the Fire trucks in? I was there 2 weeks ago in Innoventions East(?) where they had the UL demonstration and Segway stuff, but no fire trucks.

I though Innoventions West was all video games? (scratching heads)

General Grizz

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KevinPage said:
Which Innoventions are the Fire trucks in? I was there 2 weeks ago in Innoventions East(?) where they had the UL demonstration and Segway stuff, but no fire trucks.

I though Innoventions West was all video games? (scratching heads)
Yes, the photos are from Innoventions West. This year was the first year in several that I've set foot in Innoventions. In August, I explored East (with the new plastics exhibit, 100 Years of Magic mural, House of Future, etc), and most recently, I looked through West (Firetruck exhibit, Tom Morrow's Playground, Video Games, "Ultimate Home Theater," and some pretty impressive, but not quite my cup of tea, ecological exhibits).


Well-Known Member
Where was Motorola in? I remember they had a talking robot in one of the corners for years. But last time I was in EAST, it looked like that area was boarded up, maybe the NEW Fire exhibit???


Active Member
COP Question

Hi I'm new here. I've read a lot of stuf about COP and was wondering about a post about a huge rehab for COP to return/restore it back to the 1964 show. My question is: Would that also include "Progress City"? I've heard the sound track but do not remember the show. :veryconfu Can someone help?

Many thanks.

By the way, What is the D-Army and where do I sign up? :)


Oh, that Diamond Horseshoe picture is killing me. Seeing the room itself brings back such great memories. But then to see that big empty floor -- well it's just sad.


New Member
Thanks for the update! It would totally rock if the opening date for Sorin' was 5/5/05, because that is my 30th birthday!:D:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
IDreamOfDisney said:
By the way, What is the D-Army and where do I sign up? :)
The D-Army is the Disney Army and I think you just did :animwink: .
I am the Counter-Potato-gregory-head-official-underwater-war-recon-that-verbally-assaults-high tech toys of the D-Army. Welcome Aboard!
PS. Welcome to the Boards!!!

General Grizz

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IDreamOfDisney said:
Hi I'm new here. I've read a lot of stuf about COP and was wondering about a post about a huge rehab for COP to return/restore it back to the 1964 show. My question is: Would that also include "Progress City"? I've heard the sound track but do not remember the show. :veryconfu Can someone help?

Many thanks.

By the way, What is the D-Army and where do I sign up? :)

First of all, WELCOME TO WDWMAGIC. :sohappy: (And how did you find out about D-Army so fast?! Let me tell you, that you will find out - and automatically be part of the "D-Army" - and this goes for anyone) in a couple of weeks. Trust me, when it is ready for action, you will know! :) )

To answer your question, the original rumor about bringing CoP back to the 1964 state is completely unfounded. Of course there is a chance, but considering Disney wants to get rid of CoP or put it on seasonal status, I sadly believe they won't significantly alter or update it in the coming year. And if this were the case, that the 1964 version would return, I doubt Progress City would return.


Nice update Grizz. I really got excited when i glnced at the fake Dreamfinder pic, but now I'm back in Dreamfinder withdraw :cry: . I miss that guy. Do you think it's possible to get enough support to bring him back?

General Grizz

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SirGoofy said:
Nice update Grizz. I really got excited when i glnced at the fake Dreamfinder pic, but now I'm back in Dreamfinder withdraw :cry: . I miss that guy. Do you think it's possible to get enough support to bring him back?
It's ultimately Disney's decision, but I'm sure they'll get the hint soon. We'll do what we can, but we know our limits. :)

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