Dana~ Hey guys Tommorow is jess's Birthday...
Luke~ IT IS?! Nuh uh.
Dana~ yes it is....
Connor~I knew it was in the next few days.
Luke~ I see you are correct. i CALL STARTING THE THREAD!
Connor~ No! I get to do it!
Bonny~ What if I want to start the thread?!?!?!?!
Luke~ No! You snooze you lose! I called it first!
Connor~I'm her date! I get to do it!
Luke~ Oh yeah? Well I've met her!

Connor~ Yeah, well I'm stuck up in Philadelphia without any kind of transportation down there!
Luke~ You can have his (Michaels)
Connor~ What if I don't want it? :lookaroun
Bonny~ HEY!!!!!! I said I wanted it .....pout
Connor~ I expect Jess's thread any minute now...
Luke~ There you go Connor
Me~ (y'all make me feel so loved... :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: )
Betty~ Hey Birthday Girlie! :wave: